Vogue China December 2018 : Grace Elizabeth by Sølve Sundsbø

Something looks really off about it, but I can really point it out exactly.
Great cover. The proportions of her leg look a bit off though.
Should've been cropped showing only from the hip up. Is that even her legs? Looks drawn on. And I feel it should be zoomed in a bit more to emphasize the masculine styling. Had potential to be great though.

Still, happy for Grace!
Finally a fantastic cover from them, again! It really works, surprised they used Solve's name on the cover though!
that big coat and her tiny legs.. if only someone cropped this
Such a shame about the legs, it'd have been perfect if it wasn't for this. Grace is an amazing model for covers, what a face.
Always stunning. A star is a star.
She's Stunning, I like the distortion. It could have been cropped at the waist, but I still like the effect.
Finally an exciting cover from Vogue China! I love the red here, and Grace looks stunning.
The position of the head and its proportion to the rest of the body look strange.
Something looks really off about it, but I can really point it out exactly.

They made her look Asian and she looks amazing. Unsure how I feel about it though.
They made her look Asian and she looks amazing. Unsure how I feel about it though.
It wasn't that. I think it was the weird looking distortion at the bottom half of the image.

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