What does your significant other think of your wardrobe/style?


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Sep 9, 2005
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What kind of reactions do you get from your significant other about your style/wardrobe?

my partner doesnt understand why i have "so many" purses and bags. i told him the average woman has far more than me.

i sent him this study that says the average UK woman has about 17 at any given time. i don't think he quite believes it!
For some reason the people I date usually don't care for fashion at all. My last boyfriend made me feel guilty about every designer issue I purchased (one of the reasons I dumped him :lol:). I'm pretty good at converting all my friends to fashion fanatics because I make them go shopping with me and then I make them get a whole new wardrobe and they all become fascinated by the fact that good quality (designer) clothes can make you happy and make you feel good about yourself when you wear them B)

I tend to dress quite sexy/sl*tty so I never get any complaints about the way I dress from guys,lol.

But tbh I find it kind of frustrating how the partners I've been with don't see the difference between a girl that likes to shop and someone like me who is actually passionate about fashion, they never realize how much fashion means to me and don't appreciate the effort I put into building up the perfect wardrobe. I'm not a trend wh*re and shopping isn't just some social activity to me (I usually go shopping alone) so that's a complete different thing.
I genuinely need to have a huge wardrobe! It's not a random excuse to shop, I really do! Work wise, I can go from being on a muddy film set in the middle of god knows where (jeans, heavy boots and warm coat-sartorial elegance goes right out the window!) to the office (jeans, heels and an Acne jumper) to casual events like junkets or theatre opening nights (I have a vast array of Marc by Marc dresses for these) to either having to work at a red carpet event or being invited to one and this is by far my fav because I get to actually shop for gowns, and I do buy them all and I do re-wear! A few of the actors I look after have borrowed gowns for events from me before too! :D
My other half, and in fact the two before him, is an actor and when I met him I was in my film set garb, which as I said is not sartorially elegant, so the only way from there in terms of how I dressed was up! I think I can genuinely say that the last few men in my life were in no way influenced by what I was wearing when I met them!:lol: Honestly, I don't think he could care less what I wear as long as I'm happy and confident in it. I have a passion for lingerie too so maybe that help sway him not to nag me about what I wear! :innocent: That said if I wear heels to an evening out and then make him give me a piggy back because my feet hurt at the end of the night then he does complain!
He's not remotely interested in fashion, but he does dress really well so I'm assuming it's some sort of fluke! I always console myself that if he does make faces at something I wear the likelyhood is I will see him in a costume more ridiculous than anything I could ever pick out for myself eventually! Karma!
For some reason the people I date usually don't care for fashion at all. My last boyfriend made me feel guilty about every designer issue I purchased (one of the reasons I dumped him :lol:). I'm pretty good at converting all my friends to fashion fanatics because I make them go shopping with me and then I make them get a whole new wardrobe and they all become fascinated by the fact that good quality (designer) clothes can make you happy and make you feel good about yourself when you wear them B)

I tend to dress quite sexy/sl*tty so I never get any complaints about the way I dress from guys,lol.

But tbh I find it kind of frustrating how the partners I've been with don't see the difference between a girl that likes to shop and someone like me who is actually passionate about fashion, they never realize how much fashion means to me and don't appreciate the effort I put into building up the perfect wardrobe. I'm not a trend wh*re and shopping isn't just some social activity to me (I usually go shopping alone) so that's a complete different thing.

Oh, I feel you. Except that I don't dress sexy/sl*tty but rather conservative :blush: But my husband doesn't care for fashion at all and likes to make remarks about overpriced designer items and stupid consumers which can make me quite furious. He says he likes the way I dress and he thinks it's nice that I care (even after having two babies, haha) but honestly sometimes I think he wouldn't mind if I just went to shop at some random housewife cheap sale out there (@Psylocke: Migros :p). It is a bit frustrating. But then again, I don't think fashion should be your whole life, either. And maybe if I had a partner who cared as much as I do that wouldn't do either of us much good.
I quote: 'You have a strange talent to look good in weird things.'

We have a different opinion on what is weird I guess, because I really don't wear anything outrageous :lol:
He usually thinks I dress like a witch....


And he just wants me to wear jeans and a tshirt. :huh:
Great topic :lol: ! My boyfriend generally doesn't get the trend of wearing transparent/sheer fabrics.. and anything 90's he absolutely hates as well as wedges and anything oversize. He's often surprised once I put something on, I get a lot of "oh, you actually look okay in that thing" :P
I have been seeing my boyfriend for 4 months now. We met at the company where we both worked,so we only ever saw each other in work clothes.

He is a total jeans,tee shirt,hoody kind of guy. I am not jeans,tee shirt,hoody kind of girl. I like bright colours,loud clashing prints,crazy tights and clothes with animals on. Pony,cat and bird prints being my particular faves. When we are out together,I sometimes feel a little self conscious (for him) because we are total opposites.

He has never said that he dislikes what I wear (although I know a certain cat print dress he dislikes rather strongly) but I find myself toning it down when we are together. Has anybody else ever found themselves doing this? It's not that I'm changing who I am or what I wear from him,but I'm looking to introduce the crazy back slowly. I don't want to scare him off :p
I'm really lucky. My husband works in landscape architecture and both he and I are aesthetically inclined. We don't shop for the sake of shopping but we appreciate good quality and design, in clothing, in furniture, houses, etc. Even our hobbies, like photography, are about seeing the beauty in things. So, we like to hunt thrift stores and scour around to find cool places. We're not the type to "go to the mall" to shop. He loves when I get nice things, and over 15 years ago for my birthday he gave me cash to go buy a Chanel bag because he knew I wanted one and he appreciated that it was due to the longevity, design and quality factors (I still have it!). He never minds when my net-a-porter or la garconne packages show up. He knows I don't shop wastefully. And he loves when I look nice.

So I chose well - love of good design was one of the things we both had in common from the beginning. And here we are after all these years. :heart: :blush: I think our 11 year old boy is catching on too. He is very particular about his jeans these days. :lol:
The only remark I ever remember him making about my looks, besides from "you look nice", is "you look like someone who never wear any other kinds of underwear than granny panties". Thank you honey :lol:

He is not very in to anything high waisted - and I would never wear anything with a low waist, since I'm quite short and it would only make me look shorter. I always dress feminine and somewhat retro (fifties and sixties) and I do think he likes it even though he probably would love to see me in something skin-tight more often.

I do however know for a fact that he likes my shopping style. I quality shop, and buy few but good things, and he enjoys that.
My boyfriend says he likes my style but doesn't understand why i have so many pairs of shoes :innocent:
He's quite happy to traipse the shops with me however, which i think is quite unusal ^_^
As for my most favorite person, it is funny cos many ppl think we are sisters and they say we look very alike and dress very similar which is absolutely NOT true in my opinion. We both agree we have very different style. She usually mentions how great I look when I wear items of clothings she´s bought for me as some sort of surprise gifts. Ironically I tend to feel the comfyest with items which are not her style at all and subconsciously I seem to enjoy wearing certain items of clothing of mine she literally hates. Weird as it seems... she absolutely is the love of my entire life.
Our wardrobes are shared enterprises, me and my hubby usually shop together. He likes to wear good quality clothes but he's not really into men's fashion, on the other hand he always insists i buy designer stuff and he's the one that dissuades me from the buying a high street quick fix. The only thing he complains is that i used to wear high heels all the time and now they are just reserved for special outings.
My boyfriend thinks my clothes are weird :)

One time I wore this light two tone denim mini dress with layer frayed white sleeves, and he told me that was the cutest dress I've worn ever, it still weird, but looks cute :)
My boyfriend says he likes my style but doesn't understand why i have so many pairs of shoes :innocent:
He's quite happy to traipse the shops with me however, which i think is quite unusal ^_^

I think it's super cute when couple shop together. Even if my boyfriend is not browsing with me, he always carries my shopping bags :lol:
I'm lucky too as Mr Feline and I go shopping together. We like charity shops, markets and odd quirky shops.
I think it's super cute when couple shop together. Even if my boyfriend is not browsing with me, he always carries my shopping bags :lol:

That's what boyfriends are for! I've only ever gone shopping with my boyfriend twice,once for things for me,once for him. He is far more indecisive than I am,to the point where I think we both have privately agreed never to go shopping with each other again!
I quote: "Other guys see us shopping together and think I'm the luckiest guy in the world... And then hours later they see you walk out with half of the store and go, 'Nevermind'".

None of my boyfriends have really been supportive, but the new guy is a minimalist and a spendthrift--he does his best not to lecture me. Let's just leave it at that. :P
At first we bickered a bit about it, because I liked to wear low cut tops (I've got no boobs, so I can get away with it) and he wanted me to wear really short skirts which I HATE. However, he's come to accept my style and now he's my favourite shopping partner. He's got good style, and he's more open to my aesthetic than most of my friends are. Most of my friends will think everything I try on is weird, but my boyfriend will be honest if I look cool or just crazy.

He does give me hell for the amount I spend on shoes though. He knows all the brands, so I can't hide anything from him.
I'm very lucky that my boyfriend likes shopping and appreciates good clothes as much as I do. He likes most of what I wear however I don't think that the whole androgynous thing goes down so well with him (maybe most guys are this way) so he likes me to look feminie even if I am just wearing jeans and a tshirt.

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