Toni Garrn

Wow! :heart:
Amazing, thanks for posting. Especially love the first one.
Up & Down's Paris Fashion Week Party Sept. 28, 2014 via ToniGarrnMania
Ulrich Wickert Preis without tags,
More & higher Quality


After Chanel via ToniGarrnMania
Interview from

Plöpp! Eine neue Whatsapp-Nachricht – Toni Garrn (22) errötet minimal und dreht ruck, zuck ihr Smartphone mit dem Rücken nach oben, bevor man einen Blick auf das kleine grüne Fenster erhaschen kann. Ist die vielleicht von …? Man rechnet kurz, wie die Uhrzeit gerade in L.A. ist. Hm, dann müsste Leo DiCaprio (39) aber verdammt früh aufstehen. Vielleicht war es auch mal wieder ein Angebot für einen neuen Millionendeal. Sorry, Toni: Wir sind halt nun mal über die Maßen neugierig! Beim Talk in ihrer Heimat Hamburg, wo Toni den neuen Jil-Sander-Duft „Simply“ vorstellt, gibt es aber auch so genügend interessante Themen: zum Beispiel Stalker, Prolls und Kräuterhexen …

Joggen Sie immer noch um die Alster, wenn Sie hier auf Heimatbesuch sind?
Ja, aber im Moment schwächle ich ein bisschen und schaffe es gerade mal halb rum. (Anmerkung für alle Nicht-Hamburger: Eine Alsterrunde hat etwas über sieben Kilometer) Ich muss dann immer viel Zeit haben, am besten so zwei Stunden, weil ich zwischendurch gehe oder Bilder mache.

Wie viele Männer wechseln die Richtung und verfolgen Sie, wenn sie Ihnen entgegenkommen?
Nicht einer! Ich wurde auch noch nie angesprochen – wenn man läuft und Musik hört, traut sich eh niemand. Wenn ich aber irgendwo in der Schlange stehen muss, ist das leider anders …

Und wie bleiben Sie sonst fit?
Ich gehe ins Gym, auch um 3 Uhr nachts, wenn ich Jetlag habe. Ich mache außerdem gerne Kurse, gerade habe ich Spinning im Wasser angefangen. Pilates oder Yoga mache ich nur, wenn ich müde bin, ich bin nicht so der Yogi. Ich liebe Tennis, was schwer ist, wenn ich unterwegs bin und keinen Partner dafür habe.

Apropos Partner. Sie sind das Gesicht von Jil Sanders Parfum „Simply“. Der Duft, heißt es, sei eher für Frauen um die 30. Wie repräsentieren Sie die, mit Ihren 22 Jahren?
Viele sagen immer, dass ich mich älter gebe, als ich bin. Ich finde meinen Modestil zum Beispiel auch sehr klassisch und gradlinig.

Und Ihre Parfum-Vorlieben?
Ein Parfum darf nicht schwer oder aufdringlich sein. Ich gebe mich jetzt nicht so superfeminin, deshalb ist es gut, dass der Duft das ausgleicht. Ich benutze so drei, vier Düfte – aber zum Beispiel nie, wenn ich das Haus verlasse, um mich mit Freunden zu treffen oder sonntags. Ich liebe diese leichte Vanillenote! Wenn ich backe, nehme ich auch immer ganz viel Vanillearoma.

Sie backen viel?
Ja klar! Wie eine Verrückte! Ich vertrage ja keine Kuhmilch, deshalb mache ich am liebsten immer alles selbst: Banana Bread, Muffins … Und noch was zum Thema Duft: Ich mag übrigens auch den Geruch von Benzin!

Frauen leihen sich ja gerne ein altes T-Shirt von ihrem Freund. Wonach das von Leo DiCaprio wohl riecht …?
(freundliches Lächeln)

Aber verraten Sie mir, wonach ein Mann für Sie riechen muss?
Auf jeden Fall auch nicht zu stark. Wenn jemand neben mir herläuft und total nach Parfum riecht, denke ich eher: Boah, ist das ein Proll! Das kann ich gar nicht ab.

Und welcher Geruch verjagt Sie noch?
In Los Angeles tragen gerade alle diese totalen edgy Düfte, die nach Holz riechen. Auch Frauen – die riechen dann wie Kräuterhexen. Ich denke immer: Mädels, ihr müsst doch nichts tragen, was draußen in die Büsche gehört!

Bei Ihnen wirkt alles immer so locker. Waren Sie nie verbissen, es als Model zu schaffen?
Ich hatte nie große Ziele. Ich lief am Anfang für Calvin Klein, Chloé und Armani in einer Saison – ich wusste gar nicht, wie wichtig das war. Und dann kam noch Victoria’s Secret on top. Ich glaube, dass man am erfolgreichsten ist, wenn man nicht versucht das zu pushen.

In welchen Situationen geht Ihnen der Job denn total auf den Zeiger?
Wenn ich zwei Wochen lang jeden Tag woanders arbeite: Los Angeles, Bora Bora, Stockholm, dann sehne ich mich nach Ruhe. Wie schön es wäre, eine Woche lang nur in einem Studio in New York zu shooten. Einen normalen Job kann ich mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, ich fing an, bevor ich überhaupt einen Berufswunsch hatte! Ich wüsste zum Beispiel auch gar nicht, ob ich unter jemandem arbeiten könnte. Das klingt naiv, aber ich weiß es wirklich nicht!

Glauben Sie, dass Sie mit 30 noch modeln?
Ich hoffe! Viele, die älter werden, machen das doch so einmal im Monat ein bisschen nebenher. Ich hoffe aber, dass ich bis dahin auch mit anderen Projekten erfolgreich war – meiner Arbeit als Botschafterin für Plan International zum Beispiel.

Stellen Sie sich manchmal vor, Sie wachen auf, und alles ist plötzlich vorbei, der Glamour, der Jetset …?
Ja, manchmal. Aber dann gäbe es noch genug anderes in meinem Leben, das mich glücklich macht. Es ist einfach toll grad!

I'm too lazy to translate it myself, here's a translation via Google with some corrections by me:

Plöpp! A new Whatsapp message - Toni Garrn (22) minimaly blushes and turns jerking, twitching her smartphone with her back up before you can catch a glimpse of the little green window. Is it perhaps ...? You just calculated what the time is in LA right now. Hm, then Leo DiCaprio (39) must get up damn early. Maybe it was once again a call for a new million deal. Sorry, Toni: We are just exceedingly curious! But at our interview in her hometown Hamburg, where Toni presents the new Jil Sander fragrance "Simply", there are plenty of interesting topics anyway: for example, Stalkers, chavs and herbalists ...
Do you still run around the Alster, if you are here on the home visit?
Yes, but at the moment I'm a bit low and make it just halfway around the Alster. (Note to all non-Hamburger: A Alster round has about seven kilometers) I must then always have a lot of time, so the best two hours, because I walk in between or take pictures.
How many men make you change direction and pursue you when they meet you?
Not one! I was also never addressed - if you run and listen to music, nobody dares anyway. But if I have to stand in line somewhere, unfortunately this is different ...
And how do you otherwise remain fit?
I go to the gym, even at 3 clock at night when I'm jet lagged. I'm also happy to courses, I've just started spinning in the water. Pilates or Yoga I do only when I am tired, I am not a yogi. I love tennis, which is hard when I'm traveling and do not have a partner for it.
Speaking of partners. You are the face of Jil Sander Perfume "Simply". The scent, it is said, is more suitable for women around 30. How to represent at only 22 years?
Many always say that I seem older than I am. I find my fashion style, for example, very classic and straightforward.
And your perfume preference?
A perfume should not be difficult or intrusive. I give myself now not so super feminine, so it is good that the smell compensates for that. I use it three, four fragrances - but never, for example, when I leave the house to meet up with friends or Sundays. I love this little touch of vanilla! When I bake, I am also always lots of vanilla flavor.
You bake a lot?
Yeah! Like a Crazy! I'm intolerant to cow's milk, so I most like getting everything myself: Banana Bread, muffins ... And one more thing on the subject of scent: I like by the way the smell of petrol!
Women borrow so happy an old t-shirt of her boyfriend. What are the smells of Leo DiCaprio probably ...?
(friendly smile)
But you tell me what a man should smell for you?
In any case, not too strong. If someone tagging along beside me and totally smells like perfume, I'm thinking: Wow, that's a chav! I can not stand it at all.
And what smell you driven yet?
In Los Angeles especially, all these totally edgy scents that smell of wood. Women too - they smell then as herbalists. I always think: girls, you don't have to wear anything that belongs out there in the bushes!
With you everything always seems so easy. Have you never doggedly to make it as a model?
I never had big goals. I walked at the beginning of Calvin Klein, Chloé and Armani in one season - I did not know how important that was. And then there was Victoria's Secret on top. I think you are most successful when you do not try to push it.
In what situations is the job for you totally on the pointer?
If I have two weeks every day work elsewhere: Los Angeles, Bora Bora, Stockholm, I yearn for rest. How nice it would be long to shoot only one week in a studio in New York. A normal job I can with the best will not imagine, I began before I even had a career aspiration! I know, for example, do not know if I could work under someone. This may sound naive, but I really do not know!
Do you think you model with 30 yet?
I hope! Many who are older, make it so once a month a bit on the side. But I hope that I was successful with other projects until then - my work as an ambassador for Plan International, for example.
Do you Imagine sometimes before, wake up, and suddenly everything is over, the glamor, the jet set ...?
Yes, sometimes. But then there would still be enough else in my life that makes me happy. It's just great right now!
International Day of the Girl Child Kick Off in Berlin

From her instagram:
Starting awareness for the "International Day of the Girl Child" on October 11th here in Berlin today! #planinternational #Dayofthegirl2014 #YouAndMeGirl #BecauseIAmAGirl #Biaag

finca, zimbio via tonigarrnmania
Amazing piece from German Interview!

Toni Garrn from A to Z
My translation from

That's easy: A is for Antonia, my first name.
But who calls Toni Garrn Antonia?
My mum, my brother, my whole family basically. When we lived in Athens and London, I was always Antonia. I only became Toni when we moved to Hamburg. I went somewhere, introduced myself as Antonia and they were immediately like: Oh, Toni! - I thought that was very weird as a 10-year-old. But I guess in Germany all Antonias are called Toni.
Another word for A would have been take-off [Abflug].
Take-off for me is what using the subway to get to work is for others.
How many times a weak do you fly currently?
Two or three times on average, sometimes even five times. But luckily it's not as often as in the past now.
Favorite airport?
The european ones. I like Amsterdam and Terminal 5 in Heathrow.
Worst airport?
La Guardia, LAX, Miami, all american airports are terrible.
Aisle or window?
During the flight: Watching movies, reading or sleeping?
Movies! But also sleeping when on a long distance flight...
With or without Tavor?
What is Tavor?
A tranquillizer.
I've never taken one and I'm a little proud of it. The jetlag will get you anyway, no matter what.

Baking! I love baking. And since I'm intolerant to dairy, I always bake sugarfree and vegan. Unfortunately, this is why a lot of things go wrong. Sometimes I use two eggs for the dough.
Because it works better?
Exactly. 80 percent are still fails though. But I'm good at preparing breakfast, Pancakes, Brownies, French toast. I can't cook, but I can bake. What would have been your suggestion for b?
Oh! And what question exactly?
Would you rather be twice as beautiful or twice as smart?
Who wants to be twice as beautiful?

I can't think of anything.
What do you think of while walking down the catwalk?
If I'm wearing flats, I think of what to do after the show, what I could eat, whom I could meet.
You don't think: Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot...?
It's more likely in heels or long dresses. Then you really have to be focused.
Even more so as your walk is incredibly fast.
Unfortunately I often walk faster than the girl in front of me. I hate it when somebody walks to slowly.
At the beginning of your career, did you have to walk with your hands tied on your back in order to practice how to walk upright and pull back your shoulders?
No, luckily not. But I saw how other girls had to do it. But when I was 14, right before my first show for Calvin Klein, I had to walk around a conference table for hours - until my face wouldn't turn red anymore. My face turns red very easily when I'm nervous, that's because of my light complexion.
And how do you manage not to smile?
At most of the shows, you have to wait for at least an hour for the show to start. You really don't want to smile anymore afterwards.
So the lethargic expression on the models' faces is not because you smoke a little weed right before the show starts? No, but I know what you mean. [laughs]

Deutsch [German]
True, that was easy.
I read that Schadenfreude is your favorite German word.
Schadenfreude is a great word. And a lot of Americans use it. It's really interesting that this word only exists in German.
Do you miss speaking German when you're traveling a lot?
My mum is my manager, so I can't miss it, really. She's always like: check your e-mails, give this or that person a call, let me know how you're doing. And my brother is currently living with me in New York, that's great.
What do you miss when thinking of Germany?
Franzbrötchen. [A special sweet that Hamburg is famous for.]

E for eating? I think of eating all day long. But we already had that one.
Ehrfurcht? [awe]
[quietly] Karl. [louder] Karl. Not that I was scared of him before meeting him for the first time, but for Karl one just has a lot of respect.
I heard that Lagerfeld was almost startled by how elegant and confident you are: He compared you to Brigitte Helm and shot you for a Fritz Lang inspired editorial. Did you know what he was talking about or did you have to run back to your hotel and download Metropolis on Itunes?
Of course I prepare for big jobs or important meeting. And you get to know in advance what is planned at a big shoot. I was like: "Sure, Brigitte Helm..." The evening before the meeting, I had watched Metropolis for the first time.

Whenever I read an article about you, it says you are a Fräuleinwunder.
I think Fräulein is a cute word. But Wunder?
My other suggestion would be Fifteen. At fifteen, you became the face of Calvin Klein, one season later you walked 54 shows.
I always think of thirteen, when I was discovered. But Fifteen works well - and it starts with an F.
What did your classmates say when you returned from New York after debuting?
They didn't really know it and I never talked about it. On Mondays, I asked how the others had spent their weekends and just did not mention that I had been in NY or Milan.
What would 15-year-old Toni say to the woman that's sitting in front of me?
Goodness, you're even taller and you're talking even faster!

Greece! Greece! We lived there and it was amazing. A part of me feels Greek until now.

Hummer. [Lobster] I love lobster. Or H for home.
Does the feeling of coming home still exists for you nowadays?
I moved seven times within Hamburg, so there's not this one house I grew up in. Of course I'm always happy to come back to this city, but I'm equally happy to be off again two days later. I feel at home in NY, especially when I see the bridge.
For somebody who travels as much as you do, is a good WIFI also some sort of home?
No, I'm not that much of an online freak, sometimes I travel without my notebook for weeks.
Did you ever feel homesick?
No, never. Not even at 11 years old, when I was in a youth camp in Ohio. I came back home and was crying for a whole week - because I wanted to leave again.
Your mum says in Ohio it was talked about you becoming a supermodel for the first time.
Yeah, she always says that.
But you didn't even want to become a model, but...
A cashier! I always played with registers and wanted to put price tags on everything. Unfortunately, my dad and my brother didn't want to buy my brush three times a day.

One could think when you're being photographed all day long, you're not particularly keen on looking into the camera after work. But the opposite seems to be true.
Instagram has become part of my job. But I really don't like selfies - I should maybe post more selfies though, I would probably have more followers then.
You were shot by just about every photographer. If you had to choose a picture and say 'This is me', which one would it be?
Just some snap of me wearing jeans, laughing, out and about on the streets.
Do you put make up on when off work?
No, never. I put some mascara on at night, that's it.

I'm not religious, but in English I often use the word Jesus. Too often, to be honest.
What about Ja sagen? [Saying Yes]
What do you mean?
Do you have to wear everything, every dress, every hairdo, every color - like a well paid mannequin, or do you have a say as a model?
Meanwhile I do have a say. That was the big change last year: I'm getting booked as a person and not as model now. That's amazing. It's because of all these headlines, I'm aware of this.

Kindheit [childhood]. You moved a lot: To London at two, to Athens at six, to Hamburg at ten...
We moved a lot because of my father's job, which was the ideal thing for my later life.
What kind of girl were you at school?
I only went because of my friends, I thought the classes themselves were secondary and I only did what was necessary. That's why I never thought school was terrible: You just met there.
Did you have a nickname?
Were you the girl every boy wanted to date or were you too tall for this?
I was too tall and very anti-boys. I thought boys were stupid.

Lustig! [Funny] I really hope that later on when people think back they say: Toni was funny!
Last supper?
Kaiserschmarrn. [Some sort of pancake]
Lieblingsrestaurant? [Favorite restaurant?] Blue ribbon in NY.
Lieblingsstrand? [Favorite beach] Bora Bora.

What did you think of models before becoming one yourself?
Beautiful women. But I didn't really think about models that much.
Which stereotypes about models are true?
Many! Okay, the most important one: Yes, we do pay attention to what we eat.
Which one is not true?
That everybody is very pretty.
Would you share your Diva moments?
I always require a 24-hour-gym. And almond milk.
You're going to walk for Mango tonight. Why do you think Mango is called Mango?
I guess it's helpful that you can pronounce the name all over the world, it works in all languages.
You also could have named it Banana then!
Or Papaya!

Niklas, my brother.
Who is a model, too.
He was, but he's too smart for it. He's really very, very smart.
His Abitur is very good.
Exactly. And he's currently living in NYC with me.
How does NYC smell?
Depends. Next to my apartment building I smell fresh bread, there's the best bakery in town. That's why I moved to West Village!
How does it taste?
It tastes like Sushi.
Most beautiful New York song?
Empire State of Mind.
Do you live on your own or in a flat share?
Officially I live alone, but I've never been alone in my apartment. There's always somebody visiting.
City to grow old in or tankless water heater? [German word hints at something temporary]
Tankless water heater. I don't want to grow old there in any event.
What's the first thing you do when you're back in town?
I go to this vegan bakery with all my luggage and get myself a coffee.

Oh my!
Oh my?
You're lying in your bed and you realize: I just can't today. What do you do when you feel ugly and just don't want to be photographed all day?
This never happened to me, because I know it's not possible. I always get up, no matter what.
Are there brands you would never work with?
All tabac brands.
Is it difficult for you to shoot nudes?
Not if I know it long enough in advance, feel good, worked out before, and if I like the aesthetics of the pictures. I don't do spontaneous offers. But in general I think: better now than in ten years.

Putzen [Cleaning]. I should learn it finally.

You have to help me here.
Quo vadis? What? I don't get it?
Where are you going, where is your career going? Is it true that you want to switch to acting? Diane Kruger did this very successfully...
And yet it is a whole different world, and I am a little afraid of it. Yes, I took acting classes and I had a lot of fun. But it will take a lot more time until I dare to act in front of the camera. Also, it would have to be the perfect project, there are just so many talented actors, nobody is waiting for me in this business.
You might have to talk a bit more slowly...
I know!

Riding, I love horseback riding!
Where do you do it in NYC? Central Park?
No, Upstate New York, in Greenwich. A friend who lives there plays Polo and obviously owns some horses. [The press lady tries to stop the interview now. Toni: But we're only at R!] Where were we? Do you have something else with R?
Reality check.
Always important.
After you got discovered, were fully booked for three years and walked every important show, you put on the hand brake and did your Abitur. Was it your wish or your parents' wish?
It was my decision, but they were happy about it.
How was it to be back amongst your classmate after leading such a high speed life?
The Abitur was less important to me than being with my girls again. I had missed them. And since modeling wasn't my absolute dream, I didn't think it was bad to take a little break. Even though all my agents tried to convince me to leave school.
Were there boys that said: Hey, you're cheating, you look totally different on this Vogue cover than in the classroom?
No, but I didn't talk to them anyway. They wanted the girls with lots of make up and a big cleavage.
Would you tell us what you bought from your first pay?
Years later a Land Rover that I absolutely love. I don't like small high end cars. I just can't squeeze myself into them.

So I guess you don't take the subway in NYC?
I do, especially some time ago, when I had to get 50 blocks up or down in between shows or when I had to run from agency to agency.
And nowadays?
By bike.
An other word with S would have been Schlagzeile [headlines]. Do your old friends call you when you're on the cover of Grazia once again?
Yes, immediately! Luckily, the german media is the only one interested in me, so I'm happy not to live in Germany at the moment.

We already had Antonia! But speaking of names: What do you think of the case Terry?
Yes, have you shot with him?
Yes, a couple of times, but always for big clients, so he had to behave!

Uhr [watch, clock] maybe? But I never had one - and I think punctuality is overrated. [laughs]
What about U like Urlaub [vacation]?
My mum would say that I'm on vacation way too often. But that's not true. If possible I like to add a few days when we're somewhere for a job. Or friends call me and invite me somewhere because they have a house there. It's not that I plan on being on the beach for two weeks or something.
Next week is your birthday. Do you know where you'll celebrate?
In LA. I always walked Couture in previous years, so I always had to work. But not this year, this year I'm off!

The only thing that comes to mind is variety. I know very little, but a little something about everything, at least that's what my brother always says. I call it variety, he calls it superficiality. [laughs] It has always been like that, I like to try new things: New books, sports, instruments...
I heard that you play Coldplay on the piano.
Even though I had classical piano lessons from when I was six years old on. I should be better...
Clocks or Yellow?
My V would have been Vorbilder [role models]. Claudia, Naomi, Linda or Kate?
If anybody: Christy!
What was the best advice an older colleague of yours ever gave you?
They don't really give you advice. When I worked with Linda, she was so late that we couldn't even talk any more. And Kate, well, Kate is always... being Kate.
A lot of little girls in Germany want to be a model and travel the world because of Toni Garrn. What is your advice: going to soccer fan parties and hoping to be discovered - or applying for casting shows?
If really a lot of people around you say: Girl, you could become a model, they should go to an agency and see what happens. The main problem is that people have a wrong idea of modeling. The industry is looking for really tall and really thin. A pretty face helps, but it's not enough.
And what about casting shows?
They have nothing to do with the real model world. People who go to casting shows want to be on TV.

Wahrheit oder Pflicht! [truth or dare]
How long does it take you to leave your apartment in the morning?
When I have to leave at 8, I get up at 10 minutes to 8.
What's in your fridge?
Vitamins, medicine, almond milk, cremes. With the exception of a few cookies, nothing to eat.
Are there things you would never eat?
Currywurst. [German fried sausage] I don't eat meat.
So I don't need to ask you: McDonald's or Burger King?
McDonald's. I loved Cheeseburgers when I was younger.

Is it getting dirty now?
There's this name one is not allowed to say in your presence. It's a little reminiscent of Harry Potter...
Really? Is that so? I didn't announce this.
Romeo and Juliet or Titanic?
I just saw Romeo and Juliet for the first time last week, so I'll say Titanic.
But he was so cute as Romeo!
That's true. Oh, do you notice: I'm blushing.
Did you have posters of him in your room when you where a teenagers?
No, posters of Britney Spears.

Y is too difficult.
On one of the last pics I saw of you, you were standing on a yacht in Cannes.
That's possible.
What's better: a day on a yacht, a night at a poker table or 24 hours at home in bed?
The day in bed, absolutely.
Speaking of yachts: I read online that you would like to be reborn as a deep sea monster. Is this still true?
No, it was obviously nonsense. But with all these questions, you just have to lie sometimes. Of course this is not true for this interview!

Zeit [time]*I never have.
Zufall [contingency] or destination?
Chanel #theonethatiwant dinner to celebrate Baz Luhrmann's new 'No. 5' film


Love the skirt, dislike the top, it looks so matronly.
First campaign for S/S 15! :woot:

BEHIND THE SCENES: @toni_garrn is the face of the new campaign. #tonigarrn #alexilubomirski #milkstudios #nyc #ss2015 #AIGNER #Aignermunich


instagram/aignermunich via bellazon
Don't remember seeing this.

Simply Jil Sander Fragrance Campaign

Ann Taylor


Chanel No. 5 Dinner

dailymail, vogue via ToniGarrnMania

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