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Is that good?Very Meisel for British Vogue
Damning with faint praiseVery Meisel for British Vogue
But Anna's Vogue is so American and pedestrian that it just wouldn't work. Like, when was the last time she had a full-blown glamazon cover?I'm short if I say stunning. Imagine this in American Vogue ❤
If that is a 'dictator's wife' look to you, then I'd very much prefer to look like that than some pleb posting on a fashion forum. While I do not like the editorial overall (save the black-and-white pictures that look very contemporary and beautiful) and I can understand the dislike for it, this comment is just uncalled for and kind of insulting and racist. If you want to call something 'bad', call it bad, but the negative stereotyping of a beautiful woman of color is just appalling. I'm 100% sure 99% of people do not look this good , nor does anyone looking this good even contemplate the thought of posting in a fashion forum trashing others.Looks like a photoshoot with a Dictators wife from the 80's.