Vanity Fair Italia March 1, 2023 : Kylie Jenner by Luigi & Iango

Is this an exclusive?

Kendall and Kim is giving the other sisters so much anxiety that they'll scrounge around every corner of the globe begging for a cover. This is so random.

The styling, concept and Luigi & Iango are wasted on Kylie regardless. Any decent model would've elevated this so much. Just as well it ended up on Vanity Fair Italia.
Something about her not-so-effortless expression makes her look like she’s smelling something bad…
These are still better than most Vogue covers I've seen this month, I love it. I never would've thought Luigi & Iango would go from Vogue Japan to Vanity Fair Italia, but I'm just happy to see them working consistently! Another hit from a magazine I never would've cared for otherwise.
The wrong Kardashian. Even if the lion was fake, I found it quite offensive. The good news is ADR is back.
Flicking through this online, it's 172 pgs. In common with other weekly publications, like French Elle, this is more of a feature-driven magazine than a fashion one, so it's populated by small articles about everything that's happening at the moment.

There's a fashion editorial with Eugenia Silva, just to remind us how it should be done.

Amid the original content, there are also some reprints; the Willow Smith feature from US Vanity Fair, plus the Death Trip article.
God, her pose ruins the whole covers, she looks so lifeless.

Luigi Murenu & Iango Henzi
Styling: Anna Dello Russo
Hair: Jesus Guerrero
Make-up: Ariel Tejada
Model/Celebrity: Kylie Jenner

Vanity Fair Italia Digital Edition;
She can certainly teach the other "supermodel" in the family a thing or two about posing and actually looking alive in a photoshoot. This is quite decent.

This is very standard L&I, their Double Vision is the only work from them right now that excite me.
This gives me more than what Vanity Fair's whole entire Hollywood issue was able to - and then some! I do love me some Luigi & Iango and live for when we get to see a celebrity via their lens (like Cate Blanchett back in September).

The three covers are terrific, perhaps like the black and white portrait cover best. This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best I've seen Kylie Jenner photograph for a magazine. She looks amazing, and Anna Dello Russo's statement fashion pieces don't overshadow her whatsoever. A round of applause from me - very much a fan!

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