Anita Pallenberg

She looks a LOT older than sixty-three. My mom is seventy-eight and she doesn't look as bad as Anita, although she has never smoked cigarettes and has lived an extremely clean lifestyle. The leo print with the gold necklace is exactly what I was talking about. What was she thinking?


I've also noticed that in almost every other photo of Anita she is always wearing a hat. Being a hat lover, I'd love to see the assortment.
60swildchild said:
I've also noticed that in almost every other photo of Anita she is always wearing a hat. Being a hat lover, I'd love to see the assortment.

aye, me too. I've always loved her wide brimmed black fedora + the unique art deco-inspired piece w/ golden sequins she wore at the perfomance premiere.
unfortunately it's exceedingly difficult nowadays to find proper ladies hats (apart from ebay).
^you are v. welcome.

cover of the book [SIZE=-1]égéries sixties by fabrice gaignault....


I'm very curious about it, judging from the short description it seems to be a FANTASTIC read.[/SIZE]
unfortunately, it appears to be only available in France :angry:
for those who speak french,here's the résumé du livre from (couldn't find it in english,will try to translate it later)....

"Début des années 1960. Des filles se rencontrent à Paris dans l'agence de mannequins de Catherine Harlé : Nico, Anita Pallenberg, Amanda Lear, Anna Karina... Libres, extravagantes, gonflées, elles font les beaux jours et les belles nuits de la Rive gauche et croisent d'autres beautés : Zouzou, Caroline de Bendern, Tina Aumont, Marie France, Valérie Lagrange, Deborah Dixon... Plus qu'une bande, ces femmes incarnent un état d'esprit, une allure, et vont influencer profondément leurs amants, des figures du rock : Brian Jones, Keith Richards, David Bowie, parmi d'autres. Peindre l'existence de ces véritables stars, c'est remonter le fil qui relie la mode de Carnaby Street à celle du boulevard saint-Germain. C'est s'inviter à des parties hallucinantes, des deux côtés du Channel. C'est entrevoir, à travers ces égéries touche-à-tout, ce qui rapproche le monde des Rolling Stones de l'univers de Philippe Garrel."
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" at the beginning of the sixties. some girls meet up at the model agency of catherine harlé in paris: nico,anita pallenberg,amanda lear, anna karina...
free,extravagant,sassy, they experience the beautiful days and nights of rive gauche and meet other beauties: Zouzou, Caroline de Bendern, Tina Aumont, Marie France, Valérie Lagrange, Deborah Dixon...
more than a gang, these women incarnate a free spirit,an allure, and will deeply influence their lovers, the characters of rock: f.e. brian jones, keith richards, david bowie.
to depict the life of these true stars, it's to lift the strand (this is SO wrong :lol:) that connects carnaby street's fashion with the one of boulevard saint-germain. it's to attend the hallucinating parties, the two sides of the channel.
it's to foresee what links the world of the rolling stones to the universe of philippe garrel."
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A pic of Anita at Louis Vuitton FW07
from the snejana onopka thread posted by mui mui.


  • img_2472.jpg
    158.1 KB · Views: 45
This is Anita right? :unsure: Maybe from DOM?

IcePrincess said:
This is Anita right? :unsure: Maybe from DOM?

haha, I really like those lads from the jonestown massacre.:p
it's definitely anita, yes.
may I ask you where got that band shirt pic from?

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