Sonic Youth

im sure i started a thread like this yesterday......
TRY dirty or goo or thousand leaves or ANTHING they are amaaaaazing!
Sonic Nurse for me. I would have to say Schizophrenia is a beautiful song.
Goo and daydream nation are the virgin albums defo. Then go buy dirty and sonic nurse (then the rest!) Ooh sonic youth...

Anyone go to kill yr idols here in old london town, great club night, the amount of sonic youth makes up for the ridiculously trendy people.
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Daydream Nation is the best for a SY virgin
the you can graduate the Dirty...
then Experimental Jet Set Trash and No Star

then Goo...
then you realized you bought all their albums and you're an obsessed Sonic Youth fan, you start getting their SYRs, and you fall in love.
If you want a Sonic Youth album to start you off, I'd recommend Murray Street, or even Sonic Nurse (their newest release). They both give you a feel for the band with a lot of good "Thurston" songs (lots of guitar work). Really all of their albums are quite something... I own 23 of their albums so I would know! They are so complex and just a really fabulous band all 'round.
yup!! ^^i own all of them too, all the SYR and euro stuff i picked up abroad...

i love the Thurston songs, but i also love the Lee songs so bad!!
I like Lee the most , 'Mote' is indeed an incredible song , but I prefer 'Karen Revisited' , I like 'Paper Cut Exit' as well.

I can't believe no one has mentioned 'Sister' I guess it's my favourite one. 'Washing Machine' might be great as well for a 'beginner'. 'Sonic Nurse' , 'Evol','Murray Street' , 'Confusion is Sex' , 'Daydream Nation' are amazing. I also like Ciccone Youth's album 'Whitey Album'.
oh yes, Ciccone Youth is a fun album too...

and about the Lee songs, Mote and Karen Revisited are both of my faves! His voice is so rich, it's amazing, and he's very poetic. I find most of his songs have a melancholic tone, which I adore.

My least favorite SY album would be MilleFeuille (A THousand Leaves) and NYC Ghosts... they're a bit too experimental, but maybe its just because I never spent too much time listening to them.

Did you know that Neil Young once said that "Expressway to Yr Skull" is the best guitar song ever written?
their new album Rather Ripped got leaked yesterday, i got it a few hours ago and it's f*cking fantastic. :heart: :heart:

also, they'll be doing a guest appearance in the season finale of Gilmore Girls, if anyone's interested. :innocent:
^ :buzz:
Thanks Mullet. :)
When does the new album come out?
^ yes, that's what mullet proof just said ^_^

i dl'd it today, and i love it! i heard about that gilmore girls thing too, and they're playing with coco under a nom de plume! :heart:
Oops, it's funny, I didn't see the last posts the last time I visited. I'm so confused! :p Sorry for the repeat.

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