Sex and the City - The movie

I think I'm the only one who didn't watch the serial.:blush: Maybe that's why I loved it so much! I just got home and I'm thrilled.:woot: It was so funny at the time.:lol:
Oh, and the outfits-some of them were just :crush:...
finally saw it!!!!

and it was far better that i thought it would be.

samatha's role is messed up, but it must be cos she never was a friend of SJP.^_^
and the clothes.... well, the wedding dresses.. i was screaming :p

the assistant - WTF??? :huh:

i missed new york, sort of. new york was like the 5th girl on the show.

they left v. much for SATC the movie part deux.... (crossed fingers)
Samantha was the best thing about the movie IMO the whole audience always laughed at what she said almost everything she said the audience 'LOLED' so she was the best part of the movie for me so funny and I heard a couple of people behind me say she had a really good body
i adore sam, i just wish there was more of her... and her body is like wow.... beyond amazing!!!!:woot:
i HATED the movie. LOVED the show. I actually fell asleep in the theatre....after getting home, I popped in my season 4 DVDs to remind myself why I love the show.
The movie betrayed the show IMO. It changed the entire purpose of the series and Carrie was just super annoying. The whole scene with Mr.Big at the wedding was just overkill and ridiculous. Ugh. I wish I hadn't seen it.
This was by far :heart: the best movie. I laughed , cried and cheered. Like actual tears fell down my cheek .. :shock: I watched it twice .. and charlotte was so funny and Samantha was hilarious! Just :blush:
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I'm going out with friends to watch it in 15 minutes. :wub: Will let you guys know how I feel about it later. (I've been avoiding this thread as there are spoilers!)
I can totally see why some people didnt like it, or thought it was to forced.etc but i soo enjoyed it, and since i was such a SATC fan, i was easy to please,lol.

It certainly took a bit of a moment to get used to seeing the girls on the big screen, and i thought Hudsons character was perfect addition, she was soo super cute, like a symbol of the new generation who still have the hope.

Soo missed Samantha being in NY, and i lovee that she ended up with Smith in the end and moved back to NY, i mean the woman is to free and fab to be monogomous.^_^

The moments i loved were after Carrie beats Big up and he wants to tell her he is sorry and Charlotte is like a momma bear telling him to back the f off with a resound NO! and pulling it off in the tight Zac Posen dress,lol.

And Samantha calling out the idiot guest at the dinner hahah.

Did not like all of Carries clothes, but the shoes were beyond amazing.

HATED the fact that she didnt wear the neklace and that she didnt light at least one cigarrette.I mean your man has stood you up on your wedding day, a cigarrette is in order damitt.

Anyway totally going to see it once again, there is so many cool little thing i need to take it all in once more.
I was talking to someone who did the lighting for the SATC movie. He said that it was very hard to make the girls look younger - Specifically Kim Cattrall, who had apparently aged the most. He also said that all of the girls were very nice, but that Kim kept to herself.
Anyway, I saw the movie the week after it opened. Everyone clapped at the beginning and at the end. I will admit that seeing them together again was like seeing my very much missed old friends. However, I wish that they had not made the show into movie. I really liked the way that the show ended. I felt like the movie was very cliched and predictable, whereas the TV show pushed the boundaries of what was considered acceptable TV, and, in in the process, helped to make HBO a place to go for quality TV shows rather than simply movies.
Thats interesting because why would they want to make them look younger when they are supposed to be in their 40s and Samanhta celebrates her 50th birthday at the end of the movie?Which near their real age.Holywood is so silly :rolleyes: to me Kim looked amazing in the movie, her body and her face were exceptional for someone her real age, SJP had couple of unflattering shoots but thats what makes her endearing, oh and oddly enough Steve looked much older to me.
Patricia Field has a really good version of the belt.


I saw it yesterday (I know, I know a living breathing guy went to see it and blah blah blah)

Anyway, I loved it. After four years without it it just felt really satisfying, like everything was as it should be...or something like that. I knew I missed the show, but I had no idea how much I missed the show until about 5 minutes into the movie.
well it was probably much easier for me to be impressed, in a sense, because i wasn't overly attached to what happened to each of the characters (except carrie and big....during the course of the movie i became very attached to the idea of them ending up together!. :p). but i didn't know the histories and stories of their characters and so it was probably much easier for me to accept the plot. i think it's always easier to go into something with low expectations. when you love a tv series, the film is always going to be a nerve-wracking experience!. :lol: but because i have never really loved the tv show, i was really pleasantly surprised. :heart:
That is so true, i liked the movie but i am such a hard core fan of the show and everything that they went through so i like the show way way better, but i give them kudos for telling a totally different story, something they never dealt with before on the show, in the movie.I can soo see why some fans hated it and thought it was contrived, there was so many new things to take in, but once you get pass that its just lovely to see the girls back.I just wish they had more screen time together, all 4 of them.
^ I think a big part of why some die hard fans wouldn't like the film is because they dealt with issues and storylines that, on the show, would've been drawn out and really developed. When you're dealing with a finite time frame, it's got to be hard to a full story when in the past you've had an entire season to tell it.
the characters were too flat compared to the show imo.
and Samantha being happy about her "50-candle" on the cake just didn't seem right (remember the episode where she freaked out about one grey hair and dyed her hair "down-there" orange :p)...
^^Well thats what i loved actually, one hopes that with time you accept your age and i loved that they showed her being proud of it.

Spike thats true, you really do have more freedom when your doing a TV Show rather then a movie, you can go deeper.
the characters were too flat compared to the show imo.

I totally agree with you here. I thought they didn't really stay true to the series' characters and I found the storyline too predictable. It was nice to see the women reunited again but I actually preferred the TV show.
I am a fan of the show but the movie didn´t do it for me at all. It lacks all the cleverness of the series, it´s diluted, it dissapointed me.

I mean it was hard enough to accept Big "comeback" in the series, after all the ****ty things he did to Carrie (marrying othe woman, moving to California, etc etc etc), but this one was too much.
Big is afraid to face a wedding? Why?

C´mon! He got married twice previously, and he is a very worldly man, not a shy boy, or a delicate soul. If he loves her and he doesn´t believe in marriage....what´s all the nervous breakdown about? It´s all because what Miranda said? C´MON!!!!! He is a big boy and saying that marriage ruins romance is not a big revelation, it´s a commonplace.
Big chickens out because of a phrase by upset Miranda? This is BAD storywrinting.

I mean up to the point where Carrie hits him with the bouquet the story was OK. But the "reconciliation" felt utterly artificial and absolutely "prosthetic".

All the other caracters are shallow to say the least.

Samantha is a shadow of her former and fierce self. Charlotte is cartoonish. Miranda is OK, at least her story is halfaway believable.

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