The WORST foundation that you have ever tried

Maybelline mousse & also Rimmel Cool Matt Mousse - maybe I'm not used to the texture but made my face look really dirty!
^I HATED the rimmel mousse. It has turned me off from mousse foundations FOREVER. I strayed from my beloved liquids and I paid for it, big time (okay, not cash wise since it was Rimmel, but in the rhetorical sense).
those mousse things are awfulness. any brand.

and the Diorskin air flash made me break out like a soldier in hiroshima :rofl:
Cover girl "clean" foundation. Eighth grade baby.B)

Also Max Factor pancake but it was fine for it's purpose - stage make up for ballet or "pancaking" pointe shoes so they aren't shiny - but I'd never wear it as normal make up on my face.

eta: oops, I just realized I've repied to this thread twice already. I guess it's rarely bumped up her so I forget....
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I can't remember the name of the brand, it's been a long time, but the target audience was old ladies, and it had this layer of oil floating on top. The only reason I tried it is because the color matched my pink skin and I was desperate :wacko: So the second I put it on I literally felt like my skin was suffocating--it absolutely could not breathe. I have never felt anything like it before or since. And back to the store it went ...

EVERYTHING maybeline!!!
FIRST the shades are off, NONE of them matches golden olive skintones. Seocnd, the texture sucks, all so damn wet.
Third, the foundation has no pigmentation, you need to pile on five layers to cover anything. But by then, you discover that the shades are aweful, and you are wearing a mask.
MAC liquid foundation... it clogged up my skin and i broke out immediately. gross.
Add Sephora powder liquid foundation to the list. It was so greasy and had NO coverage whatsoever. Such a disappointment :(
Modelbehavior, maybe you should get some retin-a? i saw a post you had earlier and you said you had bad acne...i did too earlier but after using it, all i need is a drop of foundation and som bobbi brown blemish stick :D

Keeping along with the forum here, i FREAKIN HATE ALMAY TO DEATH. was so gross.
^yeah, maybe I should try it :P

OMG, almay is so bad now! They used to have a lot of really good foundations but then they redid the line and discontinued all of them and made all of their shades ORANGE. Eww. Bad move, Almay.
MAC was HORRIBLE on me..actually i have never seen it look good on anyone.
lancome was pretty disappointing too
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Cover Girl Clean Makeup - I too tried this when I was first messing around with foundation, maybe age 14 or so, and...eww. It has such a strong chemically makeup smell, and that put me off right away - then when you put it on, it's SO thick.. just gross.

I think from age 15-18 I used Loreal Mattique - I used to love that stuff.

It's true that most drugstore foundation just isn't very good. I think some of Loreals are ok though.
I remember the CG clean!!!! I also remember waiting for the bus looking like pepto bismal was splashed on my face..that stuff was nasty...

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