Sass & Bide store ram-raided


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Mar 22, 2007
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The flagship store of fashion duo Sass & Bide was ram-raided for the second time at the weekend, with thieves making off with thousands of dollars worth of clothes and causing significant damage.

The robbers drove a vehicle through the glass front of the boutique, opposite Victoria Barracks in Oxford St, Paddington, about 5am yesterday.

They also broke open a wrought-iron double door to gain entry.

Police could not confirm what was taken, but several racks at the front of the store had been emptied.

Last September, Sass & Bide's Sarah Jane Clarke and Heidi Middleton lost $80,000 worth of stock when the same store was the target of a raid.

A witness has provided police with the number plate of the car used in the raid.

A Sass & Bide spokeswoman said security at the store had just been increased.

She said the company had applied to install bollards outside its stores to protect them from future ram raids.
Wow! That is just nuts! They must have wanted Sass & Bide pretty bad!
The thieve(s) will get what they deserve, it just takes time.
Sass & Bide isn`t hot enough for extreme actions like that....(I`d ram-raid my local Chanel store any day though :D)

How are the thiefs supposed to sell all the clothes after such a spectacular raid? Will Ebay be suddenly be flooded with Sass & Bide now? I guess not...
^^^ yeah I agree. For Chanel or Balenciaga or Chloe - people would go CRAZY and break into the store. But sass&bide ??? It's a little suss...:innocent:
Well one of my friends works for them and said that last year they employed people to spend all day scouring Ebay and other selling sites, because the thieves made off with a lot of one-of-a-kind pieces.

Ram-raiding is SO common in Sydney, I wonder if it is just here or in the rest of the world? It's not just in the city but in many of the suburbs as well.
That's terrible :(

But why Sass & Bide?
You'd expect something bigger than that.

But it's not what they steal, it's the thought of stealing.
^^^ yeah I agree. For Chanel or Balenciaga or Chloe - people would go CRAZY and break into the store. But sass&bide ??? It's a little suss...:innocent:

Well we don't have Balenciaga or Chloe stores :cry: and our Chanel/Gucci/LV stores are smack in the middle of the city where there are usually lots of people around. They also have pretty good security. LV was ram-raided once though, a few years ago. But as I said in the post above it's pretty common here, not just high-end designer stores but lots of different ones, eg there is an expensive sailing shop in my suburb that sells sailing gear (not boats or anything) that has been ram-raided four or five times in the past year or so. It's not even a crime-ridden suburb either.
Actually a lot of high end designers (Louis Vuttion, Chanel) established in Sydney have been ram raided in the past years...guess the next target was Sass and Bide...
No wonder these are selling so well in Australia. I haven't heard about ram-raiding of stores in the US, at least not on purpose. :blink:


The Buttress is Australia’s strongest removable anti-ram raid bollard. Tests conducted by the National Association of Testing Authorities proved that it is at least three times stronger than any other removable bollard on the market. At 34 kilos, it is by far the heaviest removable bollard in Australia, but due its special caddy, it is easy to lift and move about. The Buttress’ patented, highly engineered mechanism and robust construction provides optimum security against ram raids and driveouts for car yards, warehouses, shopping malls and restricted areas. The Buttress is available in a full range of colours and finishes.

"available in a full range of colours and finishes"... :innocent:
^^^ yeah I agree. For Chanel or Balenciaga or Chloe - people would go CRAZY and break into the store. But sass&bide ??? It's a little suss...:innocent:

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Melbourne Chanel get ram raided a few years ago. I wasn't in Melborne at the time but I do remember something being mentioned.

The location of the store makes it so easy to do it. If it was me after hitting Chanel I'd back into Miss Louise and get all the shoes and bags :evil:
I remember LV was "ram-raided" with a sledge hammer, and I think Gucci was the other one. It seems to be the year for it...
God! What people will do for fashion, this is insane:blink:. I've never even heard about 'ram raiding'. I would suggest the police check the 'Secret Shopaholics' thread for the culprits though...(just kidding :P).
Hey, it's nearing the end of the 3rd quarter. Gotta move out those old trendy jeans for the Christmas season. Better than a 75% off sale, I'd guess.

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