Sports Illustrated Swimusit Edition 2007 : Beyonce Knowles

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To me this is blasphemy! SI is one of the biggest accomplishments that a model can get and to put a CELEB on the cover?!? BERK!:shock: :angry: :sick: Not only that but you would probably sell more magazines if you put even Ana Beatriz on the cover, and this should have gone to one of the Fernandas, Bridget, or best of all Marissa.
maybe if there were more pretty models, they wouldn't use celebs. i am sure most men think beyonce is prettier than the girls u just listed. i have even seen marissa miller on a brown paper bag list.
ana beatriz has no curves, fernanda has some... but c'mon.
Hmm...I think Beyonce looks quite cute on the cover. Though she grates on my nerves at times since she doesn't know how to take a break and let people miss her- I don't see anything wrong with her gracing the cover of SI's Music Issue. After all she is one of popular music's most prominent females. ;)
Beyonce is all but sexy especially in a swimsuit!!!
Photoshop must be very usefull in her case

I don't understand this comment....why would Beyonce need photoshop?

The swimsuit edition is for MEN. Men tend to like curves and boobs over bones ;)
They've got so many delicious bodies there, but still they put Beyonce on the cover?
I'm fine with celebrities on the cover of GQ, Interview and now SI.

I just don't want them on the major fashion magazines, especially when they really have nothing to contribute to fashion.
Nidman and Blanchett are tall and skinny and can model, J.Lo and Gwen have their own fashion lines, so there's a connection.
But I don't need women like Sandra Bullock or Renée Zellweger on Vogue, who only dress fine for major events, with the help of stylists.
:( I don't mind celebrities, but I don't really like Beyonce nor do I like the cover.
Yes, I'm fine with the sight of a 'curvy' celebrity on the cover of a swimsuit magazine. It's all about the body, she looks well, and the only reason I have against buying it is that I'm not really the target audience.
Ugh. Let me preface this by saying that I simply don't like Beyonce, so my opinions might be slightly skewed:

Why would she need photoshopped? Certaintly not because of her god-awful wig lines, that are second only to Tyra's. I personally just have an issue with the air of entitlement and self-importance that she envelops herself in, at all times. Even on this cover, all I can hear is: "I'm hot, of course I deserve to be on this cover!" Not that this is known for being a particularly high-fashion magazine, but at least some of the best commercial MODELS, do some of their best work in it. Beyonce, leave it to the models. You don't see Gisele, Karolina, or Carolyn for instance, trying to sing, do you (we'll ignore that bloody awful Heidi Klum VS Christmas ad from hell)?

Trannylicious cover...
Ha so she couldn't get any Oscar buzz around her insipid average performance in dreamgirls, so she has to make do with grabbing attention by parading her airbrushed *** all over town. Yep sounds about right for Beyonce...

I wish they'd let actual real models on the covers and keep media whores like her off.
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gisele and karolina look waaaay more like ******** than beyonce.i don't know why people think si is so sacred. and with all the models dropping dead, maybe they need a break.
I'll tell you what, if I asked a few of my guy friends who they would rather see in a bikini- Beyonce or Jessica Stam... well, there wouldn't even really be a need to ask them, even if they knew who Stam was. :innocent:
KhaoticKharma said:
I'll tell you what, if I asked a few of my guy friends who they would rather see in a bikini- Beyonce or Jessica Stam... well, there wouldn't even really be a need to ask them, even if they knew who Stam was. :innocent:

:D So true. People seem to forget, SI is mostly for men. :lol:
LeBelAge said:
:D So true. People seem to forget, SI is mostly for men. :lol:

true, but stam would never appear in the si swimsuit issue...
neither would most runway models...

i am very upset that they chose beyonce for the cover...
they could have chosen any one of the brazilians for the cover...

and i've seen profiles of marisa miller...
she's got alot of personality, she surfs, she's into guy things like sports, etc.
she would have made a great choice...

it sets a bad precedent for si, because it may mean the end of model swimsuit covers...

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