Yay or Nay - Hairstyles and colours

Suggesst new cut for me...

So I want to get my hair cut and colored.

I have curly hair. Thick. A little past my shoulders and I have side bangs. I have a dark brown color in it now.

I kinda want to do a rocker type look, probably shorter but I don't know if short would work with my curly thick hair. And my face is kinda big? so I don't know if a shorter cut would make it look fatter


I like the cut of the girls hair in the first pic and the color in the second.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Oh yes here is a pic of me too:
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Or should I just get those colors of the second pic in my hair I ABSOLUTELY love that look. And maybe that cut? What do ya'll think?
hey your really cute, i wouldn't change the hairstyle at all. all u need is some blonde type highlights and it'll look really hot!!!!!!
The third pic in my first post is me. The curly haired one. LOL I don't want you to get me confused with the other pretty girls I posted. LOL

nah i think you're cuter then they are........the other girls have way too much make-up on, and your hair is better ;) !
thanks! i didn't realize i received karma, until i stumbled onto my karma list...thanks, and hope it helped!
Hi Guys, I have naturally brown hair which i am going to dye blonde!!!! im really scared that it wont suit me though!!! I have blue eyes and fair skin, characteristics that suit blonde, though i am still very scared that I will look bad, has anyone got any opinions on this? or can any one reassure me?
hmm I would say not to go blonde. If anything a different shade of brown.
ZP1Chick: Maybe it's a little late but I think the cut of your second pic would definitely suit you! I actually thought all of the pictures were of you until you said they weren't. ^_^

: For some reason I can't imagine you with blonde hair. In fact I really like the color you have there. I think some highlights would be gorgeous. :)

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