The supermodel is dead, says Claudia Schiffer

^ I'm by no means a Gisele fan, but I would hardy call her body any stretch of the imagination. Flat chested is an equal stretch considering she has some of the biggest breasts I've ever seen on a high fashion model.

the biggest breasts on a high fashion model? :shock::shock::shock: wow! poor of the other models, then they have nothing! I'm afraid :o
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^ I'm by no means a Gisele fan, but I would hardy call her body any stretch of the imagination. Flat chested is an equal stretch considering she has some of the biggest breasts I've ever seen on a high fashion model.

As for this whole obsession with the supermodels, whether they still exist or not, I will never, EVER understand why people care so damn much. It's been a good 15 years since that heyday....move the f#*@ on already. The only reason any of those girls is famous is luck and timing. There was no talent, no super qualities except for great bodies, and no extraordinary beauty that shook the conventions of the word "pretty". They defined an era, and that era is long since dead....

Thank god none of the girls today have that kind of cult devotion because if I have to hear people worship Sasha or Coco or Daria 15 years from now I'll scream.
There's a typical Daily Mail follow up too. Everything they write seems so d*mn spiteful, misogynistic and calculated to whip up anger -

This piece is obviously designed to create outrage against the fashion industry and young models, overlooking the simple fact that the reason most models are young and thin is because most clothes look best on the young and thin. Ugh.

That's open to interpretation. It is certainly NOT a fact that clothing looks better on the "young and thin." Ridiculous. I'd take Claudia over any of these "new" girls who look like abandoned, malnourished children ANY time.
Beauty and Body and Personality have left the building...and until some agency decides to spend an extended amount of time developing such a model the "Supermodel" is indeed doomed.
the pic of four of the supers together on page 1 just shows how womanly and mature they looked (in a confident way), their thighs were thin but not stick-like as today's little girl orphan look. now the girls look like preying mantis or h.r. geiger creatures... all bony spine and collarbones. it looks vulnerable and weak, so therefore their careers are disposable and weak.
Claudia got a bit too big for her own shoes IMO. i remember her heydays and as far as i know and saw her at our local beach she was recognised but by no way escorted with even one bodyguard. She was boring, arrogant and had no charisma whatsoever.
i dont compare her to any of the actual supermodels of the 90s, Linda, Cindy, Naomi, Christy... all of these have that little extra, the "je ne sais quoi" that i dont see in Claudia.
She is however totally right that that supermodel era in general is over. i agree totally. i am finding models today not of the same level and the obsession with them is not understandable. ... lets not even talk about kids aspiring to be any one of them :rolleyes:
i remember her heydays and as far as i know and saw her at our local beach she was recognised but by no way escorted with even one bodyguard.

well, you don't remember/know well, in fact Cindy and Claudia had bodyguards, they had events in big malls to present her calendars and videos ^_^

i dont compare her to any of the actual supermodels of the 90s, Linda, Cindy, Naomi, Christy... all of these have that little extra, the "je ne sais quoi" that i dont see in Claudia.

that's your personal opinion, the fact is that she was one of them, in certain years Claudia was even bigger than Cindy in terms of popularity, Claudia has appeared like in 1500 magazine covers, she has the record. ^_^

I understand that you don't like her but the facts speak for themselves.
Gisele's typical and bland. Those supermodels, very much Amazonian, looked strong, powerful, and beautiful.

Gisele just wears bright coloured dresses with overstyled blonde hair. Boring and tacky. I laughed at her Bazaar's ed Lagerfeld shot of her in the white haute couture dresses.

Gisele to me though is the super of all supers because she has really had so much success in commercial modeling and HF modeling. (and no im not just being biased) Cindy is often considered this HF she barely made a blimp. She never amounted in the HF industry like Naomi Linda or the other C's did. IMO. She made her mark in commercial modeling. Gisele on the other hand had VS. And you look back at her campaigns and covers she has really done almost everything out there. :shock: And even to keep that position when the industry just throws and brings new girls out like its nobody's business is even more amazing. To me Gisele will make an even bigger impact (on me) then all these supers did years ago.
i've been saying that for years... after the 90's, the supermodel term was just abused.

It's the naive fans of models that have bastardized the term until every girl that's ever stepped on a runway is a supermodel. :ninja:
^ hello, since when being a simple VS model is synonym of commercial domination? Cindy never wanted to be a Victoria's Secret model 'cause it was not in her level. B)

and since when 8 US Vogue Covers is a High Fashion record? Cindy has 18 Vogue Covers, Claudia has 17.

lol, some statements makes me laugh a lot :lol:
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i clearly stated when i saw her at the beach. having a calendar signing or public appearance is a different story.
a lot of people over here have couple of guards just to do their shopping on a normal day and neither me nor you would know them nor give them any importance. :p

i know how big claudia was at the time, i never denied that, i said that "I dont compare her to the others"
i would really like you to read my posts.

a lot of people over here have couple of guards just to do their shopping on a normal day and neither me nor you would know them nor give them any importance. :p

as far as I know a person not necessarily has to be famous to hire some guards, have you heard abour kidnappings?

i know how big claudia was at the time, i never denied that, i said that "I dont compare her to the others"

Oh of course I knew It was a personal opinion, not a official thing B)
ditto joseph,
that was exactly my point. that is why i didnt see the bodyguard issue an important one.
ditto joseph,
that was exactly my point. that is why i didnt see the bodyguard issue an important one.

it's important 'cause in the case of Claudia Schiffer she had a lot of fans and even stalkers! it was part of the Supermodelmania, that's what she pointed out so you probably didn't read well what she said. B) try again. :flower:
i wasnt talking about her having an issue with it but rather trying to point out that someone having bodyguards isnt a big issue (just like you mentioned in your previous post "as far as I know a person not necessarily has to be famous to hire some guards..")
strange that once again in a topic like this, once again someone has to get personal. i dont need to "try again" as i am not that much into it. i was simply stating my opinion :)
.... trying to point out that someone having bodyguards isnt a big issue (just like you mentioned in your previous post "as far as I know a person not necessarily has to be famous to hire some guards..")

I don't think she thinks it was an issue, she only said "hey, I was so famous and popular that I couldn't live without four bodyguards" just like every major star do it, Angelina, Brad ...

a simple no famous top model like Gemma Ward needs a bodyguard? no! why? people don't know who she is, why would she need one?

Claudia needed guards, that's the point, try to get it. :flower:
could you please quit getting personal.
i know she needed guards and i dont really care that she did. that was MY point.

long live supermodels :rolleyes:
could you please quit getting personal.
i know she needed guards and i dont really care that she did. that was MY point.

long live supermodels

I'm not taking anything personal, you tried to say thet it was not true what she said about bodyguards and I just said that it's true, that's it ^_^

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