Valentino Accessories F/W 13.14 : Terry Richardson by Terry Richardson

Oh, goodness, I'm not fond of this campaign. Is the single finger thing with the shoe supposed to be a veiled sexual reference of something? (Hope this isn't a crude thing to say, it's just a weird way to display a shoe...)
I doubt this could have been more perfect for an accessories campaign. It doesn't look very Valentino, certainly a total contrast to the dull mainline adverts. Although I love it for that.. as I haven't admired a Valentino mainline campaign for years and years.
Effective campaign, in terms of adding a bit of sex appeal and edge without taking too much away from the shoes and bags, making it more accessible to a younger market.

Though I do kind of question their use of Terry Richardson, unless their intent was a half-hearted grab for controversy.
If this is for a diffusion line or even men's line, then I would understand, else I fail to see the coherence to the brand's usual where is the consistency? Will Terry appear alongside the ethereal models next?
Why does he still get jobs?

I will admit, I don't hate it and agree with the majority, I would like it more if it wasn't him.

But still.... why is he so popular??
^Agreed! Love the concept, but Terry's inclusion in the final creative just kills it for me. It seems that a lot of folks in the industry are still in lust with Terry, but I can't believe Valentino would include him in such a classy franchise.
^^ He attracts youth.

he directed that Miley Cyrus Video, got the 'Cool Kid' seal of approval and drives sales of accessories with the young, impressional rich kids.

The older customer, a Valentino Loyal customer, isnt going to purchase a studded, camouflage bag. But a rich Russian Daddies girl or Younger Asian markets will link Richardson to being provocative, cool and interesting enough to lap it up.

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