Originally posted by faust@Feb 17th, 2004 - 5:39 pm
Could it be more then just the lack of beautiful, quality items? Could it be the hatred of the obsession with things material that fashion has become, instead of being the temple of esthetics that it was meant to be? Could it be the sickening fake aura in upscale stores, the snooty salespeople, the rubbing of the shoulders with the suffocatingly rich and tasteless? These are all my turn offs.
I felt a need to revive this thread...
Lately I've come to really dislike shopping. These are my problems:
- The lack of good shops around here. Everywhere I turn there's the same boring shops, all full of crap, everything looks the same.
- Lack of good vintage shops here. There are very few vintage clothing shops where I live, and because of the vintage craze that's been going on for the past few years, it's almost impossible to find good stuff.
- Snotty salespeople
- The fit. Maybe it's just me, but I have a hard time finding clothes that fit me properly. Jackets and shirts don't fit me around the shoulders, tops are too short, pants are too long and low-waisted, shoes are too big...I think I'm very weird proportioned
- Lack of inspiration. I feel that everywhere I look, people are wearing the same things, even in fashion mags they all look the same. Fashion bores me at the moment.
Therefore, shopping has become a chore for me now...I need an update in my wardrobe, but I just don't want to go shopping. I'm just gonna end up with a lot of crap that I don't really like all that much, but bought because I needed something...