
I love the feather tattoo!
I'm planning on getting a peacock feather tattoo in NYC.
Not sure about the placement though... I want it somewhere subtle, you know?
Melanie87 I love that feather tattoo. I have been planning to get feather tattoo, so I am kinda obsessed feather at the moment. I also like those little stars in your foot.

Lovely butterfly tattoo!
I can't wait until I get a tattoo!

I want to get "Alis Grave Nil" on my right wrist, a small cross on my ring finger and maybe a traditional Samoan tattoo on my left arm :) Still debating the last one though.
Kind of in love with this right now...


^ I love that!

I have angel wings I designed myself. They fit me perfectly and I don't think I would ever get another!
i have 5 tattoos now

triangle on my neck
"everyone is a copy of a copy of a copy" on my forearm (i know the original is 'everything')
"saeglópur" on my hip with some birds around
a shooting star on my rib
7 stars around my leg, right below the knee
I'm getting tattoo #5 in September/October but I have no idea where to get it (as in where on my body) It's 'Anytime you want', Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance wrote it down for me but it's really straight so it would have to go somewhere on my body where that looks good...
these days I see so many people that have squares as tattoos. only a square. the outlines... does anyone know the meaning? i really have seen so many people it MUST have a meaning. google didnt help me.
i have tried to get the meaning of that too...
maybe it is just a trend...?
ok, i will get tiger footprint in my wrist.
these days I see so many people that have squares as tattoos. only a square. the outlines... does anyone know the meaning? i really have seen so many people it MUST have a meaning. google didnt help me.

According to Rowena and Rupert Shepherd in their book 1000 Symbols: What Shapes Mean in Art and Myth the square is a symbol of the heart in Islam. Each side of the heart-square symbolizes an aspect or opening for awareness and inspiration:


I found plenty of results on Google. Try typing in "square tattoo meaning."
got mine done on wednesday ^_^ it really wasn't as painful as i imagined it
^^ This is actually one of the prettiest feather tattooes I've ever seen (I am not a fan of) ;) It's really subtle and looks very elegant. Should be very proud of it!
i've had mine for more than 10 yrs and i think it's time to get it lasered off
i had a session couple years ago and it faded a tiny bit, but as soon as it starts getting cold i'm gonna do more sessions.

has anybody had theirs lasered off and it turned out bad? my sister had major problems with hers.

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