Unusual Hair Colors

love your hair savoir! the yellow is so cool looking and i majorly admire someone who can pull off all hair lengths!
Reviving this thread.

I dye the underlayer of my hair, and I want to say Special Effects is the best hair dye I know of for unnatural hair colors. I met someone who had bright pink streaks at a Hot Topic when looking for dye, and so I asked her how long she had it for and what brand it was. She had it for one year and it was still bright. (She inspired me to buy the dye.) My hair was dyed months ago, and its still very bright.
My hair is white-blonde on top and dark brown underneath. it's expensive to keep up but IMO worth every penny.
MakeUpJunkie said:
Reviving this thread.

I dye the underlayer of my hair, and I want to say Special Effects is the best hair dye I know of for unnatural hair colors. I met someone who had bright pink streaks at a Hot Topic when looking for dye, and so I asked her how long she had it for and what brand it was. She had it for one year and it was still bright. (She inspired me to buy the dye.) My hair was dyed months ago, and its still very bright.

great tip! thanks makeupjunkie!:D
i think having unnatural haircolors is neat. it stands out from everyone else, and its unique
I think unnatural-bright colours only look good on dark hair. I have black hair but the top of my head/bangs has some red highlights and i personally love it. My firned had a purple streak on one side of her head and my other friend w/ red hair underneath black. I personally think crazy coloured streaks look good on blondes no offense to anyone...but it just seems to stand out mre on dark hair

Natural highlights/lowlights look really good on brunettes and blondes thgough...for me (Asian) i can't really have any highlights...cos well..no shade is similar to black..unless i dye my hair a dark brown before adding some light brown to it..but it's so damaging and such a hassel:doh:
I'm not a huge fan when people dye their whole head that reddish-purply color. I have to say I think dark blue streaks look AMAZING in black hair, specifically Asian hair. One time at the MAC counter @ Macys Herald Square there was this Asian girl and she had a few streaks, an underneath layer towards the bottome sorta, with like a light blue color w/ bleach/white underneath. I'm assuming they had to color it the lighter color first in order to get the light frost blue to come out. It looked great though.

My hair is brown, but some say red. I have some strands that are pure red, and if I had a whole head of them I'd look like Julianne Moore. Then I have some light light brown strands and some dark...all au natural. I love my hair, I'm too afraid to dye it!
These are my blue bangs, they are a bit faded because of shampoo. I umm wasnt looking my best that day :P


Image Credit: Myself ;)
bump.. im considering dying my hair silver or white and i was wondering if anyone had photos of someone with this colour hair :flower:
^ I second that request. I've just begun desiring the Cruella de Vil look, and I'm wondering how doable it is.



C'est chic :ninja:
Just redyed the pink section of my hair Wildflower by Special Effects. I love it. Its a really nice purple.
I have tried to go pink before but my hair would not handle bleach so it always turns out a reddish shade. No worries though:) I can't do any unnatural colours now since I'm out of high school-except for a red-but that's it.
bump.. im considering dying my hair silver or white and i was wondering if anyone had photos of someone with this colour hair

it's really hard to go white ... silver is harder ;)
you need to bleach your hair til it's almost white ( a bit yellow-ish ) and then you put a toner on it ...
i had it , but i hair was really dry and needed many treatments :)
it looks really great though
I had white hair for a while. Here's a picture:

(nope, still not ready to show the face yet ;))

I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have very pale hair already. A year and a half later, I'm still paying for all the damage I caused getting there, and roots seem to start showing in about 3 seconds. Dark roots, of course, look REALLY, really terrible, and I only have dark blonde hair naturally.
^^^ same well atm im dyed dark brown im dark blonde naterally .. but hmm ill have to see.. but thanks for the advice anyways :flower:
I had my hair streaked fuschia pink awhile ago and the brand of dye I used was called "Fudge". I found out about it at the salon I go to. Check out www.fudge.com to see all the colours they offer. It's pretty good, it lasts about 8weeks on bleached hair. But after when it started fading it looked hideous! my streaks that were bright pink turned PEACH!:yuk:
I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have very pale hair already. A year and a half later, I'm still paying for all the damage I caused getting there, and roots seem to start showing in about 3 seconds. Dark roots, of course, look REALLY, really terrible, and I only have dark blonde hair naturally.

yeah it's so true , i have really pale hair and even if it's really pale the roots compare to white looks like it's black ! it's evil hehe
'Unusual' Hair Colors


Hair by Jamie Brooks carolhayesmanagement.co.uk arthousemanagement.com


Hair by Nina Beckert carolhayesmanagement.co.uk hairstyle.dk


Hair by Søren Bach soerenbach.com
I think I'm redying my hair purple. My hair is practically dead- its rejecting color!!

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