Tom Hiddleston

older candids

Arriving in Sydney for the Thor premiere - 2011

Is that Jeremy Irons sitting next to him in that Henry IV still? :shock: Okay, where/when/how can I find this movie? When is it coming out? Old crush and new crush together in a movie? Flipping. Out. :woot: The only thing that would make this better was if Michael Fassbender was playing Hotspur or something.

On a calmer and much more sane note, I love the bromance between him and Benedict. :crush:
It's on the bbc in a few months. They've started Shakespeare season already so the TV adaptation is imminent and I can't wait.

Are the pics of Hiddles and Benedict old or new? I think I've seen them before.
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^i think they're from earlier this year, definitely not new as in taken in the past few days...i looked back in this thread and didn't see them, sorry if they should indeed be reposts

videos from his Apple Store interview (you can watch the whole thing on itunes)

Henry IV is some kind of BBC movie right ?? I'd really want to see it.
Yep it is a BBC movie. He's going to play Hal in Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2 and Henry V so that's three TV movies that we have to look forward to.
He's all types of gorgeous and funny and attractive! I keep sighing loudly as I go through the pages here and through tumblr; I don't think I'll ever tire of him!! :heart:
little clip from Henry V here (it doesn't work for me for some reason, i hope some kind soul will put it on youtube or some other site very soon

new still

tumblr: bambistark
The Avengers press tour has been full of priceless, unforgettable moments but the Loki'd tops them all. I LOL whenever I watch that video.
Ever since I first saw the Avengers on the 5th I can't get enough of his man. Truly, he is the most beautiful man I've ever seen.
I love him, but what an incredibly awkward interview. :huh: I cringed all the way through it.
girls (and guys) if you wanna hear Tom read an erotic short story with a southern accent, go here
(his part begins around the 40 minute mark)

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