What is your Hair / Hairstyle ?

long (elbow length) slightly wavy (i think it's because of the cut) and dark brown with some natural lighter brow highlights. i love it. people always ask where i get my hair dyed :lol: but it's all natural! whooo!!!!!!
Mine is chocolate brown with light streaks, wavy, layered and it just coveres my neck, by that I mean its short quite a bit above shoulders
I have long wavy dark blonde hair with various shades of brown and light blonde throughout.

People tell me I have really long hair, but it doesn't seem long enough to me - perhaps because it is slightly layered, at the front it sits just above my chest, while at the back it is sort of a V shape to above my waist.
Dark brown, shoulder-length with bangs, straight and very thick. I love my hair I just hate growing the dye out.
cross between dark auburn and dark blonde...not sure what colour that makes it. it's just about shoulder length now (growing it long again), and naturally a bit wavy though not enough to do anything with it, so I straighten it most of the time. oh, and it's very thick.
i don not have avarage hair... there are a lot of them on my head ;)... They're also straight,long and dark blonde (naturally) :heart:
well, my hair is curly once it grows like 2 inches. then it starts to curl. really annoying cuz i would like to have straight hair so it would be easy to style.
Originally posted by PradaP@Jan 3 2004, 06:39 PM
I get my hair thermally reconditioned once a year to get it dead straight (easier to manage)

I'm due for it again later this month

Whats tht ?
Naturally has a slight wave, not a real wave so that it looks cool, but it's halfway between wavy and straight, but hasn't been pin straight since I was very very little. Medium-Fine hair, but I have lots, and right now, it's layered, with bangs, and midback. Currently a light brown with blonde highlights, but I might go back down to chestnut brown sometime soon - I'm considering it...
My hair is long and (naturally) blonde. I have long bangs at the moment, and am planning on growing them out. :(
I hate my hair right now. I'm trying to grow it out of my stupid layers. Raarrrgh.
black.. (yes. asian. :brows: )
bit longer than shoulder length
my hair is actually half straight and half wavy..
the outer layers are straight and the hair inside are slightly wavy..
but i get my hair straightened often so that noone can notice my wavy hair:P
my hair color at the moment-

the left is what it normally looks like.. i got bored and decided to tease it in the right side pic :lol:

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