US ELLE March 2004 : Paris Hilton by Gilles Bensimon

There are just so many things about her that irk me. First of all, her sister is prettier than she is, and doesn't get nearly as much publicity. Probably because she doesn't have a new boyfriend every week :rolleyes: Also, I've seen 2 different pictures of Paris carrying the same disgusting LV knockoff. Why would someone with her kind of money want to carry a fake purse? I can completely tell too. It's not even a style that Louis Vuitton made, and plus, it has like 6 colors in it, and the authentic bags have 33 colors. I just don't get it. :huh: Not to mention how full of herself this girl is. Like when she and her sister were doing a photo shoot, she's like, "we look hot". GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
Originally posted by Spacemiu@Jan 31st, 2004 - 6:45 pm
:sick: :yuk: :yuk: well , this is teh best paris has every looked, wich isnt saying much :rolleyes:
I agree - they're much much better than other pictures of her, but :unsure: I'm really dissapointed they put her on the cover

The cover.

From someone on who found it on ebay.
thats not a very flattering picture of her. i think she would look good with a makeunder but this is poorly done.
she's dumb and a spoiled little brat. she doesn't deserve to be on any cover.
EWWWWWWWW OMIGOD i just saw the cover after posting my first reply. YUCK. she's so disgusting. :sick: :sick: :sick:
Originally posted by nycgirl84@Jan 29th, 2004 - 4:19 pm
Why would Elle put such a trashy, attention-starved, spoiled brat like her on the cover? I mean, damn, she was justed voted worst dressed by Mr. Blackwekk. What an ideal cover girl ... someone who's famous because she likes to tape herself having sex when she's piss drunk. :angry:
i completely agree w/ you.
She always has that head tilt pose in almost every picture I see of her.
I dont wanna start a huge political war..but

do any of you KNOW paris hilton!?!? how do you know she is really that stuck up and spoiled?? Just because she has money?? im sure if anyone here had millions of dollers at their disposal they wouldnt be living a "no body" life..youd want people to know!
Originally posted by MurakamiPrincess@Feb 7th, 2004 - 8:51 am
There are just so many things about her that irk me. First of all, her sister is prettier than she is, and doesn't get nearly as much publicity. Probably because she doesn't have a new boyfriend every week :rolleyes: Also, I've seen 2 different pictures of Paris carrying the same disgusting LV knockoff. Why would someone with her kind of money want to carry a fake purse? I can completely tell too. It's not even a style that Louis Vuitton made, and plus, it has like 6 colors in it, and the authentic bags have 33 colors. I just don't get it. :huh: Not to mention how full of herself this girl is. Like when she and her sister were doing a photo shoot, she's like, "we look hot". GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
and Murakamiprincess

i totally agree that Nicky is 100x prettier and doesnt get recognized at all

:cry: bloody shame
come on ladies, all you know about this girl is her public persona, nothing else. stop being so judgemental. shes just a human being.
I'm not going to comment on Paris herself, but that jacket she is wearing on the cover is hideous, in my opinion! :yuk:
i think they were trying to create that 50's thing but its not a very bad cover but they could ve done better
Her face is dull and inexpressive. Plus, her nose is very ugly.
i'm sooo buying that magazine!!!!!!!!!!!! why why why do people hate paris?? :rolleyes:
really, couldn't elle had done Paris more beautiful than that? I don't she looks her best there :ninja:
Originally posted by stylegurrl@Jan 29th, 2004 - 4:58 pm
I couldn't find a cover photo but here are some more details, including some photos from Paris' spread in the issue.

Paris Hilton
I love that pink dress she is wearing in the 2nd picture! She looks great!
hey she aint so bad looking, but she does have a big long nose...
and i do like nicky as well but i guess just cause she isnt as feisty, thats why she doesnt get as much publicity.
and you're right-- paris always poses a certain way...

how tall is she exactly?

p.s. the jacket on the cover IS hideous...


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