Rick Owens Menswear S/S 2025 Paris

He really thought he did something with 10 looks repeatedly 20 times on 200 models. Does he?

It's giving “I'm gonna pull an all-nighter the night before the deadline because procrastination got the best of me”.
I felt hypnotized after watching. It would make an amazing segment for one of those historic Hollywood productions but for a fashion show its too monotonous. I can imagine being in the crowd.
I think that watching it on a screen is more impactful than experiencing it on live because it’s not on a closed space.
Between the traffic behind, the phones, the so/so weather in Paris…

Very grand and peplum-ish but we have so many stunts every seasons that it’s kinda hard to look beyond that fact to analyze or critic a show like this.

So maybe link it with an Hollywood peplum is more fitting.
He is to busy f*cking Tyrone to care about actually designing an interesting collection...the way he used to before meeting that guy (Tyrone is a bad influence for Rick).
I did not like this collection. I really respect Rick's aesthetic, but it's tired to me now. It has plateaued to put it kindly. People who are wearing Rick nowadays are all wanna-be's, so it's been pretty commercialized to me. Doesn't feel as special anymore.
He is to busy f*cking Tyrone to care about actually designing an interesting collection...the way he used to before meeting that guy (Tyrone is a bad influence for Rick).
I agree with this, he's commercialized the brand and Tyrone acts like he's a mascot when, truly, he's a distraction.
You can either see this as incredibly pompous and cringe or if you tune on his vibe, as pretty striking. It feels more costume than fashion, it's true, but some of the separates - especially a couple of jackets - weren't that bad. Seeing the same clothes on models with different body types was also an interesting exercise. At least he's telling a story, something that I can appreciate even if I wouldn't ever consider buying his stuff. It's something when compared to a lot of bland shows that displayed pretty basic if not downright ugly garments with no vision whatsoever.
Mesopotamia, Rome, Egypt, the fall of England, the French revolution a feverish high pitch before it All falls down this is brilliant show not much clothes to look at but then again I'm not a big fan of his clothing but it's very interesting but what a fantastic show very dark without dark colors society building society's falling this is a brilliant show good job. We are living in an extreme world of The haves and have nots how long will the have nots, not have? In any which way people will always worship other people even with their gods the Christianity, Islam, Judaism people will always worship the rich and the powerful. A great show like this in this binocular should always make you think. As pure fun and powerful as well. I hope to see more people in this thread dissect it what a great show
relax buddy..

funny this is associated with gen z... cause it's quintessentially boomer s*it.



the atelier team consisted of three from day one there. rick as designer and patternmaker. the assistant designer dafne. and the sample maker richard. he was going stay there as he wanted to keep separated from NY and paris.
"fantasy is unnecessary to menswear. I'd like to avoid these two images: feminine man and dandy man. I don't like them. I think menswear should be simple, masculine, and functional. just like military surplus." his statement from 2002 early summer tokyo

he doesn't have to be consistent of course. to live is to be dissimilated gradually. otherwise encounter would be meaningless.
but seems like time to leave paris now. hanging about with industry customs could exhaust you. invent your own business model. like alaia. like ccp.
to make up much ado about vanity to generate big money. or to devote yourself to creation.
there is probably something to critique about whatever 'political' statement is being made here considering he once punched one of his muses/models in the face for making a very direct and unambiguous statement. 🤷‍♂️
is this true ?
I wonder how Jera is doing now.

I'm kinda warming up to Tyrone's reign of terror as he becomes less human looking with surgery and other procedures. It's very sci-fi and current times. Very brand appropriate.

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