Alber Elbaz - Designer

Can you imagine the type of people he may hire on that « start-up » mentality!
A ton of people like the guy at Lanvin who believes that their best assets are their youth?
I’m around that mid 30’s age range but I find it so stupid! I can see old Alber trying to speak to a generation of customers that doesn’t necessarily cares about him and seeking validation from a team of designers who thinks that all that matters is a great IG strategy....

He really should have went to Dior.

Yes, I laughed when I read that interview with Lanvin´s current designer. He really is very basic if he thinks being young equals being seems he doesn´t remember a story about a certain designer who launched the "new look" when he was in his forties.

About Elbaz, I think if he wants to launch a collection of his own, he should use his full name and put all the focus on the clothes (that way he can get back all his old Lanvin customers, who are the ones with money; and not those Instagram young posers who return their purchases after the photo is taken).

But yes, he would do wonders at Dior!
He really should have went to Dior

Except that nobody from LVMH seemed too eager to have him on board.

I always thought of him as the ideal successor of Karl at Chanel.

BUT - personal opinions aside:

I think one bigger issue at play here, in this marketing-led era, is that designers with a strong personality and integrity (Elbaz but also Pilati or Phoebe) are less and lees wooed by the big luxury groups, it's just the sort of personality type that clashes with the vertical-decision model of all corporate cultures. Add to that the ongoing shift from designer-as-technician to designer-as-hype wh*re and you get the picture of the (creatively speaking) wretched times we are living through.

And I'm afraid that we'll have to endure more and more MGC or KVA sort of people in the future...
^^^ You mean back when the job was open? ;) He really wasn't ready to do anything a few years ago ...

Hmm ... project-based. Well, I guess we have to wait and see what that means. I thought he was extremely good at developing house codes. His collaborations have been good too ... at least the ones from years ago. I don't know how satisfying a piecemeal approach will be from our POV.

I had given up on ever having anything from Alber again ... maybe I will.
I am excited and I want to see him doing whatever he finds suitable for the fashion. I have always admired his work for Lanvin and missed him greatly. Keeping my fingers crossed!
that brand identity :ermm:

I know!! :huh:

'Short on detail, long on philosophy' is right! Well, let's see the clothes ...

Does anyone know what 'project-based' means? It says they won't be doing season-based, but I'm not sure what that leaves. Does it mean random capsules?
I hope the people involved in the project gets it more than us. This is the most elusive description I've ever read.
I'm really looking forward to see his team, his Lanvin had a wonderful team.
Although I know most of them are doing something else, but can't wait :clap:
So vague indeed. Elizabeth Hadida is going to be the fashion director, coming from Balenciaga and Saint Laurent.
"Alber & Amigos"??? Spanglish seems strange here! And I am saying this as a spaniard...reminds me of "Pans & Company", a spanish fast-food chain.
^ I am trying to think of Andy Warhol's Factory ;) It seems he was determined not to really use his name ... maybe because of the whole problem of losing rights to it?
So vague indeed. Elizabeth Hadida is going to be the fashion director, coming from Balenciaga and Saint Laurent.
And the Chef Atelier is the same from Lanvin when Alber is there. I can't wait to see what's happen. It looks fun and since it's not the main season, I wonder will there be another collection soon?

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