^According Wikipedia, Vogue Bambini closed in 2017/8, during Farneti's ternure.
Why Roversi is working for this now low budget Vogue and not the American one? It's beyond weird Pavarotti works for Anna, knowing that his notorious inspiration is Paolo himself. Imagine the actual cover with Gigi (that strange combo of Annie and Porodina) under his lens. Wintour should call the original for once!
About this cover, hm. I think it suits better with Vogue Portugal, those artsy looking covers, I don't know. It looks interesting in certain way, their face it's very like those scary dolls from the 20s. BUT, they don't feel a nice fitting for UK. Reminds me of when Millie B. Brown ended up in Vogue Mexico in such a random way three years ago. I don't like a few things of this, but well, at the end of the day their fans must be very happy.