Tara Reid blasts 'stupid' Paris

LOLl natttttttttt that dosnt deserve a thumbs up ! LOLL :lol:
Loll paris has been apart of us since the start of the yearr !! LOl all our magazine clippings =p ahaa... But i do have to say the novelty of paris Hilton has worn off me ... bring on kate mossssssssssssssss =]
I've actually read the whole article/interview and its been taken way out of context!! Tara was not "blasting" Paris at all, she just sued her as an example of how she did not make a sex tape. She also said that Lindsay Lohan goes to the club more than her, to make her point that shes not some crazy party girl. I bet they will try and use that next against her. :rolleyes:

Also, I think Tara said this before her breakdown. So she wasnt trying to give herself attention.
I'm not sure if she was one of the people who supported Paris when she got her Sidekick pirated, but what kind of friend is she?!
^ In the interview I read, she also said that shes not close friends with Paris Hilton. Apparently photographers make them take pictures together when they are in the same club and stuff and they just say hi to each other..she also said that she doesnt have Paris's number and she doesnt have hers.:flower:
vintage_princess said:
She also said that Lindsay Lohan goes to the club more than her, to make her point that shes not some crazy party girl.

Oh, yeah, well... that doesn't say too much. :innocent:
Paris Hilton is stupid? Yeah, like flashing everybody your jacked-up plastic t***y was a smart move...Whatever...They're both equally stupid..
vintage_princess said:
^ In the interview I read, she also said that shes not close friends with Paris Hilton. Apparently photographers make them take pictures together when they are in the same club and stuff and they just say hi to each other..she also said that she doesnt have Paris's number and she doesnt have hers.:flower:

sweetie, have you seen "Taradise". Tara Reid almost wipe Paris's @ss on that show.
Oohhh yess because Tara Reid is so intelligent right? Get over it girl, Paris is hotter than you right now and no random insult of yous is gonna change that!
Heroin_Chic said:
The 'Simple Life' star originally started legal proceedings to stop the tape being released but dropped her action after agreeing to accept a share of the profits.

ugg.. personally I think they are both idiots, but that ^ is disgusting....:sick:
PussyLee said:
sweetie, have you seen "Taradise". Tara Reid almost wipe Paris's @ss on that show.

No I havent seen it and please save your "sweetie" name calling for someone else.

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