Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
That is so true, i liked the movie but i am such a hard core fan of the show and everything that they went through so i like the show way way better, but i give them kudos for telling a totally different story, something they never dealt with before on the show, in the movie.I can soo see why some fans hated it and thought it was contrived, there was so many new things to take in, but once you get pass that its just lovely to see the girls back.I just wish they had more screen time together, all 4 of them.well it was probably much easier for me to be impressed, in a sense, because i wasn't overly attached to what happened to each of the characters (except carrie and big....during the course of the movie i became very attached to the idea of them ending up together!.). but i didn't know the histories and stories of their characters and so it was probably much easier for me to accept the plot. i think it's always easier to go into something with low expectations. when you love a tv series, the film is always going to be a nerve-wracking experience!.
but because i have never really loved the tv show, i was really pleasantly surprised.
the characters were too flat compared to the show imo.