Tyra, Naomi Take Their Feud Face-to-Face

bagsnthings said:
When is this show suppose to air?

Its Friday (tomorrow) morning @ 9AM eastern time, and I will definitely be watching. :bounce:
That really sucks about the "unwritten rule" That is so sad that race STILL plays such a big factor in our world. I so hate that.
^ The sad thing is that it' s so well hidden that you rarely notice it. Especially in the modelling industry.

I do hope they resolve their issues because i like them both as models.
so.... did any one watch it? I liked the last part when they imitated eachothers walk. It was cute. Other than that I think it could've been done in private but I guess they just wanted to make it public so the press can stfu already. I missed the first half-hour though so someone fill me in on when Tyra asked her why she did all those things to her. She's so damn emotional sometimes:ninja:
tyra was really annoying in the show, always blaming everything on naomi. she's lucky naomi was as gracious as she was, i woulld've slapped her lol. she treated it like ninth grade drama...
Ariez said:
She's so damn emotional sometimes

She was emotional and I thought it got annoying. Not the fact that she kept telling these narratives but more like I got a "I did not need to know this" kind of feeling. I was tuning in and out during the show, but then Naomi was talking about a messed up time in her life and I thought it was very inconsiderate and rude of Tyra to keep on mentioning sexual abuse. (FYI: I don't know much about Those years in Naomi's life). And also, the camera was very tight on Naomi's face most probably to dramatize what she was saying, but not so much on Tyra.

It was just way too much. :ninja: :rolleyes:
Aww.. I'm sorry I missed it.. and my stupid midterm review wasn't even worth it!.. argh.. I hope I can find it somewhere online...

The tears flowed when supermodels NAOMI CAMPBELL and TYRA BANKS came together to end their 15-year feud on TV in America last night (18NOV05) as the retiring Victoria's Secret stunner confronted the Brit with allegations she terrorised her.

Banks was so traumatised planning the sit-down chat on her talk show she insisted there was no audience present for the first part of her TV summit meeting with her catwalk rival.

Fighting back tears as she introduced the show saying, "Today is a healing day for me and I hope it is a healing day for Naomi too," Banks brought on her guest and accused Campbell of fuelling a media-invented war of words between the pair.

She recalled backstage tantrums and fashion shows and catty remarks through the years, but insisted a location shoot in Anguilla was the first time the rivalry turned really nasty.

Banks accused her guest of having her kicked off the photoshoot after a spat on a boat.

She told Campbell, "I was very seasick on that boat... and you came and you sat down next to me... and you're like, `Sweetie, are you OK?'

"Then you said, `I have to ask you something... Do they try to make you look like me?' I said, `I don't know about so much now (sic) but, in LA, yeah, they really do, with the short black wigs' and you got up, pushed me away and said, `I thought so!'

"You turned. You went from (being) the sweetest woman who was giving me vitamins to someone that terrified me on that trip.

"I was told on that trip I was sent home because you didn't want me there any more."

Campbell insisted she never had Banks dismissed, stating, "That's not true. I don't have the power of ANNA WINTOUR (US Vogue editor)."

Banks also recalled a spat backstage at a European fashion show, when she recalled her rival telling her, "You'll never be me, don't ever think that you'll be me."

Shocked Naomi retorted, "I said that..? I know the person that I am and I'm not someone to go and give myself away and say that to anybody, I've never said that in my life. But if that's what you remember, I accept that, but it doesn't sound like me."

The two models put their differences behind them at the end of the tearful show and sobbed after Campbell told her former rival, "However I've affected you or you've felt that I've affected you I take my responsibility, I must say I'm very proud of you. You've been a powerful black woman... Please continue."

Bawling Banks then stated, "Naomi, thank you so much for saying that... By you just saying that one thing you have no idea what my heart is doing right now."

Banks ended the show by telling viewers, "I can rejoice because I have made peace with this woman here."

19/11/2005 02:41
It's funny how Naomi played "stupid" and didn't remember doing all those things. While Tyra knew every little bit of the situations from which shoot, what designer, what show these events occurred. Coming from someone who has been picked on, you know when and where and how it all came down. I'm glad they can put this behind them but Naomi didn't look too sincere with her apology.:innocent:
electricladyland said:
wow, tyra's show is a bit self-indulgent, isn't it?

First she proved her boobs are real.. now she's mending old wounds..

at least if her show gets axed.. she's accomplished a good amount of things...

Oh and for anyone who cares.. there's a lengthy discussion about this ep in the Naomi Campbell thread.. I Just find it odd no one is talking about it here.. so I checked there.
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backstage pass

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GAWD! I remember that feud! :lol: ...Tyra was this new girl on the catwalk and Naomi started to (ADMIN EDIT)! saying all sorts of derrogatory things , accusing of copying her bla bla bla....:rolleyes:
"The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes."
Last edited by *AndoraStar* : 1 Week Ago at 10:38 AM.

I wrote this post (see above) on J'ador-Dior's Thread : "Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell try to end their longrunning feud" which was closed by the mods. Don't know why. :blink:

...anyhoo.... looks like Senorita Naomi is STILL in denial :angry: . EVERYONE knew
how P'OD Naomi was of Tyra. How jealous she was of her. How much she complained about Tyra this and Tyra that when the poor girl was just a newbie at modeling and doing her job. And Naomi being the diva that she is and STILL is made it known. And Tyra told her the same thing and Naomi seemed to have a memory loss? Gimme a break. I have more respect toTyra than I will ever have with Naomi.
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erin_k said:
tyra was really annoying in the show, always blaming everything on naomi. she's lucky naomi was as gracious as she was, i woulld've slapped her lol. she treated it like ninth grade drama...

I agree, Tyra was annoying. First of all, she barely let Naomi talk. It was all about her, her, her. The part that annoyed me the most, was when Naomi was describing some trauma that happened to her as a child.....and Tyra just blurts out "You were SEXUALLY ABUSED???" (which wasn't the case) almost like she wanted her to say that :huh: or she was tryna get some kinda rumor started.....Instead of just letting Naomi finish what she was saying. This episode made me like Tyra less and Naomi more, when I always thought Naomi was the self-centered b*tch...now she seems mature and cool, and Tyra seems like the b*tch.
CharlottefromCA said:
Shocked Naomi retorted, "I said that..? I know the person that I am and I'm not someone to go and give myself away and say that to anybody, I've never said that in my life. But if that's what you remember, I accept that, but it doesn't sound like me."


I didn't see it either, but from the article Naomi seems really mature about it.
Yes. Naomi = surprisingly mature

Tyra = unsurprisingly selfish, egomaniacal, self-obsessed, and annoying.
Tyra loves the sound of her own voice as well as herself.

Naomi all the way....

i don't deny that Naomi was paranoid about losing work back in the day and maybe did try to sabotage Tyra...who knows.... because unfortunately the industry back then was set in such a way that only one black person could be huge at any one time. Black models were set up against one anther through the pressures of the industry.

It's easy to accuse Naomi of this and that...but i remember watching a doc with kate moss once and she said people didn't realise how tough it was to be a black model back then. Some days naomi would be told 'No thanks, we're not taking Blacks for this show'. So factor in the arrival of someone new like Tyra, of course Naomi would've felt paranoid. And for the security of her career her attitude possibly did manifest itself into ugly jealousy and anger towards Tyra.

Tyra can argue back and forth...but it's a dog eat dog world....every model will put herself first when it comes to her career. I'm sure it would've been the same had Tyra been in Naomi's position....
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This is such an awful thing to say, so I apologize in advance, but it would have been hilarious if Naomi had attacked Tyra half way through the segment with a cell phone :lol: :ninja: :blush:
I was watching Tyra on UPN this morning.. it looks like it's going to replay either tomorrow or some other day of this week

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