Amanda Moore

Hey, does someone have a picture of Amanda on the cover of the Australian Marie Claire August 2000 issue?

Bumping this thread.

Unfinished drawing.. I haven't drawn anything in over 7 years. Just recently I thought I'd try again. (This one's from today) Hope you can see some resemblance :p
Nice one Evenstar. It's a good likeness. Amanda in her Peter Pan stage. I'd try my hand at it if I had any drawing talent.
^ Thank you so much for posting semiexpert! Reading that made me realize that comeback is on the way. And looking at the pictures..made me miss her modelling works even more :cry: But i'm definetely looking forward to listen to her album..for which she'll probably have to do a promotional photoshoot. And hope's up for the Vogue Paris ed..even though it's been ages since the news spread..
amanda's back up on the IMG New York site, and there are new polaroids of her too. hadn't been on there in a while, so I don't know if this is old news. I wish she'd do more shows!!!
:woot:OMG! Hopefully this will mean that she really IS back :woot: God..i shouldn't get my hopes up but i have actually never seen her polas before..they look pretty recent! Please..let this mean something :cry:^_^
^^you mean this?

yes it looks quite new to me.
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Did she move back to NY to model or something? Seems like her LA home is up for sale.(and that's just a rumor)
^ We can only hope that the rumor is true! I would know to know more though. That'd be heaven if she came back to modeling full time :heart:
i'd love to see her do more modeling, though i wish her success in her music career which she seems to be pretty serious about. I'll keep my eyes peeled in NY. Before she moved to LA i used to see her at a gay bar once in a while. Probably the reason she's one of my favorite models. she has real presence, a natural integrity. which i think comes through in her modeling work.
Yeah, I hope it's okay by Amanda that I took the picture from her Myspace, if she's not.. she can PM me.. anytime ;)
A couple of oldies that i don't remember seeing in this thread ^_^
V - august 2004
By Terry Richardson
Oh..the gorgeousness of this woman never fails to amaze me :heart: Thanks for posting ^_^

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