Would you be offended if someone criticized your outfit?

I'm not questioning your thoughts at all, I'm just asking to understand your viewpoint. It's a good example of how personal perspectives can get!!
okay, let me go back to my original post, i really just don't care that much about clothes. it's a very personal attitude, and that's my way of thinking and how i feel. but i do understand for others clothes (or style) can be quite an important thing.

to me, style is a medium, not the entity. we somehow communicate the "entity" inside of us through the way we dress. but some people communicate less in this way(like me), some people communicate more. there are other mediums more important for me to communicate and express, such as photography. so style is quite secondary in that sense, like i said, it shouldn't hinder me,but to enable me to be free. that i don't wanna be bothered too much by it+don't wanna put too much conscous thoughts and feeling (efforts) into it. i want look nice, that's it.

and i'm, just like most of us, not born with style. i have to learn to combine my innate vision with the proper medium, like learning the technical aspects of dressing up, so that i can communicate better. there is no right or wrong, but definitely worse or better. so in that sense we can learn and improve, right? no one is born perfect. "an error" when dressing can be anything in technical domain, such as color, cut, fabric, etc. i can look like a mess when i don't learn, and just let my inner vision dictates on a whim. to find the balance between your inner self and outer self, the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you put thoughts in an articulate manner, takes some learning and hard work, at least that's how it is for me ^-^

and btw, sometimes we can't take distance from ourselves, like we are sucked up in our own egos, other people may shed some light so that we can gain some perspectives. maybe we don't always know what looks best on us ( here i emphasize "looking good', cause i think that's important), i think that's totally healthy and i welcome that, as long as it comes with a good heart. (hi, i don't always need to pick it up, right? but some perspectives are nice nevertheless)
We are actually saying the same thing, but with different words, in our own different styles:woot::lol:!! Looking nice is something that you think is important, and therefore, it influences the way you dress, based on what is perceived as nice (or good).
I generally never chritisize, or give advise, unless asked for it.

I've seen that when you ask for opinions on your outfit, you can get a total WOW from one group of people and a total MEH from the other. I saw people WOWing outfits that I totally couldn't comprehend. While I've been thinking like "Why would anyone dress like this?" everyone seemed to be more than pleased. And the other way around.

As for my own outfits, I notice I get confused by people's remarks because many times they suggest things that are not my style, or in my opinion would make things worse.
Or they critisize the part of outfit I liked the most while praising the one I wasn't sure about.
I personally end up totally confused. That's why I constantly doubt whether to ask for opinions (this way you can also learn..) or not.

Anyway, people will always base their opinions on their own preferences, and who said theirs are better than yours?
depending on who was doing the criticising (ie if it was someone who had good taste or style of their own) it'd probably bruise my ego a little bit.
I wouldn't be. I just had a conversation about that topic a while ago, because a friend always criticizes my fashion choices. However, she is mostly wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans ensemble, so I feel like she is just doesn't dare to wear stuff that is a little bit out of the everyday fashion you see on so many people.
I don't know, but I feel confident in my self and in my fashion choices, so I really feel like no one can actually hurt or offend me with their opinion about my clothes. After all, that's what makes me "me", so why should someone else have the power to take me down through my clothes?!
No, comments about my age bother me more nowadays..... but there does happen to be an assumption in middle America that 40+ females can't or shouldn't be able to dress. I hear comments about my "stuff" frequently... and "last year" also. Oh shut up already.
Yes, I think it would be offense to do that without being asked. Its rude, but also, how to you thats not what they were going for? Everyone has a different taste in fashion and what they think looks good.

I'm fat, and I don't dress how I am 'suppose to'. I wear prints, horizontal stripes, etc. So by magazine definition I don't dress well. I know this and I don't need it pointed out to me. And I think I look awesome. If I wanted advice on how to dress, I would ask for it.
Obviously it depends on who it's coming from and how harsh it is.

Fashion criticism coming from a random bywalker would be somewhat offensive because there's something irritating about giving your opinion when it's not wanted. However, if a friend criticises your outfit it would be somewhat more acceptable because there's a degree of familiarity between you.

Meanwhile if a critique is harsh enough it would surpass all degrees of frienship and instantly become offensive :lol:
uh yeah i would be...I dont dress badly..so it would shock me and Id be insulted
Fashion is subjected to opinions and criticism, so i wouldn't mind at all. In fact I expect it. I agree with the OP that i would be slightly creeped out if it was a stranger (unless they were famous), but I have implemented a lot of things some have told me, mainly in terms of the cut of the jean, the belt width and size, and the fit of the shirt, jean, etc.

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