Are You A Fashion Victim?

I think I'm the other kind of fashion victim, the one who (up to this date) hasn't had to worry about overdoing any fads or dropping the label names because she didn't actually really know WHAT was in fashion and never had a designer ANYTHING (the whole price tag thing still makes me gag in surprise, yup I'm one of those "that much.....for a BAG??!" types...)
Amelia said:
I'm not a fashion victim- I have my own style, I don't care about trends, but I love fashion and during fashion weeks I'm really crazy. I love talking about fashion, models and what's going in the fashion world.
Give me 5!
You'd already said what I wanted to say.Good!
i'm not a fashion victim, but it is hard not to buy clothes that are "in fashion" as stores usually have A LOT of clothes that are considered "in" and not many of "classics" items.. ^_^
I just think I look like hell most of the time... but that's cool too, right?
I don't think of myself as a fashion victim really but I guess sometimes I could be classed as one maybe. I think the only thing that keep sme from it is the rebellious edge that's stuck with me since my goth/punk/teen phase.
And I'm not really a fan of 'designer' stuff. If the shoe fits, and you love it and can afford it (well, mostly) then THAT is what is important, not who's name is on it
I defenitly try to avoid being a fashion victim, but I'm afraid that sometimes I dress a little too conservatively, and i end up looking slightly dated

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