The New Look Is Charity Shop Chic

tott said:
^ High street = cheaper designer knock-offs and mass-market stores. Zara, H&M...

thanks! i read a 1999 interview with kate moss and she said she told vogue (in 1996) that she mostly bought vintage, and they said that they were going to write that she shops high-street instead. so i was always wondering what it meant.
This article makes it seem like you're supposed to buy into a certain specific lifestyle in order to be 'charity shop chic'. Being 'anti-fashion' is as ubiquitous, if not more than being dressed in head to toe labels. I say just go with what you feel like going with. There's no need to break your back just to do charity shop chic. I go thrift shopping and buy vintage usually out of neccessity and lack of budget, not because I wanna prescribe to some 'I tried so hard to make this sweater look vintage' hipster thing!
This article makes it seem like you're supposed to buy into a certain specific lifestyle in order to be 'charity shop chic'. Being 'anti-fashion' is as ubiquitous, if not more than being dressed in head to toe labels. I say just go with what you feel like going with. There's no need to break your back just to do charity shop chic. I go thrift shopping and buy vintage usually out of neccessity and lack of budget, not because I wanna prescribe to some 'I tried so hard to make this sweater look vintage' hipster thing!

Yeah i get what you mean, by trying to look like you havent tried then you are trying .. if that makes any sense. I think its rediculas the ammoun t of tops etc. that are all brand enw that have vintage etc. scrawled on them. Make me want to gag.

And susie bubble what ever your doing style wise, vinatge, or whatever its working ... :) :flower: so keep doing it .. I love your style.
I AgreE W/U

Hed_Kandi said:
This article made me realize how people are such name brand whores. Everywhere I look, some unoriginal, follower is buying a Louis Vuitton bag just because it's considered "the it thing ".

People have no sense of originality, individuality, anymore and they're all a bunch of fashion pawns influenced by the media and society - Wanting to be accepted and praised with the newest Prada this or Burberry that.
I SOOO AgrEE WiTh YoU.... PeOpLe cAN LooK Soo sTYlIsh WitH VinTaGe cLoThEs, WhIcH ThEY cOuLD bUy @ A THrIft StOre... :D
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Hed_Kandi said:
This article made me realize how people are such name brand whores. Everywhere I look, some unoriginal, follower is buying a Louis Vuitton bag just because it's considered "the it thing ".

People have no sense of originality, individuality, anymore and they're all a bunch of fashion pawns influenced by the media and society - Wanting to be accepted and praised with the newest Prada this or Burberry that.
Agreed - seeing people trying (and often failing) to be it makes me quite ill:sick:... but as far as thriftstoring it goes its not really a new trend.. it comes back every few years or so, and I have always shopped at thrift stores for the simple fact of being a student and not having loads of ca$h.

People need to WAKE UP and make up their own minds. :innocent:
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metal-on-metal said:
Really, softgrey? I thought it was so lame and about 5 years too late. The whole high/low mix thing is certainly not a new trend. And people who follow this contrived "checklist" of how to look "undone" are just ridiculous. If they treat this like just another trend, they might as well be dressed to the hilt in the latest Gucci. :angry:

Today, I’m wearing Paper Denim & Cloth jeans, which cost about £120 but which I’d ideally pretend I picked up on eBay for quarter that
:lol: That statment reminds me of the scenesters on the street style thread. Oy, and beat and mods are two very separate ideals. But then again they bastardized bohemian to equal tacky beaded tops and tiered skirts.
I guess I am the anti-anti-fashion person here. I do not shop at second hand stores nor charity shops. I prefer my clothes to be new and not broken in by someone i never knew.
meowmix said:
it reminds of that weird derelicte collection in zoolander...homeless chic or something

you beat me to it. MAGNUM!
^ I loved Zoolander =) I can't wait for number 2!

I personally hate it when people dress head to toe in designer... I do have a few things designer but I always mix it with a bunch of other things. I'm not above scrounging around in vintage shops =P But I really hate it when people try to look all hipster by ripping their new jeans/dirtying their converse or vans on purpose just to look like they are anti-fashion. If you call the people, who buy LV for the sole purpose of an "it" bag, clones, then the ones who do the whole vintage look are basically clones too.
charity shops are the way forward. you can find something individual, with history and the fact that you have to rummage adds to the enjoyment of it. whats more you're giving to charity. can't be bad.
on wednesday in my local "Scope" shop i picked up an original black n white dog tooth checked sixties mod mini dress, for £7 pounds. why go to Beyond Retro or somewhere that claims to be cheap and vintage when they just buy stuff from charity shops in the first place, and bump the price up?
^Maybe laugh and cry at the same time? Coz the prices are so steep,they're laughable, yet I love all the choice dresses they have, and I can't afford it (or I'm not willing to part with my money when I can get the same kind of gear cheaper when I'm bothered to rummage elsewhere).
:rolleyes: I thought the article was kinda pointless. You can have your own style AND buy designer brands too.
I guess I am the anti-anti-fashion person here. I do not shop at second hand stores nor charity shops. I prefer my clothes to be new and not broken in by someone i never knew.

I agree. I have no problem with someone being 'origional' but someone who is completely anti-fashion, anti-desginer just for the sake of 'rebelling' is to me completely stupid and somewhat immature :yuk:

That aricle about 'How to...' is so hypocritical...having your own style means not abiding by a certain set of rules :rolleyes:
milkeyedmender said:
anyone else feel like alughing when they see topshop's "vintage" section?

Well it seems H&M does quite well with their 'vintage' inspired clothing - as well as other popular stores - Urban Outfitters, etc...

I know vintage shopping is an all time thing but I have to agree that it does seem to be a trend these days - and MUCH more acceptable.
miss mary said:
charity shops are the way forward. you can find something individual, with history and the fact that you have to rummage adds to the enjoyment of it. whats more you're giving to charity. can't be bad.
on wednesday in my local "Scope" shop i picked up an original black n white dog tooth checked sixties mod mini dress, for £7 pounds. why go to Beyond Retro or somewhere that claims to be cheap and vintage when they just buy stuff from charity shops in the first place, and bump the price up?

I’ve done the opp shop thing for ages, but now that it has become fashionable the shops have caught on and now they don’t sell second hand, they sell vintage for about
3 times the price. God I’m poor, damn those clones!!!!!!
Ollie said:
I’ve done the opp shop thing for ages, but now that it has become fashionable the shops have caught on and now they don’t sell second hand, they sell vintage for about
3 times the price. God I’m poor, damn those clones!!!!!!

I know exactly what you mean. It's really frusterating to walk in to a store where you used to be able to save a few bucks, and end up paying what you would for something new! Also, all these "clones" are pretty aggressive, they always manage to get the good stuff first.:(

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