Roman Polanski detained in Zurich

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France has condemned the arrest in Switzerland of film director Roman Polanski, who has French citizenship.

Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand said he had been "stunned" to hear about the arrest, and President Nicolas Sarkozy was following the case. Mr Polanski, 76, faces extradition to the US for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in Los Angeles in 1977.

The Paris-born Polish filmaker was detained in Zurich on Saturday as he travelled to a film festival. He is being held under a 2005 international alert issued by the US. A Swiss spokesman said the US would now have to make a formal extradition request.

Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said that because of agreements with the US, "when Mr Polanski arrived we had no choice from a legal point of view but to arrest him".

"He obviously has the right to appeal and I think he will do so," she added. 'Never showed up'.

Mr Mitterrand's office said the culture minister "strongly regrets that a new ordeal is being inflicted on someone who has already experienced so many of them".

Mr Polanski fled the US in 1978 after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with an underage girl.

1977 - Polanski admits unlawful sex with Samantha Geimer, 13, in Los Angeles
1978 - flees to Britain after US arrest warrant is issued
1978 - immediately moves to France where he holds citizenship
1978 - settles in France, where he is protected by France's limited extradition with US
2008 - Polanski's lawyer demands case be dismissed and hearing moved out of LA court
2009 - Polanski's request to have hearing outside LA is denied

He was initially indicted on six counts and faced up to life in prison.
The filmmaker has not set foot in the US for more than 30 years.

In recent years, he has tried to have the r*pe case dismissed, claiming the original judge, who is now dead, arranged a plea bargain but later reneged.
Mr Polanski has been to Switzerland before, but this time US authorities apparently knew of his trip in advance.

That gave them time to prepare the groundwork for his arrest and send a provisional arrest warrant to Swiss authorities, judicial officials said.

In the past, Mr Polanski had heard in advance about requests for his arrest on planned trips, and had changed his plans, said Sandi Gibbons, the Los Angeles district attorney's office spokeswoman.

"He never showed up in the country where he was supposed to be, and he was never arrested," she said.

The victim at the centre of the case, Samantha Geimer, has previously asked for the charges to be dropped.


Right now, in France, indeed a lot of cinema people are really angry ...
There's even a petition for letting Roman out ...

It's kind of like so-called Nazi hunters going after old decrepit German soldiers living in exile, to punish them for their WWII war crimes.
I'm sorry but where are you from ?
Coz you're definitely not from Europe to say such a thing ...
And that's fun, coz this morning a friend of Roman said on the radio : "C'mone he is not a war criminal, let this go ..."
That's just stupid all sort of weird arguments ppl give for him to go out of jail.
another friend of Roman said "And what would be the reactions of the public, if an iranian escaped his country where he is under arrest and that France arrested him to send him back to his country ... ?" ....
And I was like HOW in the world can you dare compare a case of child-r*pe, with a case of escaping one's country because of political issues ??????

The way he was arrested was weird, that's sure ... But after that ... It is really really weirdo to hear and read what I do since this morning !
Insane !

Celebs are really Gods for ya !
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I heard about this on the news today, and it made me sad, as Roman is my absolute favorite movie director. :(
If the girl (who is now a grown woman) already forgave him for what he did (and even asked for the charges against Roman to be dropped), it seems kind of silly to me that they'd go after him 32 years after the incident in question occurred. ***Edited ***
And besides, I can think of other celebrities who did something awful and actually got away with it.

The girl has NOT said she 'forgave' him. She simply wants there to be an end to the court case which has plagued her for thirty years. She has never seen justice for what he did to her. She has no optimism that she will ever see justice. Can you blame her? She has spent nearly three-quarters of her life with this haunting her.

***Edited *** Are you saying that if one court goes easy on a r*pist, then in the sake of fairless no r*pists should have to pay for the harm they have caused :huh: Does one miscarriage of justice mean that that should be the norm for all similar crimes committed? Whichever celebrities you are thinking of, you didn't even name any, anyone who has committed a crime should have to answer for it. Period. And what does celebrity even have to do with it? Why shouldn't he be treated as a man, like anyone else is before the law?

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According to The Associated Press, the Swiss Ministry of Justice released a statement following the arrest that Polanski, a French national, would not be extradited to the United States until the proceedings are completed and that he has the option to contest both his detention and any extradition decision.

Polanski's team of U.S. attorneys -- Douglas Dalton, Bart Dalton and Chad Hummel -- seemed surprised by the arrest.

"An issue related to the Swiss extradition matter is presently being litigated before the California Court of Appeal. We had hoped that this would be determinative of this case," they said in a statement to today. "We were unaware of any extradition being sought and separate counsel will be retained for those proceedings."

A surprise arrest at the Zurich airport, detention at the hands of Swiss authorities, and a high-profile extradition process that could take weeks or months. The irony is that for Roman Polanski, the acclaimed director accused of child r*pe three decades ago, this latest ordeal could lead to the one thing he has lacked since: his freedom.

Polanski's arrest as he arrived Saturday in Switzerland for a film festival honor could potentially spur on his legal team's recent motion to dismiss charges that have dogged him since he fled the United States for France in 1978, a year after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl.

Some say the arrest of the 76-year-old Academy Award winner could lead to a resolution that would allow him to once again travel freely.


Polanski's long-running legal saga gained new momentum late last year with the release of an HBO documentary, "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired," which claimed misconduct by the now-deceased judge who handled 1977 case and reneged on a plea deal. With the new evidence presented in the film, Polanski sent a team of lawyers to court in Los Angeles seeking dismissal of the charges.

But despite acknowledging substantial misconduct, a judge ruled that Polanski would have to appear in person to pursue his motion.

Polanski's lawyers said he decided not to risk arrest on a fugitive warrant, and planned instead never to set foot in the United States.

His victim, Samantha Geimer, who long ago identified herself publicly, sued Polanski and reached an undisclosed settlement.

But she has since joined in Polanski's bid for dismissal.

People here are making condemning statements without knowing all the facts. This case was resolved many years ago, but the Judge committed judicial misconduct.
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Polanski has asked a U.S. appeals court in California to overturn a judges' refusal to throw out his case. He claims misconduct by the now-deceased judge who had arranged a plea bargain and then reneged on it.

His victim, Samantha Geimer, who long ago identified herself publicly, has joined in Polanski's bid for dismissal, saying she wants the case to be over. She sued Polanski and reached an undisclosed settlement.

Earlier this year, Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza in Los Angeles dismissed Polanski's bid to throw out the case because the director failed to appear in court to press his request, but said there was "substantial misconduct" in the handling of the original case.

In his ruling, Espinoza said he reviewed not only legal documents, but also watched the HBO documentary, "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired," which suggests there was behind-the-scenes manipulations by a now-retired prosecutor not assigned to the case.
translations are coming.

Affaire Polanski : trente-deux ans de procédure

LEMONDE.FR | 28.09.09 | 13h11 • Mis à jour le 28.09.09 | 13h11

Le cinéaste franco-polonais Roman Polanski a été interpellé, samedi 26 septembre, en Suisse, pour une affaire de "relations sexuelles illégales" avec une adolescente qui remonte à trente-deux ans aux Etats-Unis.
  • 1977
Dans la maison de son ami Jack Nicholson, Roman Polanski, alors âgé de 43 ans, a un rapport sexuel, le 10 mars, avec une jeune fille de 13 ans, Samantha Geimer, qu'il photographiait pour le magazine français Vogue. Rapport consenti selon Polanski, forcé selon la mineure – il l'aurait "abreuvée" de champagne et de drogues. Dénoncé par la famille Geimer, le réalisateur est arrêté.

Il plaide coupable pour détournement de mineure, et non pour viol, après un arrangement entre son avocat et le procureur, en échange d'une réduction de peine. Incarcéré six semaines à la prison de Chino (Californie), il est libéré sous caution. Même si l'évaluation conduite en prison conclut que Polanski n'est pas un pervers sexuel, à sa sortie, celui-ci craint que le juge Laurence Rittenband, chargé de l'affaire, ne revienne sur sa parole et ne l'incarcère plus longtemps.
  • 1er février 1978
Roman Polanski prend un avion à destination de Londres, puis s'installe à Paris, où il acquiert la nationalité française. Il travaille pour Hollywood, mais ne remettra jamais les pieds sur le territoire américain.
  • 2005
Depuis fin 2005, les autorités américaines recherchent activement Roman Polanski et émettent un mandat d'arrêt international.
  • Décembre 2008
Le cinéaste charge ses avocats américains de relancer une demande de classement des poursuites à son encontre. Ils ont déposé une requête de non-lieu s'appuyant sur de "nouveaux éléments de preuve", comme des manquements graves à l'éthique professionnelle de la part du juge d'alors (mort en 1993) et du bureau du procureur. Ces manquements étaient exposés dans le film documentaire de Marina Zenovich, Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008).
  • Janvier 2009
Samantha Geimer, âgée de 45 ans, s'est décidée à faire une requête devant la justice de Los Angeles pour que les poursuites contre Roman Polanski soient abandonnées. Elle a expliqué que l'insistance avec laquelle le parquet de la ville exigeait le retour du cinéaste aux Etats-Unis tenait de la "mauvaise blague" dont elle faisait les frais.
  • 7 mai 2009
Le juge californien Peter Espinoza, tout en reconnaissant qu'il y avait eu "une faute professionnelle substantielle" du procureur et du juge, constate néanmoins l'absence du cinéaste à l'audience, et rejette donc sa demande de classement de la plainte.
Les avocats de Roman Polanski demandent alors à la cour d'appel de l'Etat de Californie d'examiner ces vices de procédure et atteintes aux droits constitutionnels du prévenu.
  • 26 septembre 2009
Roman Polanski, âgé de 76 ans, est interpellé à son arrivée à l'aéroport de Zurich, alors qu'il devait recevoir au Festival du film de la ville un prix pour l'ensemble de sa carrière. Il est menacé d'extradition aux Etats-Unis.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes to Hilary Clinton
Le chef de la diplomatie française Bernard Kouchner a indiqué aujourd'hui sur la radio France Inter qu'il avait écrit avec son homologue polonais à la secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton, pour demander la libération du cinéaste franco-polonais Roman Polanski.

Le chef de la diplomatie polonaise Radoslaw Sikorski avait annoncé hier que la Pologne et la France allaient demander ensemble à Washington la libération du cinéaste, arrêté samedi sur mandat d'arrêt américain en Suisse. M. Kouchner a souligné que cette démarche commune est fondée sur le fait que Roman Polanski est Français et Polonais.

M. Kouchner a critiqué "la manière dont la justice est utilisée" dans l'affaire : "ce n'est pas la justice internationale que nous accusons, c'est la manière dont elle a été utilisée", a-t-il commenté, en remarquant : "le cinéma suisse invite Roman Polanski et sait bien qu'il va venir". "Tout ça n'est pas très joli", a-t-il ajouté.

"C'est un peu sinistre cette histoire, franchement. Un homme d'un tel talent reconnu dans le monde entier, reconnu surtout dans le pays qui l'arrête, tout ça n'est pas sympathique", a observé le chef de la diplomatie française. M. Kouchner avait fait valoir dès dimanche aux autorités suisses que Paris souhaitait que "cette affaire trouve rapidement une issue favorable", en s'entretenant avec Micheline Calmy-Rey, conseillère fédérale en charge des Affaires étrangères.

Agé de 76 ans, Roman Polanski fait l'objet d'une procédure ouverte contre lui par les autorités américaines en 1977 pour une affaire de moeurs et il n'a pu remettre les pieds sur le sol américain depuis 1978. Le cinéaste d'origine polonaise, qui a passé son enfance dans le ghetto de Cracovie, a été naturalisé français en 1976.

Frederic Mitterand, Ministry of Culture :

Encore plus virulent, Frédéric Mitterrand, le ministre de la culture, juge l'arrestation de Polanski "absolument épouvantable" et se dit effaré "de le voir ainsi jeté en pâture alors qu'il se rendait à une manifestation où on allait lui rendre hommage, pris au piège". Il ajoute : "Il y a une Amérique généreuse que nous aimons, il y a aussi une certaine Amérique qui fait peur, et c'est cette Amérique-là qui vient de nous présenter son visage."

Polanski's arrest was planned for a week :

Polanski : une arrestation planifiée depuis une semaine

Le parquet de Los Angeles a déclenché la procédure après avoir eu vent du déplacement en Suisse du cinéaste.
© Reuters Ina Fassbender

Pourquoi la Suisse a-t-elle arrêté Roman Polanski maintenant ? La question est sur toutes les lèvres. Le cinéaste franco-polonais se rend en effet souvent dans le pays, d'autant plus qu'il y posséde "un chalet à Gstaad, le plus officiellement du monde", souligne son avocat, Me Hervé Temime.
Réponse des Helvètes : La Suisse "n'avait pas d'autre solution". "Dans un Etat de droit, il n'est pas possible de faire des différences", a justifié la ministre de la Justice suisse Eveline Wildmer-Schlumpf. Elle assure par ailleurs ne pas avoir subi de "pression des Américains". Alors, pourquoi maintenant et pas avant ? Parce que c'était la première fois que Berne savait à l'avance que le cinéaste allait venir en Suisse, affirme la ministre.
En fait, une porte-parole du procureur de Los Angeles, citée par le Los Angeles Times dimanche, a révélé que l'arrestation de Roman Polanski était planifiée depuis la semaine dernière, après que le parquet a été mis au courant du déplacement en Suisse du cinéaste. Par deux fois déjà, le parquet avait tenté de déclenché cette procédure. Mais à chaque fois, Roman Polanski avait "visiblement découvert les plans (de la Justice) et renoncé à ces déplacements" à l'étranger.
Pour l'heure, Roman Polanski est retenu en "détention provisoire" à l'aéroport de Zurich où il a été intercepté à son arrivée. Sa femme, l'actrice française Emmanuelle Seignier, l'a rejointe dimanche soir, accompagnée de Me Temime. Son avocat a déposé dès lundi matin une demande de remise en liberté. La justice américaine dispose de 40 jours pour présenter une demande d'extradition officielle. Polanski pourra de son côté contester toute décision auprès du tribunal pénal fédéral, puis du Tribunal fédéral, la plus haute instance judiciaire helvétique. Sa demande de libération a été appuyée par la France et la Pologne qui ont écrit à Hillary Clinton pour plaider la clémence, selon Bernard Kouchner.
L'ambassadeur de France en Suisse, Joëlle Bourgeois, a choisi l'ironie pour exprimer sa consternation au micro de Damien Gourlet :

Les faits qui sont reprochés à Roman Polanski remontent à 1977. Il aurait violée une adolescente de 13 ans. Sa victime présumée, Samantha Geimer, raconte en 1977 devant le grand jury qu'en mars de la même année, Roman Polanski demande à sa mère s'il peut organiser une séance photos avec elle dans la villa de l'acteur Jack Nicholson, située dans le quartier de Hollywood Hills. A son arrivée, il l'abreuve de champagne et de drogues, prend des photos d'elle nue dans un bain, puis, malgré la résistance qu'elle lui oppose, réussit à la forcer à avoir une relation sexuelle. "Je disais : +Non, non. Je ne veux pas aller (dans la chambre). Non, je ne veux pas faire ça. Non+", racontait Samantha Geimer dans un entretien en 2003. Arrêté sur la plainte des parents de Samantha Geimer, le cinéaste, alors âgé de 43 ans, a plaidé coupable de "relations sexuelles illégales" et passé un mois et demi en prison. Fin janvier 1978, menacé de retourner sous les verrous, Roman Polanski a pris un avion pour la France où il vit depuis. Il ne devait jamais revenir.
Samantha Geimer a, à de nombreuses reprises, exprimé le dégoût qu'elle a ressenti lorsqu'elle a dû raconter les faits à la police, puis à la Justice. Elle a quitté Los Angeles pour Hawaï dans les années 80 où elle s'est mariée et a élevé trois fils, loin de la célébrité qu'elle a acquise malgré elle. Aujourd'hui, elle ne veut plus en entendre parler et a déjà déposé trois demandes d'abandon des poursuites. Elle estime être "devenue une victime des actes entrepris par le procureur". "J'ai survécu, j'ai même surmonté (cette épreuve) et guéri de tous les maux que M. Polanski a pu m'infliger lorsque j'étais enfant", dit-elle, ajoutant qu'il est temps que "ce chapitre se referme".
"C’est une situation absurde qui tient à la logique judiciaire américaine qui ne connaît pas la prescription", analyse l'avocat de Roman Polanski, Me Kiejman :
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the french cinema world is really supporting Polanski. and the press, as well with the politicians ...
the public, on contrary, is really shocked by the way the media are talking about this story. like because Polanski has known various difficult moment in his life and because he is an artist, that would make him an innocent.
especially because of this article published in Le Monde - that I didn't quote.

  • 1977
In the house of his/her friend Jack Nicholson, Roman Polanski, then 43 years old, has a sexual relation, on March 10, with a 13 year old young girl, Samantha Geimer, which it photographed for the French magazine Vogue. Report/ratio authorized according to Polanski, forced according to the minor one - it “would have watered it of champagne and drugs. Denounced by the Geimer family, the realizer is stopped.

He pleads guilty for diversion of minor, and not for r*pe, after an arrangement between his lawyer and the prosecutor, in exchange of a reduced sentence. Imprisoned six weeks with the prison of Chino (California), it is released in bond. Even if the evaluation led in prison concludes that Polanski is not a sexual pervert, at its exit, this one fears that judge Laurence Rittenband, charg3e d' affaires, does not reconsider his word and does not imprison it a long time any more.
  • February 1, 1978
Roman Polanski travels by a plane bound for London, then settles in Paris, where it acquires French nationality. He works for Hollywood, but will never give the feet on the American territory.
  • 2005
Since the end of 2005, the American authorities seek Roman Polanski actively and emit a mandate of international stop.

  • December 2008
The scenario writer charges his American lawyers with starting again a request for classification of the continuations in his opposition. They deposited a request of withdrawal of case being pressed on “new pieces of evidence”, like serious deficiencies with the professional ethic on behalf of the judge of then (death in 1993) and of the office of the prosecutor. These failures were exposed in documentary film of Marina Zenovich, Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008).
  • January 2009
Samantha Geimer, 45 years old, was decided to make a request in front of the justice of Los Angeles so that the continuations against Roman Polanski are abandoned. She explained why the insistence with which the parquet floor of the city required the return of the scenario writer to the United States held of the “dirty trick” of which she made the expenses.

  • May 7, 2009
Californian judge Peter Espinoza, while recognizing that there had been “a substantial professional misconduct” of the prosecutor and of the judge, nevertheless the absence of the scenario writer to the audience notes, and thus rejects its request for classification of the complaint.
The lawyers of Roman Polanski then ask the Court of Appeal of the State of California to examine these defects of procedure and infringements of the constitutional laws of the defendant.

  • September 26, 2009
Roman Polanski, 76 years old, is challenged on her arrival with the airport of Zurich, whereas it was to receive with the Festival of film of the city a price for the whole of its career. He is threatened of extradition in the United States.

Polanski: an arrest planned since one week

The parquet floor of Los Angeles started the procedure after having had wind of displacement in Switzerland of the scenario writer.

Why Switzerland did stop Roman Polanski now? The question is on all the lips. The scenario writer free-Polish indeed often goes in the country, more especially as it has “a country cottage with Gstaad there, most officially of the world”, underlines his lawyer, Me Herve Temime.

Answer of Helvètes: Switzerland “did not have an other solution”. “In a Rule of law, it is not possible to make differences”, justified the Minister for Swiss Justice Eveline Wildmer-Schlumpf. It in addition ensures not to have undergone “pressure of the Americans”. Then, why now and not front? Because it was the first time that Bern knew in advance that the scenario writer was going to come to Switzerland, the minister affirms.
In fact, a spokesperson of the prosecutor of Los Angeles, quoted by Los Angeles Times Sunday, revealed that the arrest of Roman Polanski was planned since last week, after the parquet floor was put at the current displacement in Switzerland of the scenario writer. By twice already, the parquet floor had tried started this procedure. But each time, Roman Polanski “obviously had discovered the plans (of Justice) and had given up these displacements” abroad.
For the time being, Roman Polanski is retained in “detention pending trial” with the airport of Zurich where it was intercepted on its arrival. His wife, the French actress Emmanuelle Seignier, joined it Sunday evening, accompanied by Me Temime. Its lawyer deposited as of Monday morning a request for handing-over in freedom. American justice has 40 days to present a request for official extradition. Polanski will be able on its side to dispute any decision near the federal penal court, then Federal court, more the Swiss legal high authority. Its request for release was supported by France and Poland which wrote in Hillary Clinton to plead leniency, according to Bernard Kouchner.

The facts which are reproached Roman Polanski go back to 1977. He would have raped a 13 year old teenager. Its alleged victim, Samantha Geimer, tell in 1977 front the large jury that in March of the same year, Roman Polanski asks her mother if it can organize a meeting photographs with her in the villa of the Jack Nicholson actor, located in the district of Hollywood Hills. On its arrival, it waters it champagne and drugs, takes photographs of her naked in a bath, then, in spite of resistance that she opposes to him, succeeds in forcing it to have a sexual relationship. “I said: +Non, not. I do not want to go (in the room). Not, I do not want to do that. Non+”, told Samantha Geimer in a maintenance in 2003. Stopped on the complaint of the parents of Samantha Geimer, the scenario writer, then 43 years old, pled guilty “illegal sexual relationships” and spent one month and half in prison. At the end of January 1978, threatened to turn over under the bolts, Roman Polanski took a plane for France where he saw since. It was to never return.
Samantha Geimer, with many recoveries, expressed the dislike which it felt when it had to tell the facts with the police force, then with Justice. It left Los Angeles for Hawaii in the Eighties where it married and raised three wire, far from the celebrity whom it acquired in spite of it. Today, she does not want to intend some any more to speak and already deposited three requests for abandonment of the continuations. She estimates to be “become a victim of the acts undertaken by the prosecutor”. “I survived, I even surmounted (this test) and cured of all the evils that Mr. Polanski could inflict to me when I was child”, she says, adding that it is time that “this chapter is closed again”.
“It is a situation absurdity which is due to the American legal logic which does not know the regulation”, the lawyer of Roman Polanski analyzes, Me Kiejman:
Understandable. The girl has forgiven him. Thing is the DoJ is not so unforgiving. Thing is Roman should have just stayed in France and had someone get the award for him.

Thing that makes it complicated. That he has French-Polish citizenship.
he did admit that he slept with the girl, but he also said that he thought she was 25.

It wouldn't be the smartest thing to say "Yes, I knew she was 13, but I slept with her anyway."

why don't u have any doubts? just because he is famous? read about his life, watch his movies... or don't read about his life, but watch his movies. he is 76, i wish he would just live what he has left in peace.

I take everything with a grain of salt. So there is a chance he might be entirely innocent, that he did think the girl was 25. But he FLED. He FLED to France to avoid trial. Fleeing makes things much worse to resolve, and it certainly doesn't make the courts look favorably on you.

I don't give a hoot if he's 76, 43, 20, or on his deathbed. If he did commit r*pe of a minor, then he should be prosecuted no matter how old he is, or how talented he is. I particularly dislike the French Cultural Minister's emphasis on Polanski's "artistic talents and dedication to film industry," as if that's supposed to make the courts treat him in a "special" manner.
he did commit that r*pe, he admitted to it. he was aware of her age. he drugged and raped a 13 year old girl and the french bother to support him and spend their money on his defense because of his art. it is ridiculous. he should have done his time but he is a coward and all this digging up is ruining his victims life.

i enjoy polanski's film and have empathy for the charles manson thing but polanski the man is beyond horrible..
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I take everything with a grain of salt. So there is a chance he might be entirely innocent, that he did think the girl was 25. But he FLED. He FLED to France to avoid trial.

well, that was the best way for him to continue his work and escape media. that's pretty reasonable. that doesn't make him quilty.

on another note, this girl, now woman, why was she on tv after almost 30 yrs? was she faking it all the time? did she want more attention? that's what's bothering me.... in case of r*pe, u never ever want it to become public.

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People here are making condemning statements without knowing all the facts. This case was resolved many years ago, but the Judge committed judicial misconduct.

If there had been clear judicial misconduct, then Polanski should have utilised his resources to mount a defense and clear his name, and settle the matter, rather than living as a fugitive for all of his life. He's had a long time to try to do that, and goodness knows, it seems sympathy is on his side.

At the moment, promoting the idea of "judicial misconduct" is great for him, because it would be the easiest way to resolve the case for some. It sidesteps the issue of him committing the crime and running away, in favour of granting a pardon on the basis of supposed mistakes made by other people.
wow...I guess I'm too young to really be familiar with his work and influence, but I googled him - and gosh. What a sad and eventful life.
But he FLED. He FLED to France to avoid trial.

then he should be prosecuted no matter how old he is, or how talented he is.

That's the whole point. There wasn't going to be a trial. There was a plea agreement in place where he would plead guilty and receive a specified sentence. Very, very common. Happens every day. However, in this case the Judge backed out and reneged on the agreement due to some behind the scenes activity that had nothing to do with the case. Once Polanski had reason to believe the system had been corrupted, he left the country rather than face a sitaution that was deliberately stacked against him.

Prosecution is one thing. He faced that head on and was set to deal with the consequences.

PERSECUTION is another matter. No one should have to face that.

Aside from all that, the case was settled in civil court and the victim is against further action.

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what i find really strange about the entire situation is that,it's been said,that during shoot and also the alleged assault,her mother was actually inside the building?! so why in sam hell was she not present during the shoot? here she has a 13 yr. old...vulnerable and naive as many tend to be....being told to pretend you're drinking champagne? i'm not denying or even defending polanski in any way shape or form but there are some elements in this that find incredibly fishy.
well, that was the best way for him to continue his work and escape media. that's pretty reasonable. that doesn't make him quilty.

on another note, this girl, now woman, why was she on tv after almost 30 yrs? was she faking it all the time? did she want more attention? that's what's bothering me.... in case of r*pe, u never ever want it to become public.

as for US justice system... well, ask your brothers, husbands, .... how many girls they raped in various countries in past few decades.... i know this is not sth the mods will approve, but since i am from Serbia, i know a bit more about about politics then i wanted to. this is all just media circus.

It's "pretty reasonable" for him to escape to continue his work and escape the media?! It was fine for him to jet off to France because he needed to work on his movies? So anyone can avoid trial by using the excuse of "I need exercise my artistic talent?" It does not make him automatically guilty of the crime, but it's a serious offense against the law to FLEE from it.

Why can't the victim come out and tell her story? r*pe victims should be SUPPORTED and ENCOURAGED to tell their stories to the world. There is already so much stigma attached to "r*pe". I am appalled that you equate her as a publicity/attention seeker for speaking out about the r*pe. Do you want her to stay silent, bow her head meekly, and pretend like it never happened? No wonder so many females are too scared to voice their experience.

Your last comment makes absolutely no sense - you may want to reword it - and I don't see what r*pe in other countries has anything to do with the Polanski case.

In reply to Echoes, you CANNOT flee just because you "think" you're being treated unfairly or the situation is "deliberately" stacked against you. You CANNOT run from the law just because you think you're being treated unfairly. It is very unfortunate if the courts are biased against you, but FLEEING itself is a criminal offense, regardless of the fairness/unfairness of the situation.

As of right now, there is so much hearsay and accusations on both sides (Polanski vs. courts) that I doubt we know who's actually speaking the truth and who isn't. Maybe Polanski was being treated unfairly, maybe he wasn't. Maybe he did think the girl was 25, maybe he knew she was 13.

Like many other posters, I am deeply disturbed at some of the opinions and comments made here about "taking Polanski's artistic genius into consideration," "he's had such a sad life," and views expressed towards the r*pe victim.
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Judicial misconduct can be corrected, it's not something you have to run from for years - plenty of miscarriages of justice have been resolved in the end, through the proper channels, with official recognition.

If there is a claim of judicial misconduct, he has every chance to pursue it - and always had that chance. He doesn't need to live a life where he's the one pursued, that appears to be something that he's chosen.
I don´t know... I think they should leave him alone. Even the victim thinks so.

Most r*pe victims end up never reporting the crime so that logic is weak. Plus the statement she gave is terribly sad and somewhat warped, it sounds as if she's blaming herself or something.
Most r*pe victims end up never reporting the crime so that logic is weak. Plus the statement she gave is terribly sad and somewhat warped, it sounds as if she's blaming herself or something.

From what I recall or heard from people say. That the mother forced her daughter on Roman. If thats true, he should have walked away. As things are if its not true. True he should have never did what he did. Some people are talking about age of consent and so forth. If the US didn't have the age of consent set at 18 years and older, this wouldn't have been a problem. Plus didn't someone say the girl had sex before? (Reason I bring that up, she should be also charged also for the previous time she had sex. Seeing she had sex before and she's a minor and such)
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From what I recall or heard from people say. That the mother forced her daughter on Roman. If thats true, he should have walked away. As things are if its not true. True he should have never did what he did. Some people are talking about age of consent and so forth. If the US didn't have the age of consent set at 18 years and older, this wouldn't have been a problem. Plus didn't someone say the girl had sex before? (Reason I bring that up, she should be also charged also for the previous time she had sex. Seeing she had sex before and she's a minor and such)

she wasn't a virgin for sure, and she did not say how old she was.
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