Kind of feel like seeing that again!. I watched Great Expectations for the gazillionth time the other day and I feel like.. Gwyneth's allure just gets better as one gets older. It's not just that she's very obviously refined and selling a certain [high] class, and that a lot of the characters in the 90s came with that quality, but there's more to her.. that nude scene with Pulp's Like A Friend, she just makes it look so easy. It's a whole lifestyle and life philosophy of going out of your way to never look like you're trying because it's almost as if trying=undignified?! lol, I don't know what I'm saying but I would LOOOOVE to see her again, at the age she's now, in the big screen, that would be a dream. Also why can't Cuaron make such sultry films like Great Expectations again? 😭