Vogue Covers - Who Should and Shouldn't?

I honestly would like to see more minorities more frequently grace the covers of Vogue. Halle Berre nor Salma hayek are the only minorities in hollywood. Tired of seeing Jenn Aniston on the cover. It's the same thing all the time. We need some fresh faces. And I don't mean that a minority would only constitute a fresh face...just something different. Something not vogue like.

I agree, why is Jen A always on the cover? she's so bland when it comes to fashion. black and more black. Plus I love Drew Barrymore but it always seems like she's on the cover. No more SJP either.

I'd love to see Rachel Mcadams, Monica Bellucci, I think they could do something interesting with Kirsten for Marie Antoinette. I think Bryce Dallas Howard is very striking looking and would be great.

I really don't ever want to see the likes of Paris, Nicole, Jess Simpson, Eva Longoria, Kate Bosworth, Nicole Richie on the cover. None of them can dress themselves, all over rely on the services of a stylist and have zero individuality and none of them have the personality or fashion sense to carry a Vogue cover.

As for minorities, how about Gabrielle Union, Mia Maestro, Zihi Zhang.
I think only models should grace the covers of mags.
Here is one of my fave.
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And this is my all time favourite. vogue UK March 1993 (actually very sentimental too)
Kate looks very fresh and natural.
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Emmy Rossum and Bryce Dallas Howard. they're gorgeous, young, and have never been on the cover before. i know many people will be relieved to see someone new.
I want to see Gong Li on the cover. She's ridiculously beautiful. (I want to see minorities, in general, on the cover. No more Jennifer Aniston, cause she's pretty dull, fashion-wise.)

Also, more models on covers and less celebrities. More ELISE CROMBEZ!!!! (I actually really love Vogue Italy because they feature Elise so much.)

(Although, I have to say, I love Lindsay Lohan and would love to see her on the cover of US Vogue, which is already very celeb-oriented anyway. Better her than Jennifer Aniston.)
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For US Vogue, I know they won't stop with the celebrities, so I wish they would just sprinkle in a few models for the covers on maybe 1/3 of the year's issues. Also, I'd like to see some variety in their models as well. As much as I love Carmen and Gemma, US Vogue has worn them out. I'd like to see Querelle on the cover, or Ai, or Freja!
I agree that US Vogue will never stop with the celebs. They just care about moving magazines. I just wish that they would stick to celebs with true mdel looks like Natalie Portman, Jennifer Connelley, Ashley Judd and maybe a select few others I have missed.

Just being a celeb fashion trend setter like SJP, or Debra Messing should not be enough for Vogue.

Any Model
Natalie Portman
Jennifer Connelley
Ashley Judd

Any Teenage Pop star (or 20 something) EVER
(I'd give Agulera a shot because she is model material,
but not if she's in "pop star" character)

But then again who am I to judge, I'm just a dirty-stinky-boy who loves fashion magazines.
Eternity Goddess, give it time. Thandie, Paula and Camilla will blow up. If Jessica can get the cover of Instyle, she can get the cover of Vogue.
I never want that precious, simpering Portman on another mag cover, but that is another story.

Hollywood is much harder on women than it is on men.
Suggestions of other celebraties to put on Vogue US (to replace the same face as Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman, Kate Blanchette, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barromore, Gwenneth Paltrow, Reese Winterspoon, Keira K., Kate Hudson, Natalie Portman, Kristen Dunst, Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker, Renee Zellewegher):

1) Beyoncé (she has never been in Us Vogue cover, what a shame to AW)
2) Alison Lohman
3) Linda Cardellini
4) Christina Applegate
5) Patricia Arquette

Of course... all models are welcome in US cover.
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Jesus Christ-NO Beyonce! Talk about overexposed. Those other women haven't a snowball's chance in hell of a Vogue cover
1) Beyoncé (she has never been in Us Vogue cover, what a shame to AW)
2) Alison Lohman
3) Linda Cardellini
4) Christina Applegate
5) Patricia Arquette

Are you trying to murder Vogue? Beyonce = NO. The other stars aren't that big.
Everyone but Beyonce in that list isn't exactly Vogue material... it is strange that Beyonce hasn't appeared on it.

But I doubt AW would want to see her in those Balenciaga gold pants on her cover any time soon - that girl really showed off her booty!!
I would love to see the following people on the cover of Vogue, this is just a wishlist so I'm going to just put people I like as opposed to people Anna would pick:

Daria Werbowy: Great Model, completely hot right now and absolutely worthy of an only girl cover.

Chloe Sevigny: She is a fashion icon at this point and she doesn't do that many interviews so I think a Vogue cover would be interesting - if not for US than perhaps a spot guest editing at Vogue Paris.

Kate Bosworth
: She is really fresh and lovely plus her career is growing. If Keira can have 3 covers under her belt I don't see why Kate can't be featured.

Liv Tyler: How has she not had a cover yet? I love her personal style and as an ex-model she takes great photographs. She would make for a great Vogue profile.

Bjork: She's really too cool for it but I'd kill to see a Bjork shot by Miesel editorial. It could potentially be amazing. Perhaps Bjork does Schiaparelli with wild colors and all sorts of craziness. It will never happen but I'm going to cross my fingers anyway.

Diane Kruger: In Vogue Paris in head to toe Chanel - shot by Karl. It would be DIVINE.

Kerry Washington
: I feel like she's on her way towards becoming the next big thing - she's certainly got a great deal of style and it would be nice to see her get the Vogue treatment.

Hilary Rhoda:Another Anna favorite worthy of only girl status on US Vogue - her look screams All-American so I think she should be showcased.
I am in TOTAL agreement about having Hilary Rhoda on the cover of US Vogue. Maggie Gyllenhall and Chloe Sevigny would be two celebs who I wouldn't mind seeing as well. I know that a lot of people wouldn't be thrilled, but after seeing Snejana in the new V magazine, she looked like Madonna and I think that with that kind of styling, she could pull off a Vogue cover. Helen Mirren would be a fabulous one and I would love to see Catherine Deneuve, or even royalty. However models are my preference.

As for no-gos, please no Paris, Nicole, Kim Stewart, and all those. Two people who I would like-Mandy Moore and Amanda Bynes-aren't really Vogue material but Elle, sure.
I just wish Winty would give each of her "new top models" a cover. If they're top models, GIVE THEM EACH THEIR OWN COVER!!!!

Hilary Rhoda just NEEDS to be on a US Vogue cover...leave the celebrities for InStyle and People, Winty...
I agree with you Luxx, LIV TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would love to see more of LINDA EVANGELISTA. But any other model should be fine.
Actresses/Singers Who Should
Thandie Newton
Liv Tyler
Bryce Dallas Howard
Catherine Zeta Jones
Natalie Portman

Models Who Could Appeal To The US Public
Hilary Rhoda (:D)
Daria Werbowy
Doutzen Kroes
Chanel Iman (long shot?)

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