Amanda Moore

It hasn't been posted here, but it seems she has shot for an multi girl editorial of VP, according to Sara Blomqvist's blog :heart:
I miss her dearly...
Is it too much to hope for a comeback? After all the other comebacks recently? :lol:
i get the impression that she just doesn't want to model anymore.


she's gorgeous. i think anybody would give her work...
Here is the rough google translation from Sara's blog
Personally I am sitting in a studio on 15th street and going to do French Vogue with Lara Stone, Amanda Moore, Iris Strubegger and Ragnhild Jevne. Plates makes Terry Richardson and styling of Carine Roitfeld.
elle sweden
OMG i can't wait for the new french vogue editorial! I've been waiting for this moment since her last work! I wish she would just make a come back on the runway like Tasha Tilberg..that'd be a total dream! *-*
I'm actually curious to see the new editorial if those rumors are true. I can't imagine her being a model anymore these days. She didn't seem to want it anymore lately. Anyway, looking forward to it.:cool:

That song of hers totally grew on me too :flower: Kinda like it now. Got it playing in my car from time to time.

Here are some old pictures. I can't remember seeing them in this thread ^_^







Source ACI
Great pictures:woot: Thank-you:flower:
Easily one of the coolest models to ever set foot on a runway.B)
Maybe she'll do it again someday soon.:D
great find, Evanstar!

Northern Star, she is the coolest, sexiest, calmest the most beautiful to ever set foot in modeling and life... she hasn't disappoint me yet.

pleeeeeeeeeeeease come back amaaaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaa!

I couldn't have said it better myself!
so...Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase come back :cry:!!!
On her myspace page she says she's still signed with IMG and Talent..i wonder what for..hopefully getting ready for a major come back :rolleyes:! *fingers crossed*
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She's only listed on the France & UK IMG site. I actually hope the rumor about the French Vogue editorial is true. Just curious to see if she still got it :)
I wouldn't call it much of a rumor that she shot for it
I mean, Sara B wrote it herself
However, i guess its always a possibility it could get pulled from the issue
but next month's is a possibility

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