UK Harper's Bazaar September 2018 : Cameron Russell by Will Davidson

I'm speechless at the spectacular styling thoughout this issue! When you completely ignore the Cameron and Carine edits, just wow. The styling just coexist so lovely next to the setting. I didn't think I'd like Jacquelyn's edit after the first two shots (it looks very fake), but after the yellow gauze dress it just became one hit after another. Anna Lund just looked majestic throughout, and once again the styling moved beyond just corny sheer dresses. And then it ends with thathat beautiful last shot of Lameka Fox.

Great styling, coupled with equally great photography and a solid cast. My only gripe would be that there's way too much Prada.

The Tyler family have such great genes! Steven is 70??? Well, I'll be buggered! It's odd that fashion always run to the Stones, Macca, and Iggy Pop for a shot, yet Tyler is still kicking it and looking great. And yes, I'd hit it! :rofl:
Harpers Uk is turning into a parody of itself, no?

one shoot by eric on location in scotland. check.
one shoot in a stately home. check.
a celeb/famous model on location. check.

Its just ticking boxes. yawn yawn yawn.

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