The Last Movie You Saw?

American Hustle, literally the most overrated movie I have ever seen. I shut it off halfway through I couldn't even deal.

Jennifer Lawrence was so awfuly miscast. I love her, but how did that get an Oscar nomination?
Life of a King (2013) - pretty good movie, love seeing Cuba Gooding Jr in serious roles.
Carrie (1976)

the entire movie is to see her haunting walk down from the stage with the curtains burning in the background. this movie is superior to its remake. it is unpleasant to watch. it incorporates the bright, 70s film aesthetic, but the feel is plastic not fun. it is trying for the mix of daylight and smiley life scenes to give contrast to its horror. it's starch, plot-forwarding scenes leading into successfully dark but in result uncomfortable horror scenes. her freaking out in the shower is successful horror, but i'm never gonna watch that again. the weekend cruising scene with travolta must be the inspiration for Dazed and Confused's. or maybe that was a thing in 70s film. so, the movie is uncomfortable in a way that i think a lot of horror fans like. i don't. sissy spacek is beautiful and disturbing. as said, her almost floating off stage makes the movie. oh, sue approaching the grave in her white dress is cool as well. reminds me of Phenomena. there is a bit of argento-esque lighting throughout the film.

Carrie (2013)

in this one carrie actually does float off stage. spacek's carrie is haunting. chloë is cute. doesn't work as well. it makes the movie much more watchable. it's not disturbing. it's nothing. part of what makes carrie's exit so great in the '76 version is that she leaves everyone to burn. and they do. chloë lets them out; that's not horror. julianne moore does make me uncomfortable as the mother, but she's out of place and working in too weak a setting.

i had blinders on while watching the '76 version first and was just waiting for the big scene, so it took me a while to catch on that the two popular girls are working independently of each other and sue actually is trying to do something good. the 2013 version really beats this point. this film is pg-13, kid-targeted high school scenes leading into weak, cg horror that earn its R rating only through staying reasonably true to the original. chloë doesn't make a fool of herself or anything. she's just miscast. she can play a female horror role; it has to be doll-like. she looks great in her pretty dress with the blood running down through her eye. carrie is spectral. sissy is. chloë isn't.
^ Agreed: for me the 2013 version doesn't hold a candle to the 1976 adaptation of Carrie either. Sissy Spacek is amazing in the part. And I loved her in Badlands too. But the original Carrie is more frightening due to Piper Laurie, who captures the religious fervour in an incredibly creepy way, but also because it's not made into a "revenge" film like in the 2013 version. In the original, Spacek shows that Carrie's power is uncontrollable, which fits so much better with the whole inexorable force of sexuality, becoming a woman, blood, etc. It's meant to be horrific because in her mother's mind this aligns Carrie with Eve and Satan. Spacek captures the wide-eyed horror of coming of age and the inexorable force of rage. In the new version, the flying and special F/X take away from the impulsive nature of Carrie's newfound power and suggests something much more prosaic imo. What a letdown the remake is.


Another Year - beautiful and sad film. Lesley Manville is phenomenal. :heart::cry:
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I rewatched The Grand Budapest Hotel (I am inlove with that movie), and I watched several French movies: Les Adieux a la reine, Casse-tête chinois, Amour & turbulences, Violette, L'amour est un crime parfait and Mademoiselle C.
apparently Nymphomaniac is the movie to see around here.

the inexorable force of rage


it's been a few days since i've seen it. an ok movie, though hesher's character is the weakest. annoying at the beginning, little more bearable toward the end. the boy and natalie is the missed focused. where he gives her the ice cream cone and she just holds it in awe of the gesture, that scene is one of the better in a while. she plays the character well. that's what the movie should have been about. hesher is just there. almost like the embodiment of some abstract force. draws away from what's really good.
LOL I must be the only one not impressed by Nymphomaniac (1+2)

I'll be seeing Hesher and Mood Indigo later on today.
I need to see Nymphomaniac!

I have seen this weekend: Chasing Amy, Veronica Mars the movie, Anchorman 2 and The Wings of desire.
American Hustle, finally. Great acting; I can really see why they garnered all those nominations. Amy Adams and Christian Bale in particular were awesome! The camera movement and the soundtrack were good as well. However, there were some plot elements that didn't go anywhere, like the Sheik or the Robert DeNiro subplots; and there were times that the film dragged a bit too. But overall, it was great. The disco scene was choice...:heart:
The Muppet Movie!:P No one laugh at me, I was getting in touch again with my childhood (saw it with my mother)! I LOVED the muppets as a child!!

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