Seven Deadly Fashion Sins


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Jan 14, 2004
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Seven deadly fashion sins

Smarten up your act
Are you burdened with bad habits, crippled by chronic, couldn't-care-less syndrome, suffering from a style bypass? It's not just possible, it's highly probable. And now, on the first day of the first month of a new year, it's time for change.
Just as your body's systems can become gradually clogged and sluggish through bad diet and lack of exercise, so your sense of fashion and personal style can become bogged down through neglect, lack of knowledge and lack of time – all leading to bad habits that become a way of life.
Left unchecked, these bad habits can become so ingrained that they blind you to the possibilities of just how great you could look. The start of a New Year is the perfect time to establish a new code of dress conduct and banish your fashion bad habits for ever.
1 The Wretched Wardrobe
It's crammed with things that don't fit, you can't stand and you never wear. Have a good clear out. Sort into five different piles: for the charity shop, dry-cleaning, alterations, favourites and possibles. Bin anything past its sell-by: ie anything faded, moth-eaten, ripped or stained. Decide on the basics that will refresh the pieces you intend to keep: a crisp white shirt? A great black T-shirt? A new pair of boots? A fabulous belt?
2 The Bad Bra
Research has shown that nearly 80 per cent of women are wearing the wrong size – either a cup size too small or a back size too big, or a combination of both. Nearly half of all B-cup-wearers, it seems, should be wearing a D-cup or above. Get fitted – and make the best of your shape, silhouette and posture. Remember, the new you starts with the very first layer of clothing.
3 The Clone Queen
Are you a label victim? Do you wear one designer from head to foot, like Victoria Beckham who is Dolce & Gabbana one minute, Roberto Cavalli the next? Don't be afraid to inject a little of your own personality into what you buy. Make the look your own.
4 Same-y Same-y Syndrome
Have you fallen into the trap of always wearing identikit outfits, like Elizabeth Hurley in her utterly predictable white jeans or split-to-the-thigh, cleavage dresses, Sienna Miller in her boho shifts and boots or any one of a horde of C-List celebs who can always be relied upon to turn up in minis and middy tops. If so, take inspiration from the likes of Emma Thompson and Helen Mirren, who are bold enough to reinvent themselves. Remember, vive le difference.
5 Buried in Boring
Too tired to change? Rather be safe than sorry? Do yourself a favour. Break open the mould and spring a surprise. Use the January sales to experiment. Promise yourself once a week to try on at least three things you would never have considered wearing before. If necessary close your eyes and pluck from the rails at random.
6 Colour Coward
If your shelves resemble the inside of a Benetton shop, except every single item is navy, beige or black, it is time for shock treatment. Force yourself to buy at least three different coloured things. Experiment with an orange scarf, a pair of purple shoes, a green cardigan, a fuchsia belt, or even a pair of red fishnet tights.
7 Stuck in a Groove
You have looked exactly the same for 20 years: same hair, same lipstick, same skirts, same shirts, same shoes. What are you trying to do? Set a record? Perhaps you think it makes you look youthful to wear, at 50, the clothes you wore at 25. Wrong! You don't just need a change of clothes, you need an overhaul. Throw out everything and start from scratch.
1...2....5....and 7 for me. i'm a fashion failure, but i sure do love to seeing everyone else's styles.
#4 here. I need to stop wearing the same shoes and blazer to school!
model_mom said:
2 The Bad Bra
Research has shown that nearly 80 per cent of women are wearing the wrong size – either a cup size too small or a back size too big, or a combination of both. Nearly half of all B-cup-wearers, it seems, should be wearing a D-cup or above. Get fitted – and make the best of your shape, silhouette and posture. Remember, the new you starts with the very first layer of clothing.

Agree with that, going for a bra fitting is sooo important
I'm not guilty of any of those to be honest.... well at least I don't think I am....but I don't think any of them are fashion SINS. Perhaps they point to a person who's not fashion-adventurous but how is that a sin? If a look works for someone, why should they think outside the box? If you are predisposed to wearing black/blue/beige, so what? What if they wear black/blue beige in an interesting way?
Rather be safe than sorry?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I am the other way around, and I love this theory, thanks!

I just did number one yesterday, all I need to do now is to dump my ample bag of clothes to a charity bin.

#2 might have caught me :blush:
I get the idea that you shouldn't wear anything that does not fit or is too trendy, these are essential rules. But some of these, such as having to wear a lot of colours are stupid ... you don't make yourself to wear colours. You start to wear colours when you feel like that. Who said you don't look good or exciting when you wear dark, "dull" colours? Half of the classics of fashion history have been in so-called "dull colours". If something is black it does not mean it is boring or makes you look like you have a funeral to attend.
^ they did not say wear color all over or everyday, they meant have a few colors in your closet, as accessories to animate a look =)
susie_bubble and WhiteLinen, I agree with you both! If we were to talk fashion sins, I'd say in any case #3 would be one, which pretty much stands for being a fashion victim and trying way too hard to be trendy. To me that seems far worse than playing it safe or sticking to the same old thing...I doubt anyone would notice that kind of thing anyway ^_^
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oopsie... I think I commit one or two of these! (or 3 or 4!) definitely time for a fashion overhaul!
I fall into the catagory of #5 and #6, but its so hard to change >.<
I'm definitely guilty of a little bit of 1, a little bit of 4 & alittle bit of 7.

I tend to wear jeans ALL THE TIME! 95% of the time, I'm in jeans and a cute top and appropriate shoes for the occiason, whether that means a super feminine camisole and stilettos, or a tshirt and pumas.

I have so many beautiful dresses, I hardly wear them, unless I'm going to a really formal occaison. But I keep buying them because I love them! I need to WEAR them and stop being so boring.
Maybe it's just me, but 4 (Same-y Same-y Syndrome), 5 (Buried in Boring) and 7 (Stuck in a Groove) seem like they are saying the same thing...the whole "change it up" concept... Even 3 & 6 are practically the saying the same thing about change, albeit they are more specific. Either the author didn't successfully make clear the differences between 4, 5 & 7...or she was just trying to fill the seven spaces so that she could have a dramatic title for her article.
7. But I'm a child of the 60's. We had the best music. We had the best clothes. Why change? friends, who only wear colors, make fun of me all the time.

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