In a realm of mannequins with cold stares and hollow cheeks you would be hard-pressed to find a face that radiates from within the crowd, a face that seduces your vision and envelops your mind. A face like none other, that has not been generically scanned to look like a previous version of the ever changing “top model”. Like I said you would be hard pressed to find this face, this muse among the ranks until now. You didn’t think i was just rambling on of the generic undertow of the current generation models for no good reason did you? I am rambling on because in rosters upon rosters of hum-drum faces I have found that one model, one muse that has captivated me more than words can express, not only with her ethereal beauty but with her unrivaled articulacy and intelligence. This beacon of beauty and grace could be none other than Canada’s own petit oiseau, Ms. Simona McIntyre.
I was given the phenomenal oppertunity of speaking with this eloquent femme and asking her a few questions of fashion, food and life. I hope you enjoy this inspirational interview as much as I enjoyed conducting it.
Much love from the East coast.
Treis. xx
Treis Stewart: How and when were you discovered?
Simona McIntyre: After a long time “closet” dreaming that I would model, a friend of mine, Owen Bruce, supported my intentions by believing in me. Owen sent some polaroids of me to Chantale Nadeau, a model placement agent in Toronto. Shortly after that, Chantale believed too, and she took me under her wing. Two weeks after meeting her in Toronto I was signed with Marilyn off to New York City.
Before I had spent my time in music and competitive sports. I was swept up by storm with this career, but have never been one to regret my choices in life. Working in the fashion business can be overwhelming at times, and at others a gateway to bliss. It is up to your perception.
I continue to see myself pursuing a career as a model. Anything is possible to those who realize that their reality is a reflection of their expectations. This law applies to anything we set out for. I have truly enjoyed those that I meet (and continue to meet) and the multitude of opportunities that arise. This experience makes life’s journey truly worthwhile.
TS: As we all know you have strutted your stuff on some of fashion’s most coveted runways. What are your thoughts and feelings prior to stepping on some of the most illustrious catwalks known to fashion?
SM: Illustrious catwalks, very well depicted indeed. The pulse of fashion shows. The music, displays of art and design. I love being on the runway and the more I am immersed in fashion the more I have grown fonder.
One great opportunity it provides me with is expression. There isn’t room for thoughts when I enjoy my work. I love to experience it. The energy I get from doing something I love is creative. This is true for the energy of those loving their part in fashion around me.
I admit to not living my best and positively 100% of the time. I am learning like anyone else. I have come to truly appreciate the creativity that surrounds me, and the passion born from that. Right now I love what I do more than ever. I cannot deny the hard times, but it helps to remember that modeling is just my career and I always have myself first. However, I do give credit to the fact that since I began working in fashion I have truly opened up and began to have better days, every day.
TS: Do you prefer runway or editorial work, why?
SM: I am indifferent. Runway is often fast paced fashion and thrilling. Editorials take more time, allowing the seeds of the artists’ creativity to grow. It has been good to experience a balance of the two.
TS: You have one of the most unique and enchanting gazes while on the runway and in editorials. What thoughts pass through your mind for you to achieve such a spellbinding stare?
SM: Spellbinding is it? As I mentioned before, I do not usually “think” when I am on the runway. When you are really soaking up the show you don’t have to think. It isn’t hard to enjoy the moment if you love what you are doing. I make it my goal to make the most out of the opportunities I have available.
TS: What are some of your passions?
SM: Without passion I could not feel spiritual, to me one is the other. I am quite spiritual. My career is important to me, but it is dire to embrace yourself first. You must take the time to recognize yourself free of identities. It is important to make space to enjoy your other hobbies and interests.
My strongest passion is for lifestyles. Complete health has always interested me. This involves personally living at my best and the opportunity to share the best with others. Food politics, living nutrition, sports, freely dancing, spirituality and philosophy are some things I love. I am passionate about all my pursuits. Whatever the moment, I plan to make the most of that. After all, we create our own reality.
TS: After modeling what career can you see yourself pursuing?
SM: Life is a work in progress. I would love to move into film and writing actually. I feel there are networking benefits in the fashion business. I want to continue to enjoy working in the arts, continue to recreate myself and stay involved in the things I love doing most.
I truly see myself working with lifestyles, food politics and environment causes, as they are interests close to heart. Being able to reach out to people, help others live more sustainably and feel great fulfills me. I have an open heart to the world that surrounds me and will continue to make choices in my life that merry my passions. There are many things to pursue but always I feel successful with what I am doing in the present. Nothing about me is ever final; I look forward to the continuing moments.
TS: What would be your “dream job” (in fashion)?
SM: How can I not choose to love what I do now? It is a special opportunity for me. I don’t think I will go into any other fashion career such as photography or designing, but as I aforementioned I could see myself streaming into film, writing and promoting healthy lifestyle choices for people. I love the chance to get out there and make my visions a reality.
TS: Where is your favorite place to shop when in New York?
SM: The farmer’s market? [Laughs] I love going to the farmer’s market because such an abundance of fresh food makes me feel nourished and life bountiful. You can ask anyone who knows me. I love shopping for food.
Around my neighborhood there are some great boutique shops. I buy things on sale most always. I wouldn’t consider myself an experienced fashion shopper. After compiling many material goods I often want to give all of my things away and live in a shack. I don’t like feeling so attached to possessions and often shopping for them makes me feel ungrounded. I must find my balance in the consumer world.
TS: What qualities do you think attribute a strong runway performance like your own?
SM: Thank you, I love to hear that other people appreciate my work. I think as with anything in life, people are attracted to people who are attractive. I am not saying that I am hot stuff [Laughs], but merely that if I am living at my best, it should show.
I get fulfillment in return from connecting with and sharing my experience with others. I am thankful for the people that encourage my pursuits and that I continue to have the opportunity to work with amazing designers and talents.
Performing on the runway, I get the opportunity live in the moment. It is not much different from the outlet I found competing in sports and playing music my whole life. I just have made a flip in my endeavors. In life no thing is different than another. If you are sincere in your passions, you are always living greatly.
TS: As we all know from previous interviews you are a vegan. Why did you choose to become vegan and what do you believe are the benefits of the vegan lifestyle?
SM: My body and beliefs have led me to this lifestyle. It is my true preference. I do not like other “foods” and having studied all sides of diet lifestyles (those of an omnivores, vegetarian, vegan etc.) I can now understand why I have come to live this way. I can only accept to feel my best.
The benefits of being a raw vegan (and educated about it) cause a shift in energy and a strong sense of spirituality. I encourage people to listen to their bodies and find out as much as they can about their world. The energy I get as with my diet unquestionably amazing. Good health is a perception that you can choose. I thrive having a strong relationship with myself. This includes my relationship with my food.
TS: Do you have any aphorisms or words of wisdom that you could share with us?
SM: Uh oh. [Laughs]. I am very spiritual so I will share a few affirmations.
“If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe you cannot, in either case, you are right.” – Henry Ford
Our beliefs are habits and the foundations of our thoughts. What we think, we are. It is easiest to choose to perceive the world in a positive manner and experience life in its greatness. Negativity affects our whole being in weakening ways, but positive’s power is unquantifiable.
Everybody wants to be happy, but most do not choose to realize that true happiness is right here and right now. Every thought comes down to a universal truth, which describes our purest state: love. I recognize the difference between love and fear. Fear is created by the mind or the ego. Negativity lies in the gap where love is not. Within our thoughts, happiness exists in the spaces between.
This is where I find my enjoyment in fashion for example, the space in which I truly live. Only love is real and therefore what is not love, is an allusion. Realizing this helps me to accept myself whenever doubt sets in. As Deepak Chopra says, embrace life’s miracles and relinquish all regrets grievances. “If you create an open space within yourself, love will fill it”
TS: I have read in previous interviews that you are interested in literature, what authors do you recommend and why?
SM: I am inspired by reading work by insightful writers. This describes those who have an outlook on life that I can relate to or admire. Currently I am reading a book by David Wolfe, but have enjoyed much poetry, musical compositions, philosophy and so forth. I read nonfiction that relates to health and lifestyle mostly. I read to educate and enrich my mind and recommend people read works that do just that.
TS: I also know that you have an avid interest in food politics, why do you find these so interesting and what is something we all should know about this topic?
SM: Food is such a large part of our entity and lifestyle. It is possible for anyone to live on a higher plane without any real sacrifice. Living sustainable is not a strain and I often am stupefied at the simple changes that can and need to be made. With food politics I feel real changes can be made for our world. Food has become such a business in our commercialized society.
We must simply change our ideas about what should be normal. Our ancestors did not eat out of foil bags or food that has traveled so far it becomes jet lagged. A healthy relationship with food involves being thankful. I want to have an impact in changing the industry of food so that everyone can feel best again. Disease is a state of mind that we have the power to change. I make room for a reality where people embrace miracles.
TS: Do you have any special or “cool” talents?
SM: What to ramble on about now! It would be cool to touch my nose with my tongue. I blame my nose for being too small! But I have ridiculously long arms. I take pride in being able to lotion my back and stretch them in funny ways [Laughs].
TS: What thing do you miss most (about your home) when traveling abroad?
SM: New York is home now, but I miss being in greener places. I swear that some day I will evolve into a life where I live in the wild foraging for food, drinking from springs and existing in pure bliss.
Okay, practically and at this moment I must exist in this reality and not as a yogi. I am plenty happy that when I return to Canada I get to go back to my roots, see my family and reconnect. I see going back as a retreat from my fast paced life in the cities to make non-work related choices for my time.
This summer I had a great time traveling to see my family (my parents are in Houston for my mom’s bone marrow transplant), old friends and the west coast. I didn’t plan on traveling the whole time, but I enjoyed every minute of my short summer break including small moments where I find space, like the Okanagan summer storms. I loved watching the lightning and hearing the thunder roar. It is most dramatic.
TS: Since you’re a vegan, I was wondering where you get your protein considering you do not eat meat (just kidding)?
SM: I eat BUGS! Wiggle, wiggle (just kidding)

(From my fashion blog, L'Iconographie)