Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

It really depends on how you want to talk to your readers and work with the technology.

We got started with Blogger and fairly quickly moved to a self-hosted WordPress site because I didn't want to rely on Google to manage our data.

If you're not much of a technologist, then using someone else's system is probably the best option.

If you have some technical knowledge, then you'll probably get really frustrated really fast with the constraints of most free blogging site interfaces. I administrate my own dedicated Linux server hosted with Hetzner in Germany. modaCYCLE publishes in both English and German, our audience is mostly in New York and Europe, and they have really good deals on hosting plans. You really have to know what you're doing or have someone who does (I'm available as a consultant...) to run that kind of setup though.

Blogger and Tumblr are great to get your message out quickly and simply. It's sort of like calling a cab and telling them where to go, using (their hosting system, as opposed to .org which is the software you run yourself) is kind of like leasing a car, versus a dedicated server for a WordPress or Joomla installation which is more like owning your own car that you can modify any way you want.

If you plan to do more than type and post photos and short video clips, like if you want to do ecommerce eventually, then starting with your own domain name is the best way to go, because you can always redirect it later. Tumblr will let you do that, but last time I checked Blogger will not.

The big advantage of the multi-site platforms like Tumblr, Blogger, LJ, etc. is the social aspect. If you run your own site it's a little harder to get people to visit.
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Blogger is best to attract search engine traffic since it's owned by google and you can definitely get a custom domain really easily through the platform. I've found it to be much better at being tweaked than wordpress which is way more rigid.

Alternatively you could purchase a custom theme for tumblr (some really nice ones for $5-$10) and purchase a custom domain through tumblr and you're set!
Thanks Ched and Wainblatrobert for this info. :flower: It really helped me think about what sort of blogging platform I want to use and how I want the blog to be seen. I think I've decided to stick with tumblr because it's what I know best and I'm not looking to sell anything. Plus I rather like the idea of being able to communicate directly with readers through asks, whereas other platforms don't really have this feature. Blogger and wordpress can be great platforms to launch really "professional" blogs but I like how low-key tumblr is. It doesn't have the same sort of pressure that the other two have (does that even make sense?).
Hi fellow TFSers, I know you guys give great advice and feedback so I was hoping you could take a look at a website/concept I've designed and recommend changes or tweaks that would make it more user friendly.

As far as design goes, I think if I were you, I would opt for not only a more legible font for your banner, but also an actual campus photo, rather than the clip art. I think the clip art looks sort of cheesy--and I don't mean this to be condescending or nasty, that's just my initial reaction to it. I think an actual photo of a building on a college campus would look much more professional.

I'd also consider changing some of your other fonts--i.e. post titles, navigation menu. Typekit is a great site for awesome free fonts, and you can use their site to embed the fonts right into your website. Font Squirrel and Da Font are also great resources for free fonts that you can download to your computer for designs (like your banner).

I think also your layout could use a little tweaking. All the boxes feel a little rigid and stale to me. I think maybe if you'd take away the outlines around your boxes, it might look a little more fluid. I think Honestly WTF is a nice example of a layout similar to yours which looks more fluid.

With all that having been said, I think your concept is really great and you have a really good start on a blog design. I'm definitely not an expert or anything, just some personal experience with web design (not to mention I always have an opinion when it comes to aesthetics!), so take my opinion for what it is--just an opinion, neither right nor wrong.
I've spent the last hour (or 3) reading through this thread and taking notes and I just want to say THANK YOU so much for every one who has contributed. It has really helped, though I find the number of high standard blogs out there a bit daunting :lol:
Just one small question - I know the issue of which blogging platform to use has been mentioned frequently, but I have noticed the discussion seems to concentrate on Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger and Blogspot. Has anyone used OnSugar? - someone mentioned it months ago under a different name but I would love to know if anyone thinks this is a good platform.
I was drawn to it for two reasons:
1. The name I want for my blog is already in use on WordPress - on a dormant blog from 2009 (SO annoying by the way...)
2. OnSugar lets you use Getty Images and I really need these photos since I want to include posts about celebrity fashion.

Should I continue with OnSugar or should I try and find a way to use WordPress by buying the name AND finding a way to use Getty Images without infringing on copyright?

I'm a little confused about copyright laws and whether a blog is classes as non-commercial use but I don't think this is the right thread to discuss it in.
Let me share this about copyrights and Getty in particular.

Getty is a photo service ... they own all the copyrights to those photos and sell the rights to use them. If you buy the "usage rights" from them, you may post the picture. If you don't, you may not. It's as simple as that.

You can buy basic usage rights ... which means to right to use them ... but you don't own them, therefore Getty can sell them again to as many people who want to buy them. Or you can buy full exclusive usage rights meaning they will not sell them again to anyone else. The latter is extremely expensive.

This is pretty much true of any photos you see on line ... they are owned by the photographer, the magazine or the photo service and technically you may not use them without buying rights to use them.

Most blogs have hijacked images ... and occassionally the copyright holders sue the user for "stealing". This even happened to a tFS member a while back ... he hijacked Conde Nast's private photos and posted them here. It cost him a lawsuit and he lost. I think it cost him some jail time and a $2500 fine.

Most of the time Conde Nast doesn't care ... but these were unpublished images and he broke in to steal them ... and I think they wanted to make an example of him. It was all over the news.

Now, if a service like OnSugar buys rights they can pass them on to you (I would assume that you pay OnSugar for any you use ... because someone has to pay for them).
^ Thanks :flower: from what I read on the internet pretty much every blog out there is using Copy Righted Images without consent.

I looked at the Terms of Service for (they're a partner of Getty Images apparently) and read:


(vii) In the course of using the Services, you may have access to select Getty Images via the OnSugar platform when your OnSugar blog has an domain name, (e.g. If you elect to domain map your OnSugar blog to a domain other than the OnSugar domain, we will not provide access to Getty Images, and you will be fully responsible for any licensing of images that you publish on your blog.

I have e-mailed them to ask specific questions regarding whether I would have to pay for the images or at least upgrade to a paying account because it seems a bit too good to be true. Will let everyone know when they get back to me because it would be a pretty useful service for fashion bloggers if you can use the pictures for free.

The only problem I'm finding is that there isn't much information about OnSugar written by other bloggers - I was drawn to WordPress because of positive recommendations.
So this is the reply I got:

You can go to town with using all the amazing Getty images for your site [...] We make it really easy with uploading images from Getty into a post, as you can choose from any that are made available to you from the OnSugar tools.

I wrote my first blog post last night but I'm having trouble with the actual appearance of the blog - the theme I used is a bit dull and has cut off some of the letters.

I can't seem to go back and format it differently - it seems that once you have posted it there is no chance of editing (not even within a 10 minute time limit!)

I think I'll have to dedicate more time to learning how to use HTML properly so my page can have more visual appeal. Again, if anyone here has used OnSugar I would love their help! :flower:
Let me share this about copyrights and Getty in particular.

Getty is a photo service ... they own all the copyrights to those photos and sell the rights to use them. If you buy the "usage rights" from them, you may post the picture. If you don't, you may not. It's as simple as that.

You can buy basic usage rights ... which means to right to use them ... but you don't own them, therefore Getty can sell them again to as many people who want to buy them. Or you can buy full exclusive usage rights meaning they will not sell them again to anyone else. The latter is extremely expensive.

This is pretty much true of any photos you see on line ... they are owned by the photographer, the magazine or the photo service and technically you may not use them without buying rights to use them.

Most blogs have hijacked images ... and occassionally the copyright holders sue the user for "stealing". This even happened to a tFS member a while back ... he hijacked Conde Nast's private photos and posted them here. It cost him a lawsuit and he lost. I think it cost him some jail time and a $2500 fine.

Most of the time Conde Nast doesn't care ... but these were unpublished images and he broke in to steal them ... and I think they wanted to make an example of him. It was all over the news.

if i use pictures i found on the internet, is it enough to write a credit or the source i go tthem from? just like we do here on TFS, to prevent me from this?
Nope ... and in fact, it's not enough just to credit them here at the Fashion Spot , either ... if you want to know the facts. It doesn't have anything to do with copyrights and does not relieve our members of the responsibility of making sure they have permission to post certain content, like pictures.

Re: Our Crediting Policy

Our crediting policy is just a courtesy to the site where members get pictures and stuff, it provides information for interested viewers, and the information acually helps copyright holders track internal leaks if photos are stolen from private sites.

Here's the scoop about your legal responsibilities, as a tFS member: When members sign up the must agree to the following legal terms (found in the Terms & Conditions ). It's a long section of legalese but you all have agree to be bound by it, so it's important to understand. I'm going to just quote a small part of it to get the point across about your resposibility to make sure you have legal rights to post any "content" ... meaning pictures, quotes, etc.:
2. User Content

You agree not to post User Content that:

  • Contains any information or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships;
You agree that any User Content that you post does not and will not violate third-party rights of any kind, including without limitation any Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below) and rights of publicity and privacy.

You understand and agree that any loss or damage of any kind that occurs as a result of the use of any User Content that you send, upload, download, stream, post, transmit, display, or otherwise make available or access through your use of the Service,is solely your responsibility.

This basically means that if you post something that you don't have usage rights for and if the owner wants get paid for the use of it, or to sue someone for using their photos or writings without their authorization, we are contactually out of it. We have passed to financial responsibility on to you ... the person who posted it.

All forums that are viable do this ... it's not unusual at all. It's really the only way we can allow anyone to post any pictures, by having you swear that you understand that it's your responsibilty ... not ours. There is no way that we could check copyrights on everthing that was posted.

Read this, if you want to learn more about copyrights:

And here's a good site, that seems to know what they are talking about when it comes to copyrights .... any blogger should read this and learn:
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working on relaunching my blog - you can find it in my signature[my name is the link] - but I'm having a teensy problem with coding on my old blog. I want to code a link into the bottom of every blogpost of to go to my new blog. Any ideas?
IFB is doing their fashion blogger conference again.


It looks like they have some interesting panels.

I have yet to make it to one of these because they're usually held during fashion week. This one starts on the 4th, when there aren't any shows, which is very helpful.

I'm still not sure I'll make it. Lining up teams to cover 70+ shows in 8 days takes a lot of work. Plus, the IFB conference is fairly consumer communication-oriented, whereas my sites are written primarily for industry and artists, so it's not exactly draping my sphere.
Hi! I'm looking forward to start my own blog. I'm from Argentina and here there aren't too many good blogs. Most of them are street style and personal photos from what I see. I'm not interested about posting photos of myself or my style, maybe something more general like my inspiration. I'm want to be a fashion journalist so I been thinking about writing a fashion critique/opinion blog. I'm on my own and I want it to be personal and about my thoughts about fashion in general. I've been looking blogs from around the world and couldn't find one that is more like my idea. All seem to have the "personal photos" part. If you know some blog like this would you give me the link? I want my blog to be successful and I want to know if you would read a blog without streetstyle photos.
Also, I don't know how to promote it. The idea of a facebook page and a twitter seems a lot to start with, so I think using Tumblr as a platform may give me followers.
I'm looking for advice in general, the thinks you must and mustn't do. I never had one blog before (I have my Tumblr but it's something not so many people know about and it's more personal) and I think it's a good way to start writing my opinions about fashion and do something different here in my country.
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From The Wall Street Journal: about Fashion Bloggers

How to Make It in Fashion's New Media World

It's hard to break through in the fast-evolving spheres of style blogging and social media. Several high-profile new voices in the industry have been joining Wall Street Journal reporter, Elizabeth Holmes, to talk about what it takes to succeed in thier world. .......

Bryan Grey Yambao,
You have to have soemthing in you that's really different from what everybody else is doing _ It's really, really important to have your own point of view, your own personality, what you can give to your readers - make them smile, make them laugh, get them to talk about you. I love provoking people online just to make them feel something.

Tina Craig,
You should to it because you love it. Don't do it because you think you are going to be famous ... Keep your head down, work really hard, find something you feel passionate about and just blog about that, stay focused on it. Don't worry about what other people are doing, just do what you love doing and that's - going to shine through. People will see you.

Lorenzo Marquez and Tom Fitegerald,
TF: You need to produce a ton of content. You need to constantly update. None of this once-a-week stuff - and you really shouldn't be doing this once-a-day stuff. It is multiple times a day, multiple points being made in your own voice without being repetitive, so that ther first time a person comes to you blog, they'll think, "Oh, I'm going to come back tomorrow."
LM: I remember when we still had our jobs, and we had to post every day and we had to work on the blog and it was so hard. So many times we had the conversation, "Should we keep doing this? -... We're not focusing on our real jobs so that we can pay our bills." You really have to love this in order to make it work.
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I have a blog and I don't often post my outfits on it. I prefer to write articles about fashion, whether it is new collections or just subjects I come up with. The thing is, being french I am way more skilled to write in french, and as I am studying in London, I would like to improve my english writing skills. Any tips on blogs to read or websites to check to get some advice on that?
I started fashion blogging like 6 years ago (almost) and I was rarely posting because of studying MSc and working same time and had almost zero money for fashion because of school fees now at least I can afford pieces I like and for styling& sharing in blog, reviewing. After 2 years of rare posts I was contacted by one of the most selling Turkish newspapers and they did a photoshoot and interview with 6 people including me as 'Most Fashionable Young Turks' headline and also inside the newspaper's saturday life&fashion addition and I got huge hits around that time cause in the interview my blog name was also given.It was the fortune and then my blog pretty famous, I had chance to talk with people (stylists&photographers) in the industry at fashion week events and they all knew my blog, even at one weird place one time, one of them saying is that you? she could hardly believe.:shock: I also got super lucky to have invitations and backstage pass of the first fashion week event of Istanbul: Istanbul Fashion Days.My posts and photos got super hits.In previous years I took fashion design courses and don't know what will be my blog's and my future with fashion but I always tell people who asks me: Fashion was inside me.I was born with it.

and I had hard times with should I quit or show must go on? one day a fortuneteller told me not to give up about my fashion website and I was hooked, dazed and confused.Now I am still blogging of fashion,my fashion taste,designers,style, trends and my life in Istanbul.

I wrote piece of my experiences here for new bloggers, hope it helps.:rolleyes:

tips: never give up on writing, taking photos, sharing them, getting in touch with fashion people, reading and exploring.I have thousands of magazines at home and since age 12 I was buying fashion mags like H.Bazaar, Vogue all my life reading them religiously.These make you a huge backround, perspective and fashion knowledge.Its ridiculus to see someone not even knowing important names and brands of the industry (no critizing here but once I met a fashion designer like that.She asked me why there are different Vogues on the newstands- we were at a magazine shop- and I answered they are different country editions like Vogue UK, Vogue Paris etc (black face here) )
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I have had a few fashion blogs. Ive gotten a lot of good feedback, but i grow tired too easily and dont feel like continuing because it just doesnt keep me on my toes. i have to find the correct way for me to blog that keeps me loving it.

i have two celeb style blogs though, that are doing well so far for just being started!
What Makes A Good Fashion Blog? What Do You Want To See On A Blog? Reply to Thread

I personally like blogs that are helpful. There are a lot of people out there that don’t understand how to put a look together or what colors goes best with their skin tone. Don’t get me wrong I also like to see other people style and what in fashion is relevant to them, but knowledge goes a long way. :D

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