Addicted to buying fashion magazines, who has the same problem??

i have thought about this a very long time that what if i have lots of money (meaning millions), where would i spend it? well, i'm gonna spend it on magazines! :lol: :lol: :lol: kiddin'.
^ same! i stole some too in some waiting room! i just had to have it becos it was one of Coco's earliest works before she became so big and when she was in my country. it was really old and i figured they wouldn't even notice its disappearance from the pile. :lol:

omg we need rehab!

haha im so glad im not the only one who ever did that
my mom even threatened me that she will do a garage sale of my magazines or will burn them IN FRONT OF ME if i do not let go of them.

OMG that's exactly what happens to me! My mum is a cleaning freak and every week or so, she totally freaks out and says that if I don't throw away myself at least half of my magazines, she's gonna throw them out of the window for me! :cry:
CottonMouth, I would say this is child abuse...You should sue, get a lot of money, and then you could buy some magazines!! :woot: :blush:
I've been trying to cut down after I spent nearly £75 on magazines last month. At least it varies each month because I usually only buy the biannuals and quarterlies, but they're the most expensive!

But I just love reading them. I like seeing the editorials in person, it just isn't the same on a computer screen! Everytime I go near a Borders I end up with another magazine.

It's not just the money either, I have nowhere to store them so my floor is growing these precarious towers of fashion magazine.
yes i'm addicted, i love love love magazines :wub: i don't tend to have a lot of regrets, but i seriously regret cutting up or throwing away magazines that now, knowing what i had in my hands, i would pay a lot of money to have. i try to collect everything of my favourite model, but besides that i buy what i find beautiful & interesting - doesn't matter the photographer or model or stylist, it's what captivates me because i love to dip into my collection and relive little moments in time.

as valentino said, "i love beauty, it's not my fault" :lol::heart:
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I buy approximately 12 each month. I never skip an issue because i'm OCD.
I'm not subscribed to ANY. I like the glossiness of the newsstand covers.
As magazines get more and more expensive - and the content less inspiring - I'll go in and look at what's new, and then buy the one magazine that really appeals, rather than buying a handful of them.

I subscribe as cheaply as I can to magazines in my own country (which suits the magazine as well), but imports are pricing themselves out of what I'm willing to spend, for what I get in return.
My greatest fear: Lots on E Bay....! You go to seach for- let's say Vogue magazine lots (meaning bunches of...) and presto!! People who are selling like six issues or a whole year of Vogue!!! :woot: Shipping is expensive, but talk about feeding a habit!! You can fill up a room in no time this way!! B) :o
I'm an ex-addict ...
"ex" because now i try to keep my money safe on my bank account ... + i now rarely go to my magazine dealer ... it's far from where i everyday hang out now ... and i'm more busy than i used to be (that's a big point !) ...

i just buy magazines i really really do want, now ...
i'm such an ex-addict that even when i want a magazine badly i say myself it's nuts to drive/ride +/-10km just to buy ONE magazine ... I damn missed Obama Vogue US and Lara Stone iD this way ....

But still, sometimes i have an addict crisis and make an overdose and buy like 5-7 magazines all in once ...

but some of you have real issues ... +200$ a month ??? wow ! i thought 75-100€ was already huge but 200$ !! I just wonder what's your monthly pocket money ...
My problem is that I save too many!! I have to start becoming more selective with what I keep.
I try to only buy 3 or 4 magazines a month...I don't have too many. I won't buy foreign mags if they are over 10 euro, or 8 pounds...but I do enjoy an E-Bay purchase about once every two months.
I'm glad to know there are other people like me! :woot:

All my friends and my mom think I'm weird.
Is there someone whose parents don't mind their addiction? :lol:
I try to buy only issues I really like, but my problem is that if the issue I want hasn't arrived to the store when I go looking for it, I tend to buy some other issues I was on the fence about. And that happens too often...but in the end I'm always happy I bought it.
To quote Rachel Green; "I buy 30 fashion magazines a month, but have no idea who runs the country". :lol::P

I love that too & I do it often.

Aw i do the exact same thing, and its sort of freaky how much i remember little details about what went down when i bought it, where i was, with whom.etc
This thread is like a support group.
I feel so much better about myself knowing there are others out there with the same problem as me.
I def. am addicted...:D:blush:
Ill save my lunch money( i dont eat the horrible school lunch anyway:(sick::yuk:...
then at the end of the week
ill buy a new magazine...:lol::rolleyes:i went a month without buying a magazine
and I could mom has threatened me to stop buying them:rolleyes:...
1 of my friends calls them my friends n thinks I name all the models when in
fact its really the model I jus named:angry:...i jus started buying magazines in the middle of my junior year of high now towards the end of my senior year n I have over 100^_^:P..i think it will be worse once i get a job:shock:
o well:rolleyes:

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