12 Years A Slave : I finally had the chance to see it tonight. It was the film I was the most excited about but only came out now here. I could've watched it online but to experience it theater full of people as moved and shaken as me definitly put the thing on a whole other level. I do think it's in the top 3 of the best films made in the past 10 years. Steve Mcqueen is a visionary who has already produced 2 master pieces but goes even further with this one. The honesty and the rawness of his work is what we needed to tell this awful part of history. You can't help but cry , and cry, and cry again but you also feel lucky for what you have and dumb for complaining so much. This film touches you to the deepest of your heart and the actors performance just surpasses every single ensemble this year. Chiwetel Ejiofor is extraordinary as the lead character, he's never over doing it or falling into the pathos trap. He really did justice to Solomon by literally giving himself to the story and the character. No need of physical transformation , the honesty and subtlety makes this performance fantastic. He becomes even more captivating thanks to McQueen talent of filming his lead actors. Michael Fassender is once again astonishing , he's not playing but living the part. Obviously you hate him ( though he manages to make the audience laugh sometimes but without loosing the core of his character) yet on an acting note you just can't help but be impressed. As for Lupita Nyong'o, well she is indeed a queen. It's much more than a breakthrough at this point. She made Patsey one of the most memorable characters ever. A true definition of a scene stealer, her character is very quiet and reserved but when she stands up, it's just incredible. At the end of the film just seeing her would make me fall apart. The whole cast, and I mean every single person that appears on screen, is just marvelous.
This work had to be done, and it was done by & with the right people. It should be seen by everyone for the greatness of it's script, for the greatness of Steve McQueen's directing, for the dark parts of history it tackles but mostly because it goes beyond cinema. it's beyond Oscars and award season . It's one of those films that can't even be named master pieces because it touches you so deeply it gets uncomfortable but it's also what makes it so special. The film does flirt with the line between art and reality. It gave me hope for the future to see that they're still artists capable of producing that quality of work. Though it also made me fear how far mankind have gone and can go ...