Tyra Banks : No Karlie Kloss Fan! *Update* Is Now A Fan

My former boss was at one time a big deal with Victoria's Secret, and over the years met all of the girls many times...She said everyone loved Heidi, but Trya was universally disliked by one and all- executives, advertising people, photographers, other models, etc...I have always found her sort of sneaky and insincere, but hearing about this from someone I knew well who was in a position to really know just confirmed it for me...And Karlie seems as sweet as can be- I don't remember ever hearing an bad word about her...Just my two cents...;)
tyra never said anything about karlie personally...
she just criticized her walk, which in my opinion isn't very good...
tyra is a former model and she is in a position to be able to critique a model walk...

secondly, it's funny that people are bad-mouthing tyra for changing her opinion...
have you visited the peeve to fave thread?
i'm sure many of you have hated a model at first and then grown to like (or even love) her...
i couldn't stand gemma ward or sasha pivovarova when they first came out, and now both are among my favorite models...
not because they were "popular" or successful, but because i saw their versatility and uniqueness...

i'm not trying to defend tyra, i just think all of this is crazy when it's something many members here have said or done...
tyra never said anything about karlie personally...
True but she was a celebrity sitting on the front row of a fashion show openly mocking the walk of a model who at the time was a couple of steps up from being a nobody. I am glad that she has publicly complimented Karlie but IMO the initial incident was deplorable. I would give her a pass if she was talking about Karlie at a cocktail party, in a staff meeting or something of that sort and someone dropped a dime on her or even if she was sitting there and Karlie with her weird walk happened upon her unexpectedly and she wasn't able to fully suppress her laughter or shock, but instead she is a grown woman, former model and visible celebrity sitting on the front row, pointing out a fifteen year old (I think?) newbie model and having a laugh over her weird walk and that is not cool. Thankfully, Karlie has gotten the last laugh.
WOW, Tyra. So jealous, she's mad because A: A successful girl that has a unique walk at age 15, *********
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^^^Karlie has the last laugh? But what has Tyra lost? She's still a successful millionare and a household name. Yes, Karlie has risen up in the ranks, but Tyra hasn't fallen at all.
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*update* tyra is sooo :sick: now that karlie in on the top she is a fan?
while Karlie was starting her career,tyra make fun of her! please!!!
^^^Karlie has the last laugh? But what has Tyra lost? She's still a successful millionare and a household name. Yes, Karlie has risen up in the ranks, but Tyra hasn't fallen at all.

Exactly, Karlie will be lucky if any of us even remember her name in three years.
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WOW, Karlie haters on here, I highly doubt ANYONE will remember our names in three hours. We're just saying that Karlie didn't deserve crap from Tyra, or being rude to her. NONE of Tyra's 13 seasons of girls have been even close to making it in the modeling business, much less touching on Karlie's level...
See, I agree that Karlie doesn't deserve any kind of hate. However, I'm just saying that I highly doubt she'll become a household name, or achieve longevity; better models than Karlie have come and gone without achieving Tyra's level of fame/fortune. Therefore it's silly to compare them. Models fade, it's a sad fact, Karlie will likely go through the same thing (although I wish her the best because she seems perfectly lovely). No one will remember our names because no one knows our names, we're not trying to make it in the entertainment business. Let's not attribute a status to models which is higher than what they deserve. We shouldn't think models are better than us just because they make money from their looks, they still have to live in the real world, and most of the time we as the general public are in a better position than models who are has beens at the age of 25. Another thing you have to realize is that America's next top model (which is now in it's 17th cycle), is not about making models. It's about fueling Tyra's ego and keeping her in the public eye via television because she's now retired from modelling. I don't think Karlie will ever achieve Tyra's level of fame because her look won't be accepted by the mainstream public (her beauty is quirky and not as sexy or classical as Tyra's). Tyra is successful because of her amazing looks and personality. Despite what people say and think of her, she turned her success into something the modelling world has never seen. She and Heidi Klum are media moguls which can't be said for most supermodels let alone todays models. You can fawn over Karlie's pictures all you want but facts are facts, Tyra has something that today's models don't. Tyra should be mature and realize you can't ridicule young models, especially since she has gone through the same struggle period herself and she mentors young women and is an aspirational figure to most. She should act like an adult (She's in Harvard business school for God's sake), but at the end of the day, she's earned her stripes. What she did wasn't even that bad, it's just Karlie fans making it into a big deal.
Oh, I'm not trying to compare Karlie to Tyra in any way. I'm just saying that it wasn't right for Tyra to make fun of Karlie in that way. I'm sure that Karlie will earn her respect within the modeling business. Tyra Banks is on a whole nother level than a lot of the models here, much bigger than Carmen Kass, Daria Werbowy, and Eva Horzigova combined, Tyra is an entertainer. I was just commenting on how rude it was for her to do that to a young Karlie who was just starting out, hating on her for her walk, for which NONE of her 17 seasons of girls could even touch on.
^^Yeah it was definitely stupid, Tyra is a buffoon, but she's done way more offensive things in the past to young aspiring models on her show. I bet she just did an impression of Karlie's walk to make some of the people she was with laugh. I don't think she was being malicious. Karlie with her sunshine personality doesn't deserve it. I know you're weren't comparing Tyra to Karlie but others in the thread were insinuating Karlie is more successful because she's more high fashion. Which is like saying Tyra is more successful than Oprah because she's more high fashion. To be honest if Karlie walked past me doing her runway walk, I would probably burst out laughing. She walks like she's possessed. Her walk is RIDICULOUS, it was even worse before. Tyra's walk is ten times better, so she is in a position to judge. I mean this is something really petty, but if you're whole source of income is selling clothes by making them look good then Karlie is failing (in my opinion).

Anyway since we're talking about Tyra, I thought this was interesting; in cycle 10 of antm there was a contestant called Katarzyna Dolinska, who of a polish background. Her name is a little difficult to pronounce but Tyra made a total spectacle of her, and refused to learn to pronounce her name correctly. Which I thought was much more offensive than what she did to Karlie. Both Tyra and Paulina Porizkova (who is of Czechoslovakian origin) ridiculed Katarzyna throughout the cycle. Polina even said, "and we have our little Polish girl over there" which is really disrespectful considering the history of the the Czech and Polish people. Polina being older and wiser should know better.

Here's the video:

Why is this still being discussed...? It happened three years ago when Karlie's walk wasn't as good as it is now, plus Tyra has since said she is a fan so...can we move on?:innocent:
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hmmm i wonder how Tyra feel watching karlie walking the VSFS!

i bet she is now even a bigger fan of her!!!

(faking of course)

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