Tyra Banks : No Karlie Kloss Fan! *Update* Is Now A Fan

however ... tyra is in a league of her when it comes to the ex supermodels/topmodels ... she might not be able to do the ads & HF eds that christy/linda/naomi/stephanie/helena do in their retirement, but she has done what no other models of her era or after have been able to do and that is to become a media mogul & stayed relevant for a new generation way beyond modelling and fashion ...

she's very self-effacing so we actually dont realise that she is a multi-millionaire who oversees a lot of important projects and many people ... although i love karlie, it is likely that 10 years from now, she will be 1 of many talented and beautiful models but, unlike tyra she will not be etched into the public consicousness

.... tyra on the hand may act a fool but she had a very credible HF modelling career while it lasted ... i do think in many ways that Naomi really limited tyra's HF work because she was so threatened by her ... i think that designers, eds, photogs were made to feel that you had to choose 1 over the other ... therefore, we'll never really know what could've come of Tyra's HF career ...
I dont know why this thread even got brought up again
this happened F/W08-09 season correct? we are now going into S/S 2011

Karlie's walk was $hit back then...i still dont like it...and Tyra just did what most of
us think and say in the Best & Worst Catwalkers thread...everyone has their panties in a bunch
It was definitely rude and should not have happened, but I wonder sometime if I would be able to control myself if one of these catwalk disasters unexpectedly walked by me. Now if I know in advance that Karlie, Sasha or Katie will be on the catwalk, I guess that I would have to sit on my hands and bite my lip. :p
At least Karlie is a high fashion model, I don't see any of the girls Tyra has that have turned into top models like her.
so is it true what wikipedia saids

Tyra Banks has stated on her Twitter account that, Karlie Kloss is one of her favorite models right now because of her unique, atypical beauty

i mean after what she did to karlie. any one knows if this is true?
so is it true what wikipedia saids

i mean after what she did to karlie. any one knows if this is true?

Haha ! Tyra - who search the next American Top Model with her show since a while - mocked a model, which has become THE American supermodel a few seasons after. To be credible, I guess Tyra should say that Karlie was now her favorite :rolleyes:

Here the capture of her twitter where she proclaims her love for Karlie:

Having said that, it's cool for Karlie !
indeed good for karlie now she can prove to tyra that she was wrong about her!
now that she realize karlie success she change her mind! biatch plz!

ugh just one more reason to deslike tyra even more! how fake!
I don't take Tyra seriously anyway, like seriously how are you gonna talk slick about an 17/18 yr old model?? And when Naomi was "nasty" to her when she was that age she didn't like it and is probably still bitter about the whole thing till this day. Smh the woman is a hot mess..
^ made me laugh... FYI: those that don't know back when Tyra was a runway model in Europe and as well as here, she's one of those models with impeccable quality and top designers (ALL of them) knows her and had her back. It may not show to fans of this generations because back then the internet was just that... for government usage and not for the masses I maybe showing my age when I say this, but I'm giving Tyra credit where credit is due. She was already showing business savvy and is rather intelligent when appropriate. I'm sure y'all know by now she's enrolled in Harvard BUSINESS School , an Ivy League institution and a business school who just doesn't take in celebrities and wealthy folks with an impressive bank account but must prove scholastic aptitude. Can't say the same for the other 80's Supermodels. Sure, Turlington enrolled at NYU with majoring in literature/philosophy or something along that line but it doesn't equate to the type of curriculum and level that a Business School is geared to. Bottomline, it's much harder and the student is super smart. Kudos to Tyra, got more respect for her.
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What did Tyra do to Karlie? Ugh, I'm so confused..

Model Karlie Kloss is on the rise, but we're not sure if that's a good thing if Tyra Banks is in the audience. If you've not seen it, the Kloss walk features a kind of stoned death stare; she moves in slow motion, swaying her head from side to side in such a way that if laser beams were to suddenly shoot out of her eyes — and we suspect they might any minute now — she would obliterate everyone in the first two rows. So when Kloss floated by Banks at the Jill Stuart show this afternoon, Banks noticed. Tyra excitedly tapped her purple-haired neighbor, indicating this was the moment she'd been waiting for. Her eyes adopted the same couldn't-give-a-**** glare as Kloss; she dropped her chin, and slowly swayed her head from side to side, transforming herself into a Kloss zombie. Her companion laughed excitedly and so Tyra did the routine again. And again. Then she turned to her other front-row neighbor, the ubiquitous Nigel Barker, and did it again. Nigel shook his head and, though we didn't hear their conversation, they seemed to agree they didn't know what the hell Kloss was doing. Whatever it was, it's been working: The girl's barely 15 years old and has been owning the runways all week. While Tyra Banks may be mocking her walk, designers are loving it. She closed Marc by Marc Jacobs, opened Carolina Herrera, and scored both spots at Doo.Ri.
i bet tyra tought karlie wasnt going to make it,like any of the 100+ girls she has have on her shows. but now what karlie is well known/big in the industry she call her self a fan. cant get any faker then that :sick::sick:

but i have to aadmit karlies walk was a little "unique" good she improve it! ^_^
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now she is a fan of karlie! :lol::lol:

they need to change the name of the thread,because she is a fan!

how fake! after she saw karlies succes! now she is a fan.plzzzzzzzzzz
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Well you can be a fan of a model and still not like their walk (playing the devil's advocate here^_^). And models can grow on you (it has happened to me). At least she is giving credit where it is due now (and publicly, so good for her).
Many members on tfs have stated that they do like her walk but they just do not get the press that Tyra does.
As I posted in the thread on the subject:

Well you can be a fan of a model and still not like their walk (playing the devil's advocate here). And models can grow on you (it has happened to me). At least she is giving credit where it is due now (and publicly, so good for her).
Many members on tfs have stated that they do like her walk but they just do not get the press that Tyra does.
Well, in all fairness, I didn't like Karlie back when this thread started, based solely on her dreadful walk. But right after that I saw her print work and started to like her a lot.
Well you can be a fan of a model and still not like their walk (playing the devil's advocate here^_^). And models can grow on you (it has happened to me). At least she is giving credit where it is due now (and publicly, so good for her).
Many members on tfs have stated that they do like her walk but they just do not get the press that Tyra does.

i agree.but been tyra i just feel she is doing it,to make ppl think she knows about models! and kind of make ppl forget that she make fun of this girl by saying" i love her! "

i donno clearly im just not a fan of hers.
^I am not a huge fan of Tyra's either. But she has been in the industry for years, so I think that she does know about models.
And her show not producing top models, well I think she has gotten what she wants out of it.....a business, making money. The show is produced for TV viewing. She knows it , I know it.

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