Annely Bouma

Re-Edition Winter 15.16

Photographer: Richard Bush
Stylist: Sarah Richardson
Makeup: Petros Petrohilos
Hair: Martin Cullen

Models: Estella Boersma, Adrienne Jüliger, Stella Lucia, Sanne Vloet, Olympia Campbell, Damaris Goddrie, Misha Hart, Romy Schonberger, Christina Carey, Lily Jean Harvey, Frederikke Sofie Falbe-Hansen, & Annely Bouma
Harper's Bazaar Spain, December 2015
"Sombras magicas"
Amely Bouma by Joan Braun
Harper's Bazaar ES pdf


In terms of the fashion world’s fondness for waifish, doll faced beauties–or its affair with the rarer yet jolie laide types, Annely Bouma is by no means the archetype of the modeling industry. She’s an enigmatic beauty where glamour is concerned, and her shoulder length, straw colored hair and pale green eyes could make her an old-world painter’s muse, but in the modern sense, she’s appealed to photographers and designers alike with a look that is both unique and guileless in its natural prettiness. The wanderlusting, 27 year old Dutch model started older than most, and so by contrast, she’s outlived most of her younger self’s naiveté, allowing her to move assuredly, navigating the sometimes tolling lifestyle of being an already in-demand face. She’s a frequenter in edgier publications like Pop and Self Service, and with appearances in spotlighting campaigns like Jil Sander, Annely Bouma is making her mark and building staying-power. Driu and Tiago photograph the worldly model poetically posed in a golden meadow and sat down with Annely to discuss her latest state of mind.

Photographer: Driu Crilly & Tiago Martel (Lalaland Artists)
Stylist: Katie Burnett
Hair by Kei Terada ( Julian Watson Agency)
Hair Assistant: Sachi Yamashita
Makeup by Min Kim
Model: Annely Bouma / Viva Model Management London

Text and interview by Steven Yatsko

When did you first start modeling and how did you get into it?

I’ve been with my mother agency over ten years. But I always stayed at home doing smaller jobs. It was never really me, I could never give myself, I could never commit to it 100% because it didn’t feel right for some reason. I don’t know what it was. So I studied and did a lot of things. I also back packed for two years.

What were you studying?

It was sport with a psychology twist in it. It was two different studies, but my idea was that I wanted to work with prisons and use sport as a therapy.

Are you still interested in that?

I think my ambitions changed. I’m happy that I had that goal. It’s still possible one day if I wanted to.

What changed?

I moved to Australia a couple of years ago then moved back to Holland and didn’t see my mother agency for a very long time. They called me and were like, “Come over.” I just cut my hair from long to short and my booker took polaroids. I walked into the agency with the intentions that maybe this was it. I was going to emigrate to Australia, and I didn’t know if I was going to move back there [to Holland]. Three days later I was sitting in Paris, meeting with Viva.

Were you 100% committed then?

My partner was like, “Annely, you have a second chance, why don’t you do it?” I thought I was too old.

How old were you at the time?

This is over one and half years ago and I’m 27 years now. So I thought I thought I was way too old. But I thought, okay, I’ll give it a go, let’s do it. And I’m totally going to go for it. And I’m very happy I took that step. Very happy.

Now going into it, are you glad you went into it at that age?

Yes. Absolutely. I’ve traveled so much more, I’ve got so much more life experience than when I was 16-17. I don’t know how the girls do it now.

Do you find being 27 and more self aware, you’re able to participate more in shoots, rather than just being a model?

Looking at myself, I’m very conscious. I get it. I get my body. I know how my body moves. I think it works in a positive way for me. There’s a massive difference in age and life experience and where my headspace is.

Obviously people want to shoot you. Do you understand what people see in you?

I get it, I get that. I get it being in this industry, but I don’t know…sometimes it’s a back and forth. That’s alright.

With any job.

Every job has something, you just have to make it your own little world.

I think as long as you’re offering people yourself and being part of the process you can do it for a long time. Once you’re over it, that when people are over you. They’ll say, “Oh she’s not participating anymore.”

I want it. This is my life now. I love this job. It’s great. When I hear some girls complaining during shows and shoots… yes it’s hard work, but there are jobs out there that are a billion times worse, it’s an amazing job, you should be very grateful that you’re able to do this.

So now you’ve been seriously modeling for how long?

Well, when I signed with Viva, it was November, so two years. But I took a break for six months from January to June. My fiancé passed away. So I took a break and then I started again.

I always ask the question – do you think modeling is a luxury?

Yes absolutely. It’s one of the biggest luxuries. Yes it’s hard work, but when I was twenty or nineteen I worked in a bar or doing events, I was working 7 days a week, 15 hours a day. Well, you would never do that, even during fashion week you’re not standing on your legs for fifteen hours a day. So there are worse jobs.

So you would say you’re passionate about modeling?

I am and I really appreciate it. It’s a great job and there’s lots of travel. It’s an amazing way to travel. And from every trip I do for work, I take a little and try to stay for a couple extra days.

Where is your favorite place that you’ve been so far?

I moved to Tasmania for a little bit and it is absolutely breathtaking– the nature and you have a little city and fresh air and amazing ocean. I was living there, I met my boyfriend at the moment there. At the time I wasn’t allowed to work, I was fighting for my work visa, so I helped my boyfriend with his career. It’s one of my favorite places.

Do you go back?

Yep, last I was there was two weeks ago.

Are you still getting excited about bookings?

Yes. This job is 24/7 and basically becomes your life. So yeah when everything goes well it makes me excited.

What about things that go not the way you imagined?

Yeah it’s a bit tough sometimes, it’s a tough world.

Does it help that you’re now 27 and a bit more secure?

Yes, but on the other side it’s very easy to overthink it. When I was young everything would just flow and flow and now I’m starting to think about how does this industry work? What can you change? But you can’t overthink this industry.

What is your method to navigating at the moment?

I’m just going to let it all go. I’m not going to try to control it, because you can’t.

Is that like your personality?

Yeah, naturally I’m really positive.

Have you been able to maintain that so far?

There’s always this moment during fashion week when you think, “Oh my god, what the hell am I doing? I got cancelled for this…” and then something else gets booked and you’re really happy. You go through all these moods. This time, before I started I was like I’ll just see where it goes, whatever happens–happens. You can’t control it. Go to the clients, be nice, be the person you are.

How do you balance your work and non-work life? Is it easy to balance? Is traveling part of that?

Yeah, I make time. My free time is basically seeing friends and family and traveling. Doing little trips. And I’m still part of the organizing of a festival where I’m still going each year. It’s [called] Madness. It’s a festival on the beach, a skate, surf and outdoor music festival. I’m still in that, so spending time on that. I build it all up.

Do you do any of those things?

Surf. I don’t skate, I wish I could, I’m so afraid. It’s the same with a massive wave or reef with surfing.

So how about a favorite or memorable shoot or a horror story?

Surely if I say now then I’ll think later, “Oh that one was even better!” Always location shoots, because I love shooting on location and I really like shooting with Rory Payne, I’ve shot with him in Gran Canaria. The whole team had such a good connection and we all stayed an extra day. Actually, I had an amazing shoot last week with [not out yet] in Stockholm and I stayed an extra day as well and we all went to the theme park at night. it’s in the middle of the city–rollercoasters, some drinks, and then went out. Also it was with half of a Dutch team, which never happens. It was funny to be able to speak my own language for a change, because I’ve never get that.

So since you’re traveling a lot where are most of your friends based?

That’s always tough. Sometimes I’m really confused at what is home, because I think home is where your friends and your loved ones are. I’ve got my very close friends in Holland and a couple in Australia. I find that it’s hard to say. I think Holland, I have got my closest friends from when I was young.

Sleek magazine Winter 2015

photographer benjamin vnuk
stylist tereza ortiz

Cover magazine December 2015

ph: Philipp Messmann
st: Markus Soder
Russh magazine December 2015

Is there a place?

James Nelson - Photographer
Verity Parker - Fashion Editor/Stylist
Jose Quijano - Hair Stylist
Zoe Taylor - Makeup Artist

Vogue Germany, March 2016
"Feel free"
photographer: Stefan Heinrichs
stylist: Nicola Knels
hair: Naoki Kumiya
make-up: Hugo Villard
model: Annely Bouma & ?
Vogue DE digital edition

Last edited by a moderator:
Vogue Germany, April 2016
"Meister-works" / "Masterworks"
photographer: Emma Tempest
stylist: Claudia Englmann
hair: Ali Pirzadeh
make-up: Sandra Cooke
model: Annely Bouma

Vogue DE digital edition
Big big questionmarks here...

Wanda Nylon F/W 16.17 Paris
Flair Italy May 2016

“Daily Gesture”

photographed by Daniel Riera
styling by Tanya Jones

Whitelies magazine S/S 2016

ph: Marius Uhlig
st: Paul Maximilian Schlosser


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