Move over Tracee! I can't stand animal print (it's tacky!), but the cover looks amazing. Everything about it. It's so 80's all-American, but in a good, classic way. I'm so impressed with the way Kudacki glammed this up. Elle US ended up a great learning curve for her!
This is the advantage of our PC 'diversity' phase. For years we were inundated with the Nicole/Reese/Gwyneth squad getting cover after cover, and now they seem to have been replaced by Rihanna/Lupita/Beyonce which is actually equally nauseating, but every now and then someone refreshing like Angela or Tracee gets the spotlight. Someone who had always been in the industry for all these years, yet somehow never got their due. In a perfect world this should've been a Vanity Fair cover instead of that rough looking 'Pulitzer prize winner.'