Skank Chic

Kimkhuu said:
I think this has a hell lot to do with the hipster thing..... :innocent:

I agree kimkhuu, it seems to me along similar lines... though the hipster thing is a little less trashy/drug oriented/aggressive, and a little more playful/arty/fun.
so, not so sure this is a trend that people can comfortably mimic - most people have a standard of hygiene and some propriety regarding their public behaviour. but I could be wrong... :unsure:

thanks for the article kit. :flower:
Regarding the original topic: I personally don't like this style. It seems like what people look like on accident when they are hitting a really rough patch in their life. Not a look people should intentionally strive for. And I agree with Marcella. Kate and Lindsay have NOTHING to do with each other. Yeah, they're both female human beings but the similarities end there.

But really I wanted to post to ask an embarrassing question. I feel dumb but what is a chav? Is is like white trash? This site is the first place I've heard that term. I looked it up on urban dictionary and it looks like a British version of white trash??? Lots of imitation designer stuff was in the pictures. Anyone have a good explanation? Thanks! :flower: .
pinksatin there is a chav thread here somewhere if you do a search you should find it.:flower:
utopia said:
so, not so sure this is a trend that people can comfortably mimic - most people have a standard of hygiene and some propriety regarding their public behaviour. but I could be wrong... :unsure:

Agreed on that Utopia..... ...I think this trend is not for the mainstream crowd.... Though I can see a lot who'll be trying too hard to impress with this new trend.......
pucci_mama said:
pinksatin there is a chav thread here somewhere if you do a search you should find it.:flower:

Thanks! I found it. Now I'm truely enlightened on chavness:doh: .
Kimkhuu said:
Agreed on that Utopia..... ...I think this trend is not for the mainstream crowd.... Though I can see a lot who'll be trying too hard to impress with this new trend.......

kinda ironic how the non-mainstream crowd follows trends as well. I guess in trying to be different people often end up just looking the same. That is why I never really got the whole punk look and their catch phrase of "I wanna be different I don't wanna look like everyone else your all sheep blah blah..." cause every punk looks the same to me:lol:
style_savy said:
kinda ironic how the non-mainstream crowd follows trends as well. I guess in trying to be different people often end up just looking the same. That is why I never really got the whole punk look and their catch phrase of "I wanna be different I don't wanna look like everyone else your all sheep blah blah..." cause every punk looks the same to me:lol:
you know, you're right :flower: I had this big discussion a few days ago with a guy in my literature seminar and we concluded that claiming that proclaiming you don't conform is just conforming to the ideal of un-conformity. I doubt that last bit was a word, but I hope what I mean makes sense any way :lol:
tiffany said:
claiming that proclaiming you don't conform is just conforming to the ideal of un-conformity.

I have thought exactly this so many times. I think you are so right!
conformity or lack there of seems to be of inertest to more people than ever before.the conformists create the non conformists(or is that the other way round?).this is a vicious circle (especially now that mtv has trademarked everything "alternative")that just kind of randomly oscillates between what ever the hell people like to wear at the time and whatever people like to wear at someothertime.
it is interesting that people are addressing things in terms of conformity when choosing what to seems odd that this would take precedence over aesthetics or comfort when choosing clothes.
the main problem i have with it though is that one pair of jeans can only be so different from another pair of jeans.when every anyone says "look at me i'm so normal/abnormal/trendy/individual" they are still basically wearing the same clothes that people have been for a hundred plus years now.i see it as somewhat futile to ever claim that anything you wear makes you that different to somebody else who is also wearing pants.
"3 Cold sores."

I have to admit I got a little chuckle out of this. I mean, nothing says chic like a sore, right?
Fellow Skanksters , :heart:

IN an attempt to boil it all down into a nutshell , I'd put it all down to a return to ' heroin chic ' as an antidote to the ' ladylike , sophisticated woman ' that Pilati at YSL and Elbaz at Lanvin , have so much placed in the public's eye .
It's a ' youth ' kick as opposed to the more mature look , which has metamorphosed for the younger set into ' BOHO ' , which is now supposed to be so ' over ' .

Look at the Primark , Babooska chic , Balenciaga - Gaultier knockoffs thread , and compare that with the chav-laden significance of wanting to be one of ' THE GREAT UNWASHED ' - eg ' skanky ( smelly ) chic ' -GEDDIT - of this drug fuelled , b*tch-slapping and fighting on The Eurostar cross-channel ' luxury ' train , but ironically , like so many trash rednecks on a trailer park .

It's horrid to get so ' snobbish ' in one's definitions , but truck with such ' movements ' in ' fashion ' , demands this ' getting on down and be dirrttyy ' aspect of the whole damn shoot . AND there's NO such hypocritical and perfunctory hesitancy on the part of the fashion press in employing such terms , for its own purposes . :yuk:

With the success of one kind of ' hip ' comes the polar opposite - " Je vous crachez sur vos tombes !!!! " kind of attitude , and sometimes , if not always the fallout is far from perfume-scented .

The cynical attitude of the front row at the Dior Homme runway show ( look at Getty Pics of last Tuesday , posted on here in the Dior Homme S/S 06 thread ) last week says it all , utterly relentlessly chic ' muses ' , like Amanda Harlech , disporting a Pete Doherty pork-pie hat , left me speechless with astonishment if not of wonderment , CERTAINLY NOT ENCHANTMENT .

It's what's called ' pour epater les bourgeois ' in layman's and laywomen's terms .
Apologies for my unconscious chauvinism . :cry:

PLease excuse me , if I've sounded pretentious , it is FAR from my intentions . :unsure:

Prententious ? Moi ? :lol:
Well said. :clap: You are forgiven :flower: . Despite that, I still think I'm gonna buy dark-dirty straight skinny jeans. :unsure: i'm thinking of these. I can get them free from work I think....
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Kate Moss isn't looking so great recently in my opinion, but I don't really think she's skanky.

Being stinky isn't beautiful or fashionable, its just being stinky.
To me, it's so much more than the clothing. You can wear the trashed clothing, the bed head, and the smudged eye makeup, whatever... to me, it all comes to a point when you act as skanky as you look. And as someone said before, that's going to be hard to filter into the mainstream
style_savy said:
kinda ironic how the non-mainstream crowd follows trends as well. I guess in trying to be different people often end up just looking the same. That is why I never really got the whole punk look and their catch phrase of "I wanna be different I don't wanna look like everyone else your all sheep blah blah..." cause every punk looks the same to me:lol:

But let's not forget, originally punk was all about being unique. If what you mean by punk is the guy from Green Day or Avril Lavigne (or the sub-so-called-"punk" movement grunge and their followers) then it's just phoney and trendy, not punk.
Nemova said:
But let's not forget, originally punk was all about being unique. If what you mean by punk is the guy from Green Day or Avril Lavigne (or the sub-so-called-"punk" movement grunge and their followers) then it's just phoney and trendy, not punk.
that's true - I think it definitely started as a movement intended to be unique, and then it got co-opted *cough* mtv* *cough* and turned into avril lavigne and hot topic madness :lol:
"white trash beautiful, trailerpark queen" ...I love that song... but cold sores, dirty fingernails, ....hmmmm, I dont think so...:cry:

It reminds me of a mix of grunge and punk.....
The grunge look is definitely coming back- at least from what i can see..

The careless-dirty hipster look seems to be catching on at my school.

...and have u seen D&G lately? :D


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