Vanity Fair Controversy: Did the magazine lighten Beyonce's skin?

NOE said:
Wow, now that's shocking:shock: Go Beyonce!

Yes, I'm more bothered by the fact that she's the first african-american on the cover since -93
Beyonce in an interview I read a few years ago refused to comment on the fact she's black saying 'I do not like to comment on that.' WEIRD

I have that issue. She looks the same as always
I must agree, it is a little alarming that she's the first african-american on the cover since '93. WTH?

But she looks absloutlay GORGEOUS on the cover, you have to admit.

And..... she looks the same to me.
She isn't actually. The last hollywood issue had AT LEAST TWO AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ON THE COVER. I hope Vanity Fair sues
Beyonce has been getting lighter and lighter since she launches her solo career.
catherinea said:
She isn't actually. The last hollywood issue had AT LEAST TWO AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ON THE COVER. I hope Vanity Fair sues

Well you are correct... that issue had both Kerry Washington and Rosario Dawson on it... but I think they are referring to solo covers, which is still a huge shock in my opinion... Where's Halle Berry? It's hard to believe that she hasn't been on a cover over the last few years:blush:

Vanity Fair shouldn't sue though, for what? People expressing their opinion on how they should better their magazine and readership:innocent:
catherinea said:
Beyonce in an interview I read a few years ago refused to comment on the fact she's black saying 'I do not like to comment on that.' WEIRD

Guess she just doesn't want to get onto the topic of skin color? :unsure: Who knows. It's crazy how people still bring that up these days, like... what's the difference?
Vanity Fair always has some sort of giant controversial/celebrity has a new secret publicity before they put out a new issue. Take Jennifer Aniston's 'break down', the Desperate Housewives Fued, etc.
Wasn't there some controversy over Beyonce's barbie doll as well...which she was almost white looking with blonde hair.

When all is said and done...the girl has never tried to make out she's anything she's not. She's a beautiful black girl. End of story.
Quotin myself....

roppal222 said:
When all is said and done...the girl has never tried to make out she's anything she's not.....

well...apart from trying to make out she's deeply religious virgin. :innocent:
I know! That annoys me. Jay-z is a former drug dealer. She ain't innocent anymore and plus the 'crazy in love ' dance when she licks her finger and goes downwards makes her look like a p*rn star. She blames it on her alter ego 'Sasha' which annoys me in it's stupidity.
^ Yes, but what is even more annoying when they say 'well this is the real me you're music, my style..this is the real me...and not the fabricated image the record company gave me all those years ago'

yet when they controversy's like 'well it's not the real me, it's just a part I'm playin'


Also, just to continue with my rant, Beyonce and Kylie for that matter, perform almost near p*rn*gr*ph*c performances on stage....very sexually charged, their images are lewd and they do magazine covers and photoshoots that more or less invite men to have sex with them...

yet the minute they get asked a question pertaining to sex...sexuality...suddenly, it's 'i'm Miss Classy...I won't answer stuff like that'.

Beyonce has said that God doesn't mind her doing provocative stuff...wonder when she met up with him...and this is the problem with 'deeply religious folk', unless they can all come up with one standard in terms of what God approves and doesn't...there will always be a clash with fellow followers and an inconsistency in what is considered a religious value and what isn't. As it stands, I know many Christian folk that are appalled by Beyonce's suggestion that to behave so overtly and publicly sexual is okay by God. And the way she crowbarrs religion into all aspects of her public image is distasteful to say the least. For someone who claims she is a good role model for Christian girls, she sure as hell isn't. She's talented and has worked hard to get where she is...but her fame only become explosive when she started acting like a cheap stripper. Maybe she uses religion to clear her conscience over it many people do.

Beautiful looking girl though...even if it is 10 inches of make up.

Rant over! Lol!
i cant speak for beyonce but i would think that beyonce believes, like i believe, that God does not seeing anything wrong with sex per se and so an overtly sexual dance is not inconsistent with her religious beliefs...and furthermore, the unwillingness of beyonce to talk about her sexual life is understandable...she is an entertainer and therefore she entertains people, and mainly men, with her "overtly sexual" dances...but that is all in the public and does not mean that she necessarily invites people into her private sexual life...she may tease and she may hint at it but that does not make her a hypocrite if she chooses not to talk about her own sex life...its the same with a normal girl who wears very revealing clothing...she is in no way required to sleep with men or give into the suggestion that she is "easy"...just because she dresses in a certain way does not mean that she is inconsistent or hypocritical if privately, she is conservative sexually
Even if they did airbrush her skin I don't see what the big deal is (as long as Beyonce consented to it). Practically every white girl in Hollywood self-tans herself (particularly on magazine covers) and no one makes a big hoot about it.
sugarpea said:
i cant speak for beyonce but i would think that beyonce believes, like i believe, that God does not seeing anything wrong with sex per se and so an overtly sexual dance is not inconsistent with her religious beliefs...and furthermore, the unwillingness of beyonce to talk about her sexual life is understandable...she is an entertainer and therefore she entertains people, and mainly men, with her "overtly sexual" dances...but that is all in the public and does not mean that she necessarily invites people into her private sexual life...she may tease and she may hint at it but that does not make her a hypocrite if she chooses not to talk about her own sex life...its the same with a normal girl who wears very revealing clothing...she is in no way required to sleep with men or give into the suggestion that she is "easy"...just because she dresses in a certain way does not mean that she is inconsistent or hypocritical if privately, she is conservative sexually

and this is exactly the problem....

I talk to someone else who is deeply religious and they will say that Beyonce - who never gets bored of telling us all about how religious she is - is at odds with her supposed beliefs in terms of the way she publicly sells herself for money. I kow many conservative religious folk who would never lower themselves to such a standard and justify it as 'oh I'm an entertainer' ....

Unless all religious folk can come up with the same standard in respect to religious values, stick to it and not contradict each others, then perhaps you have an argument....

but until then, I'm just not convinced.
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