
I've got 6 tattoos nothing colourful they're all sort of small and delicate I have a coat hanger on the back of my neck because im an ex model.

I have Dorian Gray is beautiful small cursive along the inside of my middle left hand finger

my date of birth is in white on my wrist in roman numerals (white so when i choose to change my age noone can see it haha)

I have the quote "Never was there a story of such woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo" on my right shoulder blade.

Down my left hand side of ribs I have "A mans face is his autobiography. A womans face is her work of fiction" - Oscar Wilde

And I have the number 8 behind me ear.

They're all delicate and small exceptions for the large quotes of my back haha :-)
i'm bumping this! i'm quite curious to see some fashion related tattoos. apart from the hangers a few models seem to have, can anyone think of anything else, or have one themselves?

just did a google search and found these




I would like to get a white tattoo saying 'Forte' which means strong, or one on my forearm saying 'Vivi e lascia vivere' which means live and let live. I would probably like to small heart on the back of my neck too, but only tiny like the size of a finger nail.
Gosh, I love the sewing ones, I had no idea sewing motifs lend themselves so well to tattoos! Thanks for sharing!
I am really craving to have big skull tattoo in my arm.
It would be colorful...
I know this is such a crazy idea and I would propably hate it after few years
Maybe I should start from something smaller.
well i think it all comes down to the idea of "do you really want it or not?", you don't know what will u think in the future, but if u have doubts, don't do it, but as i always say, when u have the idea and stuff, it is because you want it, so... go for it! : )
haha, i find those sewing ones so scary! :d
I think i'd scream at people OMG there's a needle in your arm!!

If I ever get a tattoo, i want to have a 'pattern' on my shoulder, with the shoulder line, dart and sleeve and balance marks ...something like this but just around my shoulder
i love that mcqueen one! and the pattern idea as well :)

also mods, maybe someone should change the name of this thread to 'fashion-related tattoos'? because at least that's what i understood from the first post, it might be a bit confusing for people :)
Wow. Those examples posted on the previous page .... I think they're a hideous. I wish they were awesome but they aren't. But don't get me wrong. I'm planning to get a tattoo, but those are off-limits.

mkd1187, could you post a link/picture of the andy warhol image you're getting?
i don't like them either to be honest, was just contributing to the theme of the thread haha
Yeah, I get that and everything, I was just saying they aren't my cuppa' tea. :)
I really like the chanel temporary tattoos, but I think they probably wouldn't translate too well from the runway to everyday wear.

I have a white anchor on my wrist. I love it. I love tattoos, but I'm scared of looking trashy. I feel like the white ink gives the perfect look of the uniqueness of a tattoo, but it still is subtle enough that it isn't distracting.
yay or nay?

thinking about this seriously right now...

don't have a design in mind...
don't even have a placement in mind...
just have the desire to make some sort of permanent statement on my body...
must be the climate...

nay on the ground that there is still a possibility that some onsen refuse tattoos on anyone.

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