Fashion blogs for men
i was wondering if any man with a fashion sense or a sense of style would actually be open to creating a blog that all about MEN and what they find interesting. i find this hipster look to be drowned out, boring and everywhere i turn my head yet sometimes [on a rare occasion] i find someone who was taken that style and changed it up a bit. whether it's by color blending, pattern/texture adding or by simply wearing it well.
the only thing I've seen so far as an outlet for men is NYLON MEN. is that it?
im not fashion savvy, i don't have a great sense of style. so i can't be the one to start for something i'm asking for.
is it hard to ask for a mens fashion blog that is radical, funky, alternative, chic, fashoin forward/backwards/current and masculine ? because i feel that most men these days that are considered fashionable are a little to much and not all of us guys want to dress that way. we just want options and would like to see a variety of styles and not just the hipster look.