Yohji Yamamoto - The Campaign Archive

^that's stunning. :shock:
thanks testinofan.

and MMA, fantastic image as well, so haunting. :heart:
kiddo, thanks for the info on Alexia!.
great thread. Thank you so much to you all for posting.

Kiddo - great photos from Alexia. Thanks!
i dont think some of these have been posted, have they?..
apologies if they have..

credit fashion screen
photos by inez and vinoodh





Those I&V ads have been posted on the first page of this thread actually, but are still lovely to see! :woot: :flower:
so Yojhi Yamamoto campaign ( i suppose it`s f/w 1999)
HAnnelore Knuts by Inez and Vinoodh
scanned by me

please credit to the scanner if you post it somewhere...:blush:

^agreed! :buzz:
beautiful pictures, asf!. I hadn't seen most of these campaigns at its entirity. great work!. :heart:
was that a mailer or something?...
such an amazing series of images...:heart:
its the book Youhji selected campaigns
limited edition of 2000 copies
i bougth it longime ago
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