Underrated Actors

Sobriquet87, thats true I forgot about the HP films having been nominated for Oscars, but I meant in terms of their acting they have never really been nominated. Also 500 Days of Summer is an amazing movie, even though I think some people had a hard time getting into the movie. I hate to say it, but Joseph Gordon Levitt might not be on this list much longer with his new film having just come out. I think people will start to finally see what a talented actor he is (which of course is a good thing!) :)
joseph gordon-levitt, zooey deschanel, to name a few..
it's so safe to see that just because these actors don't have several baby daddies/go to rehab, you don't hear anything about them, nor do they win any awards
have you seen these 2 in 500 days of summer?
even i was able to look past their adorableness and realize they are very talented actors as well :)
Well, with Inception on JGL's resume, he won't be on the underrated list anymore. Atleast, I hope not. He's incredible.
I think JGL might have lost his underrated status since appearing in Inception (which was amazing!), which is good for him, we'll get to see him in more films! :)
Anna Chlumsky! You know, the girl who played Vada Sultenfuss in the "My Girl" movies. Oh :heart: Sweetheart.
Michael Shannon
Peter Mullan
Idris Elba
Kelly MacDonald
Mark Wahlberg
Michelle Fairley
Brad Pitt
Thandi Newton
Anthony Mackie
Sanaa Lathan
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Bill Paxton yet. Absolutely owned the last season of Big Love, and has done a lot of other terrific stuff as an actor imo, but somehow always seems to be noticed more by the critics than the general public.
Martin Sheen!!!
Edward Norton
Rachel McAdams
Aaron Eckhart
Ewan McGregor
Bill Nighy
Timothy Olyphant
Ginnifer Goodwin
Cillian Murphy

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Bill Paxton yet. Absolutely owned the last season of Big Love, and has done a lot of other terrific stuff as an actor imo, but somehow always seems to be noticed more by the critics than the general public.

Agree a 100% about Bill Paxton, he can play any role, from the perfect jerk on "True Lies" to the cranky but lovable "weather man" in "Twister". ^_^
Adding Taylor Kitsch. Great actor, gorgeous, level-headed and serious about the work he puts in. And physically, the guy is an animal.

Can't wait to see The Bang Bang Club and see him becoming more high profile in the coming years. :D
Juliette Lewis.
She's so natural on camera that she carries habits she has in her normal life from film to film.
:lol: I was waiting for that. I do think his performance in Revolutionary Road was the best of its year, so I was disappointed to see the film (with the exception of Michael Shannon) be so thoroughly snubbed. I think Leo's the best screen actor working today (YES I SAID IT! I think him better than Day-Lewis, Penn, DeNiro, Pacino, Seymour Hoffman, Depp etc.), and it's obvious to me that this opinion is not ubiquitous, hence the underratedness.

I totally agree. Seriously though he should have gotten an Oscar awhile ago. LOVED him in The Departed, Rev Road and Inception.

I predict though that when he plays J. Edgar Hoover it'll be his year.
Tom Wilkinson. I mean seriously, the guy is in everything, constantly working, turning in solid performances. His IMDb page is incredible, he's worked with virtually every big director and never truly gets the credit he deserves.
Zach Gilford. He was so great in Friday Night Lights, he was robbed of an Emmy nomination, imo :(
Tom Wilkinson. I mean seriously, the guy is in everything, constantly working, turning in solid performances. His IMDb page is incredible, he's worked with virtually every big director and never truly gets the credit he deserves.

^^Absolutely agree! He is solid and consistent. I guess he doesn´t get too much praise because he usually plays older guys, normal people without obvious traits. To my eyes this kind of "average" people roles are the most important and the most difficult.
It appears that the academy (and many critics) only say "great actor" or "great performance" when the actors play a handicapped person, or when they lose a great amount of hair or weight, or when they portray a real life character (Ghandi, Nixon, Ray, or whatever)
It sooooooooo difficult to play average, everyday people. This kind of characters are the ones that quite often make a movie believable, not the over the top ones.

Wilkinson completely erases his roles when they are gone. He dissapears from role to role, he doesn´t have the tics and mannerisms many great stars have (Pacino, De Niro...etc)
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